Thema Health and welfare - hv12

Thema Health and welfare - hv12

Health and welfare


Welcome to the thirteenth theme of English.
This theme is about Health and welfare. It’s about the health and happiness of people.

By listening, reading, speaking and writing.

You are going to visit websites. You are going to play games and practice.
You read, write and listen to people who talk about physical and mental health and about healthy habits.
By practicing a lot your English will improve!

Have fun!

Getting started

You have just started the theme Health and welfare.
You will find different things to watch, to listen to, to read and of course to do.
There are videos, recordings, pictures, photos, texts and exercises.
There are different types of exercises. Some of them you have to do on your own, others you are doing in a group.

At the end of those group exercises you are going to discuss the answers in your group. Some exercises will be checked by the computer.

Need to know

Word cloud

We have made a word cloud based on an article about health and welfare. The more a word is used in the article, the bigger it is in the word cloud.

Discuss in English the word cloud with a classmate

  • What are the most important words in the article.
  • Do you know all the words in the word cloud?
    If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in a(n) (online) dictionary.
  • Can you come up with some more words that have to do with health and welfare?
    Write down at least five more words.

Can do

In this theme you will focus on the following 'can do' statements.


  • You understand basic sentences about the theme Health and welfare when people talk slowly and clearly.


  • You understand simple sentences in a simple story when words are used about the theme Health and welfare.

Gesprekken voeren

  • You can take part in a simple conversation about Health and welfare. The person you are speaking to speaks slowly and sometimes repeats sentences. They also help you to formulate what you are trying to say.
  • ​You can ask and answer simple questions about the theme Health and welfare.


  • You can use simple expressions and sentences about the theme Health and welfare.


  • You can write a short, simple story and an email. In doing so, you use words that have to do with the theme Health and welfare.

To do

In this project you are going to do the following things:

  • Listen to people who talk about doctors, injuries, dentists, hospitals and healthy habits.
  • Read about doctors, dentists, hospitals and healthy habits.
  • Write emails and a social media message.
  • Talk about visiting the dentist, doctor or hospital and about your healthy habits.

But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps (lessons) you'll find out what you need to know!





The doctor

Listen to a podcast in which someone talks about an injury.
Read, speak and write about going to the GP.

Grammar: Practise with the will-future.


The dentist

Watch a video, read, speak and write about going to the dentist.

Grammar: Practise with the present perfect.


The hospital

Read a text about hospital rules.
Listen to an audioclip, speak and write about going to the hospital.

Grammar: Practise with much, many, little and few.


Healthy habits

Listen, read, speak and write about healthy habits.

Grammar: Make a grammar test.


Hieronder vind je de vier blokken die horen bij dit thema.
Maak je keuze.

Blok 1

The doctor

Blok 2

The dentist

Blok 3

The hospital

Blok 4

Healthy habits


Vocabulary Health and Welfare

These words and chunks can help you with the lessons. You don't need to learn them by heart.
Deze woorden en chunks kunnen je helpen bij je lessen. Je hoeft ze niet uit je hoofd te leren.

Vocabularylist Health and welfare A Health and welfare chunks A
Vocabularylist health and welfare B Health and welfare chunks B
Vocabularylist Health and welfare C  














Er zijn veel manieren om te werken aan je woordenschat.
Je kunt de woorden hardop uitspreken of kopiëren.
Klik in Wozzol op de rode pijl voor de verschillende opties.

Finishing touch

Je hebt de blokken van het thema 'Health and welfare' doorgewerkt.
Tijd voor de Finishing touch.
Je vindt hier drie extra schrijf- of spreekopdrachten.
Kies er een of twee uit. Werk samen met een klasgenoot.
Maak daarna de D-toets en beantwoord de evaluatievragen.


Project A: Let’s build a habit

Let’s build a habit
Een video begrijpen, schrijven

You are going to get insight into your habits and write a plan to build a new habit or habits with the help of a video. Use the worksheet.

  1. Watch the introduction of the video (until 1:17).
    In the video they say that there is a gap between who you are and who you wish to be. Take a moment to think about who would you like to become and which habits you’d like to build.
  2. Watch the next part of the video (1:18-4:04) and answer the following questions:
    • What do the highways in your brain look like?
    • What does this mean for the habits you have now? Make a list of the habits you have now.
  3. Watch the next part of the video (4:05-6:09) and answer the following questions:
    • In your opinion, what are your bad habits?
    • Try to identify the triggers for your bad habits.
  4. Watch the next part of the video (6:10-8:10).
    • Write down at least one habit you’d like to build.
    • Break this habit down into small separate actions like explained in the video.
    • Link your small actions to triggers that will help you to build the habit.
  5. Watch the last part of the video (until 9:59).
    • Write down a way or some ways to make your actions enjoyable.

You have done a good job if you:

  • understood the video.
  • have identified your current habits.
  • have made a plan to build a new habit.
  • have written complete and correct English sentences.

Project B: Get well card

Get well card
Schriftelijk corresponderen, wensbrief schrijven

Your English penpal ended up in hospital while on holiday in France. You decide to write her a card.
Write a short message for your friend of at least ten sentences.


  • a get-well wish
  • tips about what to do in the hospital if your friend is bored
  • a nice, supportive ending

Tip: Ask a classmate to read you card and to give you feedback.
You have done a good job if:

  • you have written a get-well card in English of at least eight sentences.
  • your card includes a get-well wish.
  • you have given a tip about what to do in the hospital.
  • you ended your letter in a nice way
  • you asked a classmate to give you feedback.

Project C: Healthcare jobs

Healthcare jobs
Lezen, een presentatie geven

There are a lot of different jobs that you could do in healthcare. Read the descriptions of a few of those jobs below. Choose one and prepare a presentation about it.


  • Assisting Doctors or Supervisors with patients
  • Administering treatment to patients
  • Performing exams
  • Collecting and interpreting patient information
  • Contacting patients regarding tests or upcoming appointments

Dental hygienist

  • Screening patients during check-ups
  • Reviewing a patient’s dental history
  • Recommending care to improve a patient’s oral health
  • Teaching patients about proper teeth cleaning techniques
  • Performing preventive dental care
  • Applying fluoride treatments
  • Taking x-rays and reviewing them for signs of dental diseases

Medical assistant

  • Schedule appointments
  • Obtain blood samples
  • Perform data entry
  • Measure and record vital signs
  • Clean exam rooms
  • Answer phone calls


  • Conducting initial consultations to gather patient information
  • Assessing patients’ emotional and mental health and developing treatment plans to meet them
  • Asking questions and listening to help patients explore their thoughts and feelings
  • Leading patients through mental exercises and role-playing activities when beneficial
  • Counselling and advising patients on issues of importance to them
  • Intervening with emergency care techniques and protocols when patients are in crisis
  • Providing referrals for additional care or services when required
  • Maintaining detailed confidential records



In your presentation, tell your classmates about:

  • Why you chose this job
  • What the job entails
  • If you would like to do this job and why (not).

Talk for 2 to 3 minutes.

You have done a good job if:

  • you choose a job
  • you talked about all the points of your presentation
  • you spoke clearly
  • everybody understood you
  • your presentation lasted 2 to 3 minutes.


Test je kennis. Maak de diagnostische toets.

What did you learn?

You started this theme with doing the test in the section Need to know.

  • Do the test again.
  • Are the results better than the first time?

At the end of each assignment, you have answered evaluation questions. Use these answers to answer the following questions.

  • What new things did you learn?
  • Which assignment was the best one to learn from?
  • Are you able to do what you have to do according to the Can-do statements?
  • Did making the assignments go well?
  • Which activity is still difficult for you?

In the introduction of each double period there is an indication of the amount of time you need to do the activity.

  • What do you think of this time indication?

Group work

  • How did you experience working in a group?
  • Did each member of the group do the same amount of work?


  • What did you think of the projects?



De Verderkijker biedt bij dit thema passende externe linkjes naar uitleg, oefenmateriaal of filmpjes. Voor het thema Health and welfare zijn de volgende items geselecteerd.

Grammatica - will future (of to be going to):

Grammatica - has/have + voltooid deelwoord (Present perfect):

Grammatica - has/have + voltooid deelwoord:

Grammatica - many and much, few and little:

Lezen - Schrijven - Luisteren - Kijken - Spreken:

In de Verderkijker wordt gebruikgemaakt van beeld- en filmmateriaal dat beschikbaar is op internet. Bij het gebruik zijn we uitgegaan van fair use. Mocht u vragen/opmerkingen hebben, of constateert u een niet-werkende link, horen wij dit natuurlijk graag. Dit kan via onze helpdesk.

  • Het arrangement Thema Health and welfare - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2024-08-14 09:25:30

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 13 'Health and welfare'. Hier worden onderwerpen besproken zoals dokters, verwondingen, tandartsen en ziekenhuizen, gezonde gewoontes. Het thema omvat de volgende onderwerpen: The doctor, The dentist, The hospital en Healthy habits. De grammaticaopdrachten behandelen de 'future', present perfect, much and many en few and little. De laatste grammaticaopdracht bevat een grammaticatoets.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 3; VWO 3; HAVO 2;
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    arrangeerbaar, engels, health and welfare, healthy habits, hv123, stercollectie, the dentist, the doctor, the hospital

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