Environmental issues
1. Introduction
These days you cannot go a week without hearing about climate change and the environment. Are things actually getting better or not? What does that mean for your future and for your children's futures? What do you think about all the environmental problems in the world today? In this webquest, you will learn how to write an argumentative text conveying your opinion on environmental issues such as global warming, melting of the ice caps, overpopulation, pollution, etc. First you will have to investigate these issues and pick one about which you want to write your argumentative text. Then you will learn the outline of an argumentative text and finally you will write a well-founded text disclosing your viewpoint.
2. Task
In this webquest you will research several topics regarding the environment in order to eventually write an argumentative text about a chosen topic.
Goal: Writing an argumentative text of approximately 1000 words.
- You look up information about the environment. What is it, what are the main issues, how has it evolved, what is being done to improve the situation.
Tip: write down all the sources you find useful. It will save you time later.
- You choose one specific topic or issue from all the information about environmental issues you have researched such as deforestation, pollution, climate change, … Then you choose which information regarding that topic you want to use in your argumentative text.
- You make an outline of your argumentative text which gives a general idea of what your text will look like and what it will be about. You can find more information about making an outline under ‘Sources’. You will need an outline before you start writing your text.
- You write an argumentative text.
3. Process
What exactly you should do in the following three classes. You will be working individually, but the teacher will be around in case you want to ask questions.
- Class 1: You read the entire webquest through and make sure you understand the assignment. You research the topic starting by going through the links in ‘Sources’. Remember to write down all other sources that you use.
After going through the sources and doing your own research, choose a topic you want to give your opinion on and start making an outline of your argumentative text. You will find a step-by-step explanation of how to make such an outline. Follow the steps and make an outline for your text. It does not matter if you are for or against something, as long as your arguments are sound.
- Class 2: You will either still be in your research phase or you will be continuing to work on your outline. When you finish the outline, call your teacher over so he can review it. Do not start writing your argumentative text until your teacher gives you the go-ahead because your outline could still need to be revised.
When your teacher approves, you can start writing the first draft of your argumentative text. You have the information you want to use in your text and you have your outline with possible notes from your teacher. Now you start to write a first draft of your argumentative text. You review this draft yourself, but you can ask the teacher for notes if you wish.
If you do not finish your outline during the second class, finish it at home and send it to your teacher’s e-mail address for review. Send the outline no later than two days after the second class. If you need more time, please notify the teacher.
- Class 3: You have either already started writing your argumentative text during the second class or you will start writing it now. Start with a first draft, then a possible second draft before starting your final draft. After each draft, review your text yourself or you can also ask your teacher for notes if you want. It may be a good idea to let a fellow classmate read your text and give their opinion.
Your final draft must be approximately 1000 words. Proofread your text for spelling and grammar mistakes. You will most likely be writing the text in Word, so use the built-in spellchecker to avoid mistakes. When you finish your argumentative text, send it to your teacher’s e-mail address to be marked, together with the outline of your text. If you cannot finish the text in class, you can finish it at home. Send the finished text no later than two days after the class. If you need more time, please notify the teacher.
4. Resources
5. Evaluation
Your text will be reviewed and marked as soon as possible. You will be assessed on the content, writing style and structure of your argumentative text.
- Concerning content, you will be evaluated on whether or not you kept to the assignment. Therefore, the text must be argumentative and the arguments well-founded and true. You can of course give your subjective opinion as long as it is not a complete lie.
- Your text will also be judged on style. The sentences must follow each other fluently and grammar and spelling should be correct.
Tip: you are working on the computer, so use the spell checker!
- The structure of your text is also an important factor in the quality of your text and will be scored thusly. Keep to the outline of an argumentative text, use paragraphs that follow each other smoothly and use linking words wherever needed. You already made an outline that was reviewed by your teacher, stick to it.
Not at all
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Content: does the text contain the typical features of an argumentative text as shown in the outline example. |
Content: are the arguments well-founded? |
Style: are there many spelling mistakes? |
Style: are there many grammar mistakes? |
Structure: are the sentences and paragraphs linked well? |
Structure: are all the elements from the outline present in the argumentative text? |
.../30 |
6. Conclusion
What will you have learned after finishing the webquest?
- You know the main environmental issues that today’s world has to deal with.
- You can select and order information you find online.
- You know the outline of an argumentative text.
- You can write a well-substantiated argumentative text.
7. Teacherpage
- Title: Environmental issues
- Language: English
- Topic: environmental issue
- Objective: writing an argumentative text
- Link curriculum: https://pro.g-o.be/blog/documents/2014-014.pdf
- Subject area and level: English 6 ASO
- Initial situation: the students have succesfully finished 5 ASO and they have a good grasp of English
- Target group: 3rd grade secondary school
- The final product of the webquest: an argumentative text
- Estimated duration: Three classes of 50 min
- Author webquest: Steven Dendoncker
- Published on 14/06/2019
- Lesson preperation: