11.2 Social media - hv12

11.2 Social media - hv12

Social media


The subject of this double period is social media.

  • Work together with two or three classmates.

Discuss the following questions in your group in English:

  • Facebook is an example of a ‘social networking website’.
    Which other social networking sites do you know? Which do you use yourself?
  • Which social networking websites do you not use? Why not?
  • Together, write a list of social networking websites and write for every social networking website what you think the target group (=doelgroep) is.








Find out what you already know.


Step 1

The effect of social media

You can understand an interview about social media and answer questions about it.


Step 2

The pros and cons of social media

You can read a text about the pros and cons of social media and answer questions about it.


Step 3


You can understand and use the vocabulary about social media.


Step 4

Bezittelijk voornaamwoord

You can understand and use possessive pronouns.


Step 5

Tell me about social media

You can have a debate about social media sites.


Step 6

A social media post

You can write a social media post.


Step 7


Reflecting on what you have learned.


Step 1 - Listening

The effect of social media

You are going to listen to an interview between father and daughter about social media.

  • Work together with three or four classmates and do exercise 1.
  • Read the statements.
  • Watch the video until 4:55 and do exercise 2 alone.
  • Do exercise 3.

Exercise 1

Discuss the following questions in your group in English:

  • Is social media suitable for children? And from which age?
  • What are the dangers of social media?
  • Do you think social media is addictive? Why (not)?
Exercise 3

Write down the answers to these questions and discuss them in your group:

  • How often do you use social media?
  • What would your parents say if you told them this?
  • Do you want to change the way you use social media? Why (not)?

Step 2 - Reading

The pros and cons of social media

You are going to read an online article about the pros and cons of social media.

  • Work together with three or four classmates and do exercise 1.
  • Read the text and do exercise 2 alone.
  • Do exercise 3.
Exercise 1

Discuss the following questions in your group in English:

  • Why do you use social media?
  • Tell each other about something positive that you’ve experienced on social media.
  • Tell each other about something bad or negative that you’ve experienced on social media.
Exercise 3

At the end of the article the reader is asked the following question:

  • What are the pros and cons of social media for you?

Discuss this question in your group.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

Woordenlijst Social media

Step 4 - Grammar

Do you remember? In English there are two different kinds of possessive pronouns.

  • This is my pen. – Dit is mijn pen.
  • That pen is mine. – Die pen is van mij.

Study the explanation of possessive pronouns. Think about these questions:

  • What do you notice about his?
  • Which two meanings does your have?

Bezittelijk voornaamwoord

Now, do the following exercises.

Step 5 - Speaking

Debate: Social media

You have watched a video and read a text about social media. Now, you are going to have a debate with your classmates about the subject. Use the description below.


  1. Make groups of three.
  2. Read the descriptions of the three roles and decide who is going to do what.
  3. Prepare your roles.
  4. If needed, write down some key words to help you during the conversation.

Having the debate

  1. Role A introduces the subject.
  2. Role B gives their arguments in favour of the use of social media.
  3. Role C reacts to B’s arguments and gives their arguments against the use of social media.
  4. Role B reacts to C’s arguments.
  5. Role A thanks Role B and C and says who the winner of the debate is and why.

Role A
You are going to lead and judge the debate. You will introduce the topic at the beginning of the debate. Make sure your introduction is 1-2 minutes long.
At the end of the debate you are going to decide who won the debate. Give at least one argument as to why that person won.

Role B
You are going to argue in favour of the use of social media. Prepare at least two arguments.

Role C
You are going to argue against the use of social media. Prepare at least two arguments.

Step 6 - Writing

Write a social media post

Write a caption for a post on social media.
You are going to pretend you are going to post a photo on social media.
Choose one of these three photos or make picture or video yourself and write a caption in English of at least 60 words.

  • Make sure your caption clearly belongs to the photo you’ve chosen.
  • Make sure your caption catches the reader’s attention.
  • Encourage the reader to like or comment on the post.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learned in this double period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • Are there things you don't quite understand yet? How are you going to deal with them?
  • What do you have to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement 11.2 Social media - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2023-06-14 11:35:01

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 11 'Press and media'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Social Media. In deze les worden verschillende aspecten van sociale media besproken zoals het effect van sociale media en de voor- en nadelen ervan. Bij de schrijfopdracht wordt een post voor social media geschreven. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt het bezittelijk voornaamwoord behandeld.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, bezittelijk voornaamwoord, effect van sociale media, engels, hv12, social media, sociale media post, stercollectie, voor- en nadelen sociale media