8.3 Fruit and veg - hv12

8.3 Fruit and veg - hv12

Fruit and veg


The subject of this double period is fruit and veg.

  • Make groups of three or four.
  • Discuss these questions in English with your group:
    • How many servings (porties) of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day?
    • What are your favourite fruits and vegetables?
    • How do you like your vegetables: raw, cooked, stir-fried?
    • What other ways of preparing vegetables do you know?
    • Write down as many fruits and vegetables as you know in one minute.








Find out what you already know.


Step 1


You can understand a video about fruit and answer questions.


Step 2


You can understand a text about vegetables and answer questions.


Step 3


You can understand and use vocabulary about fruit and vegetables.


Step 4

Possessive pronouns

You can understand and use possessive pronouns.


Step 5

A conversation about healthy food

You can have a conversation about healthy food.


Step 6

A blog about a healthy diet

You can write a blog about improving your eating habits.


Step 7


Reflecting on what you have learnt.


Step 1 - Listening

You are going to watch a video in which Dr. Giles Yeo talks about fruit.

  • Watch the video.
  • While watching, think about the following questions:
    • What is it about fruit that can make it bad for you?
    • Does that mean you should stop eating fruit? Make sure you can explain your answer.

Do the exercises.

Step 2 - Reading


‘Veg’ is short for ‘vegetables’.
You are going to read a text about vegetables.

  • Read the text.
  • While reading, think about the following question: Can you summarize what this text is about in one short sentence?


Raw vs Cooked: The Healthiest Ways to Eat Your Veggies

When it comes to raw vs cooked vegetables, what are the healthiest ways to eat them to get the most nutrients? Learn what the science and the experts say about the best ways to prepare your veggies to get the most benefits.

1          Raw diets have been getting a lot of attention. Some people believe eating raw foods means you’re getting more nutrients. Or that cooking food kills the natural enzymes in plants, as well as the vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, other people say cooked foods are easier on your digestion, are healthier, and sometimes taste better.

So what’s the truth about raw vs cooked vegetables? How should you be eating your veggies to get the most benefits?

Are More Nutrients Always Better?

2          Raw vegetables often contain more nutrients. So naturally, many people think they’re healthier for you. And sometimes that’s true. But the reality is more complex.

When it comes to the good-for-you components of foods, Michael Greger, MD, says: “It’s not what you eat, it’s what you absorb.”

A 2010 study (published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) found that more nutrients weren’t always better.

For example, participants who ate mostly raw vegetables consumed more beta-carotene per day than any other group. But participants who ate mostly cooked vegetables absorbed the most of this critical antioxidant.

When you cook your veggies, you lose some nutrients. But others become more available for your body to use.

Raw vs Cooked: Some of the Benefits of Cooked Vegetables

3          In addition to beta-carotene, cooked veggies give your body more of certain other antioxidants, such as lutein (which is good for your eyes) and lycopene (which helps protect your heart and your bones).

Cooked vegetables can also give you more minerals. Heating releases bound calcium, making more of the mineral available for the body to absorb. And the difference can be significant. Cooked spinach has 245 mg/cup of calcium, while raw spinach only has 30 mg/cup!

4          Cooking can have other benefits too. A 2009 study (published by the Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology journal and conducted by Harvard University) showed that cooking:

  • makes chewing easier,

  • makes food more easily digestible, and

  • improves the net energy value of foods.

With many vegetables, the best way to prepare them is the way that gets you to eat them. If cooking them means you’ll eat more, that could be a very good thing.

[Bron: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/raw-vs-cooked-vegetables/]

Do the exercises.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

Woordenlijst Fruit and veg hv12

Step 4 - Grammar

Om aan te geven van wie iets is, gebruik je bezittelijke voornaamwoorden (possessive pronouns). Er zijn twee verschillende soorten.

This is my book. – Dit is mijn boek.
That book is mine. – Dat boek is van mij.

Bestudeer uit de Kennisbank het onderdeel Bezittelijk voornaamwoord. Denk na over deze vragen:

  • Wat valt je op aan ‘it’?
  • Welk bezittelijk voornaamwoord heeft altijd dezelfde vorm?
  • Welk voorzetsel zie je soms vóór een zelfstandig gebruikt bezittelijk voornaamwoord?

Bezittelijk voornaamwoord

Do the exercises.

Step 5 - Speaking

A conversation about healthy food

You are going to have a discussion with a classmate about healthy food. Use the speech cards.


  1. Prepare for both roles.
  2. Write down a couple of words and phrases to help you in your conversation.
  3. Pay special attention to the correct use of possessive pronouns.
  4. Practise the conversations.

Having the interview

  1. Find another pair to work with.
  2. Have your conversations.
  3. Ask your classmates to write down feedback for you.
  4. Next, let them have their conversations and write down feedback for them. Pay special attention to the correct use of possessive pronouns.
  5. Discuss what went well and what you can do better next time.

Niveau A2
Persoon A: Speech card - persoon A.


Persoon A


Vertel aan B dat je graag gezonder wilt eten.


Leg uit: je wilt voortaan alleen nog rauwe groente eten en smoothies drinken.


Leg uit waarom je alleen nog rauwe groente wilt eten: meer voedingsstoffen.


Reageer: dat wist je niet. Vraag of je voortaan alle groente moet koken.


Reageer positief. Vraag of smoothies drinken dan wel goed is.


Vraag of er nog verschil is tussen vruchten. Noem je drie lievelingsvruchten: mag je die nog eten?


Bedank B.


Niveau A2
Persoon B: Speech card - persoon B.


Persoon B


Reageer. Vraag wat A daarmee bedoelt.


Vraag waarom de ander alleen nog rauwe groente wil eten.


Vertel dat het wat ingewikkelder ligt. Geef een argument voor het eten van gekookte groente.


Zeg dat dat niet hoeft. Leg het uit.


Geef antwoord. Onderbouw het met een argument.


Geef antwoord en bied voor minstens één genoemde vrucht een gezonder alternatief.


Sluit af en wens de ander succes met de nieuwe levensstijl.


Beoordeling: Speech card – A conversation about healthy food

Step 6 - Writing

A blog about a healthy diet

You have watched a video about fruit and you have read a text about vegetables. Now you are going to write a blog about your eating habits and what you could do to improve them.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Introduce your topic.
  • Write down what you eat on a typical day.
  • Sum up what you have learnt about fruit and vegetables in this lesson.
  • Describe how you could improve your own eating habits.
  • Write a short conclusion: do you think you are actually going to do it?
  • Pay special attention to the correct use of possessive pronouns.
  • Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learnt in this double period?
Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • Are there things you don't quite understand yet? How are you going to deal with them?
  • What do you need to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement 8.3 Fruit and veg - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2023-06-14 12:09:33

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 8 'Food and drink'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Fruit and veg. Deze les gaat over gezond eten en specifiek over groente en fruit. Er wordt besproken welke soorten groente en fruit er zijn en op welke manier je dit kan eten. In de grammaticaopdracht wordt er aandacht besteedt aan het bezittelijk voornaamwoord.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, bezittelijk voornaamwoord, engels, fruit and veg, fruit en groente, gezond eten, hv12, stercollectie