Welcome to this week's English class. As you can see, this class will be taught a bit differently. Due to your teacher's absence, there will be no class just this once. Instead, you will have to go through this site to learn the grammar item of the week, and make a test at the end. If you pass the test, you have completed this special course.
The topic for today is:
The 'small numbers' problem
In previous classes, it has become clear some of you still struggle a bit with the differences in use between words like 'a little', 'a few', and 'a lot'. This online course should make everything clear to you in no time. Here's what you should be able to know at the end of this course:
Which nouns are countable and non-countable;
How to use positive and negative context;
When to use which adjective of quantity;
I would suggest watching my explanation video first. If you click 'Video explanation' on the sidebar, you can watch a short video in which I explain everything you need to know about this topic. If you feel like you already know all about these adjectives, you're free to move ahead to the first exercise, also found on the right.
頑張って !(Or in plain old English, good luck!)
Video explanation & questions
Video explanation of the adjectives of quantity
In this table you will find everything I explained in the video.
Countable nouns
Non-countable nouns
Large amounts
Many / a lot of
A lot of
Small amounts (postitive)
A few
A little
Small amounts (negative)
Please continue by making the questions you find on the left, right under the page you are at now.
If you got less than three answers correct:
Continue with exercise 1.
If you got three or more answers correct:
You can skip exercise 1, and move on to exercise 2 immediately.
Important for the exercises below:
The program is Dutch, so there might be a few words you don't understand. All the exercises themselves are fairly self-explanatory, but keep in mind: juist = correct; onjuist = incorrect.
Extra exercise about countable vs. non-countable nouns:
Extra exercise about positive vs. negative context:
From here, you are allowed to go straight to the final test. If you feel like you're ready to take on the extra challenge, you can also go for exercise 2 instead. This will add a little bit of grammar on top of what you have just been taught. If you've had your fill, skip it, we will handle it again at a later time.
Exercise 2 (extra challenge)
Fewer and less:
These two words are the comparative forms of few and little. That means that you use these forms when you compare two things together. Take a look at the following example sentences:
I don't drink a lot of alcohol, but she drinks even less.
I own fewer pets than he.
With this in mind, try to make the following exercise:
Final test
For when you're all done...
If you've finished all the exercises, and handed in the final test, good job! You are now done with today's class.
If there is still time left, you can do one of the following things:
Het arrangement (a) little, (a) few, and a lot is gemaakt met
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2019-11-17 12:34:16
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