7.1 Free time - hv12

7.1 Free time - hv12

Free time


The subject of this double period is free time.

  • Make groups of three or four.
  • Discuss these questions in English with your group:
    • What do you do when you don’t have school?
    • When and how often do you do these things?
    • Who do you do them with?
    • Together, make a mindmap about free time. Use the questions above for the ‘arms’.  You can add another one if you want.








Find out what you already know.


Step 1

Melissa’s hobbies

You can understand a recording about hobbies and answer questions.


Step 2

Pen pals

You can understand a text about hobbies and answer questions.


Step 3


You can understand and use vocabulary about hobbies and free time.


Step 4

Past simple irregular verbs

You can understand and use the past simple of irregular verbs.


Step 5

An interview about hobbies

You can have an interview about hobbies.


Step 6

Your pen pal profile

You can write about your hobbies, after-school activities and other interests.


Step 7


Reflecting on what you have learnt.


Step 1 - Listening

Melissa’s hobbies

You are going to listen to Melissa. She talks about her hobbies.

  • Listen to Melissa.
  • While listening, think about this question: Does Melissa spend more or less time on after-school activities and hobbies than you do?

Do the exercise.

Step 2 - Reading

Pen pals

You are going to read texts by teens who are looking for a pen pal. They write about their hobbies.

  • Read the texts.
  • While reading, think about the following questions:
    • Which one of these people would you like as a pen pal, and why?
    • Which one of these people would be your least ideal pen pal, and why?

Pen pals

1. Mary is 13 years old and lives in Scotland. She would like a pen pal who is into horses, just like her. She also likes playing the piano and singing. She is interested in pop music but doesn’t like classical music. Mary also loves going to the beach and hanging out with her friends.

2. Kim Lee, who is 14 years old, lives in Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Kim Lee loves travelling and hopes to visit Great Britain someday. He would like a pen pal who can tell him all about life in Europe. In his free time, he loves gaming and playing football.

3. Pietro is 12 years old and lives in Argentina. He loves being outside and discovering everything there is to know about plants and animals. He is especially fascinated by insects. Pietro is looking for a pen pal who shares his interest in biology. His other hobbies are biking and skateboarding.

4. Helga from Germany is 12 years old. She loves sports, so in her free time she plays hockey and basketball, and she is also a good runner. She is looking for a pen pal who is also into sports, and who can tell her more about healthy food to keep up her strength.

5. Jennifer, 14, is from New Orleans in the United States. She plays tennis and likes going to the cinema. But most of all she loves baking, and she often posts photos of her creations online. She is always looking for new recipes and decorating ideas, so she would love to have a pen pal to exchange ideas with.

6. Alessandro, age 13, lives in Rome. In his free time, he likes playing around with electronics. He repairs all sorts of things for other people, from bikes and mopeds to laptops and toasters.  Alessandro is also a good go karter. At the weekend he drives races around the country with his dad. His ideal pen pal is someone who is also keen on racing and who can give him tips.


Do the exercise.

Step 3 - Vocabulary

  • Study the vocabulary. (10 minutes)
  • Do the exercise.

Woordenlijst Free time - hv12

Step 4 - Grammar

Weet je het nog? Om te vertellen over dingen die al zijn gebeurd, gebruik je in het Engels de past simple.

Tot nu toe hebben we het gehad over regelmatige werkwoorden, maar er zijn ook onregelmatige werkwoorden.

We went to the cinema last Saturday.
I thought you were into painting.
She told me about her hobbies.

Bestudeer uit de kennisbank pagina 1 van Past simple – onregelmatige werkwoorden. Denk na over deze vragen:

  • Wat is er anders aan to be ten opzichte van andere werkwoorden?
  • Zoek op internet minstens één andere lijst met onregelmatige werkwoorden op en sla de link op.

Past simple - onregelmatige werkwoorden

Do the exercises.

Step 5 - Speaking

An interview about hobbies

Work with a classmate. Interview each other about your hobbies and what you do in your free time.


  1. Prepare for both roles.
  2. Write down 8-10 questions that you can ask your classmate. Use at least five of them in your interview.
  3. Write down some words and phrases to help you talk about your hobbies and activities.
  4. When answering each question, give some extra information. For example, if your classmate asks you about your hobbies, don’t just list them, but explain what you find so interesting about them.
  5. Practise both your interviews. Switch roles for the second one.

Having the conversations

  1. Find another pair to work with.
  2. Have your two interviews.
  3. Ask your classmates to write down feedback for you.
  4. Next, let them have their interviews and write down feedback for them. Check if the interviewee gives extra information when answering questions.
  5. Discuss what went well and what you can do better next time.

Step 6 - Writing

Your pen pal profile

You have listened to Melissa talking about her hobbies and you have read the profiles of people looking for pen pals. Now you want to find a pen pal of your own, so you are going to write a profile.

  • Introduce yourself: who are you, how old are you and where do you live?
  • What are your hobbies and what do you like about them?
  • What other after-school activities have you got, how often and when?
  • What are your other interests?
  • What are you looking for in a pen pal?
  • Ask your teacher how many words you have to use.

Step 7 - Evaluation

What have you learnt in this double period?

Answer the following questions:

  • What was the easiest part of this lesson?
  • What did you already know?
  • What was the most difficult part?
  • What was new to you in this lesson?
  • Are there things you don't quite understand yet? How are you going to deal with them?
  • What do you need to ask your teacher?
  • Het arrangement 7.1 Free time - hv12 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2023-06-14 12:05:17

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Deze les valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollecties voor Engels voor havo en vwo, leerjaar 1 en 2. Dit is thema 7 'Hobbies and sports'. Het onderwerp van deze les is: Free time. De les gaat over wat iemand doet in de vrije tijd. Het gaat over buitenschoolse activiteiten, hobby's en andere interesses. De grammaticaopdracht gaat over de past simple van onregelmatige werkwoorden.
    VWO 2; HAVO 1; VWO 1; HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    1 uur en 40 minuten
    arrangeerbaar, buitenschoolse activiteiten, engels, free time, hobby's, hv12, interesses, past simple van onregelmatige werkwoorden, stercollectie, vrije tijd