3A Unit 1

3A Unit 1


Reading: A disease called fame.

A disease called fame

In 2014, 20 Feet from Stardom won an Oscar for the best documentary. It is about some singers who helped to make the greatest popular music of the 20th century, such as Darlene Love and Merry Clayton. Many of them had voices as good as the lead singers in their bands, but they were never the stars themselves. They say they sang, not to become famous, but because they were born with a talent. It was a pleasure to use it.

How different that is from our attitude today! For years now we have had a ‘disease’ called fame - and it’s getting worse. People believe that the best thing in life is being famous - a celebrity. So how and when did this happen?

It’s partly because of the music business. Before the ‘60s, fame usually meant Hollywood and movies. But since the time of rock 'n' roll, the idea has grown that anyone can form a band and perhaps become famous. And with the power of the media, success, money and attention have become very attractive. Fame has seemed even more possible since the early '90s, when the music business began making stars as well as finding them. Think of One Direction and Justin Bieber.

What part does TV have in all this? Today’s international audiences love reality TV like Big Brother, and shows like Got Talent are getting more and more popular all the time. This is encouraging people to want fame even if they don’t have much talent. People think they are going to be the next top model, singer, businessman or chef and they are ready to face horrible judges, arguments and tears - all on camera.

In the end, is fame worth it? Celebrities have to deal with photographers and gossip and it’s difficult to have a private life. More and more famous stars are living like animals in a zoo. They are there for our entertainment, so we often enjoy their pain as well as their success. And what does that say about us? Has this celebrity culture done more damagethan good? Are we becoming a crueller and more selfish society? If so, how are we going to change this?

This article is based on an original BBC report.

Test: Check your understanding


Lesson 1A

Order of Adjectives

The next picture gives you an overview of the order of adjectives.

Make sure you practise with them so you get comfortable with the order, it's easier to be able to do it by feeling than my remembering all of it.

Think of what you are wearing today and try to make a sentence with as many adjectives as possible to describe what you are wearing. Try to include the adjectives from page 4 in your workbook as well.



An adjective is a word that describes a noun. We will mainly be focussing on adjectives that give us information about clothing.

In lesson 1A in your workbook you will learn a couple of adjectives and which order to put them in. Now it’s up to you to show everyone what you have learned. If you have forgotten how it works, check the previous tab on this website.



1.      Find a picture of your favourite celebrity (singer / actor / writer etc) and copy it into a Google Document.

2.      Give a short description of who it is and why you picked them.

3.      Describe what the person is wearing in detail. Use at least 10 adjectives and make them bold in your text.

4.      Upload your document on Google Drive.

Compound Adjectives

Compound adjectives are words made up of two adjectives to create a single one.

Short - sleeved

Blue - eyed

We put a hypen (-) in between to make it one word.


In the Vocab Builder on page 127 in your workbook you have been practising with some of them. Now play the game and see if you can remember them!


Lesson 1B

Present Tense Summary

The present simple and present continuous tenses

Present simple
The present simple tense is used for habits, I always wake up at 6am, permanent situations He lives in New York and truth The sun rises in the east.

It uses an s on the verb in the third person singular (he / she / it)
I / You / We / They play
He / She / It plays

It uses do(n't) or does(n't) in questions and negatives
I don't know.
She doesn't live here
Do you work hard?
Does it rain a lot?

Present continuous
The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now, I am talking to you! Listen to me!, or around now I'm staying at my parents house this week and next.

It is always formed using the verb be and an ing verb.
I am eating dinner.
You / We / They aren't eating dinner.
Is he / she / it eating dinner?

The future
The present continuous can be used for future arrangements - these are strong future plans.

I'm having dinner tomorrow.
They're driving to Madrid next week.

The present simple can be used for timetabled future events - such as bus, train or aeroplane departures.
My flight leaves at 6.30 tomorrow.
The queen opens the museum at 3.30pm on Monday.

State verbs
Some verbs cannot be used continuously. These are called state verbs. For example: need, know, want, have (possess). They are usually used in the simple form, even if we would normally use the continuous tense.
I am really hungry. I want some food.
I have three children.

Present Tense Gameshow

More Practise

You might have heard of a man named 'Meester Gijs', his videos are very popular on YouTube and he can be a great help while studying.


If you follow the links below you will go to his website and there you’ll find videos about the Pesent Simple and the Present Continuous. Do some of the exercises at the bottom of the page to practise some more.



Lesson 1C


Watch the following video about CCTV at a high school. Answer the questions below in Dutch in a Google Doument. Upload your document on Classroom when you're done.


1. What does David name as the first reason for the school wanting to hang up cameras?

2. The school has a problem with theft, what 2 things do they hope to achieve with CCTV when it comes to people stealing?

3. Is this school unique for doing this? Why (not?)

Lesson 1D

Verb+inf / Verb+ing

In this lesson we will have a look at a couple of verbs and what you are supposed to do after them.

Some verbs like 'avoid' will always be followed by another verb with an -ing form.

I avoid doing the dishes all together.

He avoids reading spoilers for Game of Thrones


Some verbs however will be followed by an infinitive, like the verb 'agree'.

I agreed to stay inside today.

We agreed to see the movie together.


There are no proper rules for this but there is a list you can try to remember in your workbook on page 110. Remember that practise makes perfect so try to make your own sentences to help you study.



Some verbs can have either forms behind them, sometimes that changes the meaning of the sentence completely!


In this example is doesn't really matter:

I like to get up early

I like getting up early.


But in this example there is quite a difference.

I stopped to smoke. (You stopped and had a cigarette)

I stopped smoking.  (You quit smoking)


Grammar Builder 1.5 on page 110 of your workbook will give you some more examples to look out for.


If you want to practise a bit more wiith the verb patterns you can follow the link below.


You will first find another explanation but at the bottom there are some exercises you can do called 'check your grammar'.


Lesson 1E

Eyeborg Video

In your workbook you will find a text about a man who can hear colours. Watch the video to get an idea of how this works and what it sounds like.

Lesson 1G

Informal Letter

An informal letter is a letter you write to (future) friends, family or other people you know personally. They are more light-hearted than formal letters and luckily have less rules to them.

That doesn't mean there aren't any rules to follow.

First of all, keep in mind when writing an informal letter for school that it's still a school assignment so not everything you would normally write to your friends will be appropraie in class!

Here are some things to pay attention to:

  • Start the letter by addressing the person you're writing to. It's not a text message.
  • If you don't know the person, introduce yourself a bit.
  • If you received a letter from them first, be nice and thank them for it.
  • Try to use paragraphs instead of an entire letter written in one go. It looks neater and makes it easier to read.
  • Finish your letter with a closing sentence, for instance telling them you look forward to their reply.
  • End you letter with a last greeting such as 'best wishes' and don't forget to put your name underneath.
  • Short forms such as 'isn't' and 'I'm' are okay but try to stay away from slang such as 'gonna' and 'wanna'.
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