3A Unit 1

3A Unit 1

Reading: A disease called fame.

A disease called fame

In 2014, 20 Feet from Stardom won an Oscar for the best documentary. It is about some singers who helped to make the greatest popular music of the 20th century, such as Darlene Love and Merry Clayton. Many of them had voices as good as the lead singers in their bands, but they were never the stars themselves. They say they sang, not to become famous, but because they were born with a talent. It was a pleasure to use it.

How different that is from our attitude today! For years now we have had a ‘disease’ called fame - and it’s getting worse. People believe that the best thing in life is being famous - a celebrity. So how and when did this happen?

It’s partly because of the music business. Before the ‘60s, fame usually meant Hollywood and movies. But since the time of rock 'n' roll, the idea has grown that anyone can form a band and perhaps become famous. And with the power of the media, success, money and attention have become very attractive. Fame has seemed even more possible since the early '90s, when the music business began making stars as well as finding them. Think of One Direction and Justin Bieber.

What part does TV have in all this? Today’s international audiences love reality TV like Big Brother, and shows like Got Talent are getting more and more popular all the time. This is encouraging people to want fame even if they don’t have much talent. People think they are going to be the next top model, singer, businessman or chef and they are ready to face horrible judges, arguments and tears - all on camera.

In the end, is fame worth it? Celebrities have to deal with photographers and gossip and it’s difficult to have a private life. More and more famous stars are living like animals in a zoo. They are there for our entertainment, so we often enjoy their pain as well as their success. And what does that say about us? Has this celebrity culture done more damagethan good? Are we becoming a crueller and more selfish society? If so, how are we going to change this?

This article is based on an original BBC report.

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