Built Surroundings

Built Surroundings

Built Surroundings



Dear Students,

welcome to the digital environment for the Tech module 'Built Surroundings'.

During this module, you will work on several items, which are included in some Technique lessons and some English lessons. You will work on:

1. A bridge ('Powers' module) (TECH)

2. An apartment design for senior residents (TECH)

2. A flyer for potential buyers (ENG)

3. A salespitch for potential buyers and estate agents (ENG)


This digital environment will provide you with all information you need for the flyer and the salespitch, as part of the English section of this module.

A PDF-file with the booklet you need for Technique is included, although you will have a paperback version as well.


Navigate through the WikiWijs page and you will find all the information you need. Should you have any questions; please turn to your teacher.


We wish you the best of luck and of course; have fun!

The flyer

You are in the middle of your process of designing an apartment for senior residents. Once you're ready with your design, you need people to look at your idea and maybe even consider buying one of your apartments!

To draw the attention to your work, you need to hand out flyers that attract potential buyers. It contains a small amount of necessary information, some pictures, but most important; it contains reasons for people to buy your apartment.


The assignment:

Make a flyer that contains all necessary details to convince interested people to buy one of your fantastic apartments. Read through the criteria as listed in the menu and make sure you hand in a complete, appealing design via Google Classroom.

Good luck!



Ready to make your flyer?!

If you want people to look at your work and to consider buying it, you need a very good flyer!

On the previous page, you saw two examples of flyers. As you were able to see, these flyers were neat, colourful, organized and contained a few pictures. The written text is of course the information about the apartments you've designed.


What should people be able to read in your flyer?

  • What are you presenting?
    • Short description of your apartment
    • Target audience
  • Why would people want to live here?
    • What makes your apartment different from the others?
    • Any special features?
  • Practical information
    • Price
    • Surroundings
    • Size of your appartment


What should people be able to see in your flyer?

  • Pictures of your apartment
  • Pictures of surroundings
  • Nice colours
  • Neat Lay-out


Keep in mind that:

It's a flyer for seniors, so make sure your lay-out is suitable for this target audience!

The salespitch


The practical part of your work is done. The apartments are ready to sell (that is; your design is ready to be built) and you reached out to potential buyers with the flyers. So far, so good.

Now it's time for the real deal! You are going to sell your design to your audience consisting of potential senior buyers and Real Estate Agents!


The salespitch:

Prepare a nice digital presentation (Prezi, PowerPoint) with short bits of information and some pictures. Include bulletpoints of all the things you want to talk about, so your audience knows what to expect during your presentation.

Of course, no-one will take a baggy-clothed salesmen seriously; so make sure you dress for the occasion! Sure, a threepiece suit or a floor-length dress is a bit too much, but make sure you look presentable (meaning: no baseball-caps, out-of-bed-hairdo, shorts and T-shirts, flipflops).

Once you're hair is ready to go; it's time to shine! Take your audience's breath away by enthusiastically telling them what you designed, why they need to buy at least one of these apartments and how you are going to live up to the expectations. Mind you: your presentation is 80% of the final deal. If you want people to buy it; make them believe they can't live another day without it!


Good luck and have fun!


Ready to sell your apartments?


The assignment:

A presentation in which you convince your audience to buy your design. Show them what you've made (with your maquette, pictures, a digital tour, a film or whatever you think is suitable) and how your audience is able to 'get one'. Persuade them into buying the design and make the audience believe that your deal is the best deal!



  • Digital presentation (Prezi, PowerPoint)
    • Is all the information in there?
    • Does it have a clear lay-out?
    • Does it look attractive?
  • Appearance
    • Do you look suitable for the occasion?
    • Do you have all materials you need at your fingertips?
  • Flyers
    • Do you have some extra copies to hand out?
  • Please, keep in mind:
    • Not  to have a clicking pen in your hands. It's nearly irrisitible to start clicking while you're talking. Use a pencil or a marker instead.
    • Use a neat, clear lay-out, instead of weird-looking fonts, flashing images or sound effects in your presentation. They'll destract your audience and keep them from buying your amazing design!
    • Try not to feel too nervous. You have the best design and people will want it, as long as you are enthousiastic about it!
  • Het arrangement Built Surroundings is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2018-07-06 12:34:01

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