3. Environmental Chemistry - From Fate to Exposure

3. Environmental Chemistry - From Fate to Exposure

3.1.1. Introduction

Authors: John Parsons, Steven Droge


In order to understand and predict the effects of chemicals in the environment we need to understand the behaviour of chemicals in specific environments and in the environment as a whole. In order to deal with the diversity of natural systems, we consider them to consist of compartments. These are defined as parts of the physical environment that are defined by a spatial boundary that distinguishes them from the rest of the world, for example the atmosphere, soil, surface water and even biota. These examples suggest that three phases: gas, liquid, and solid, are important but compartments may consist of different phases. For example, the atmosphere consists of  suspended liquids (e.g., fog) and solids (e.g., dust) as well as gases. Similarly, lakes contain suspended solids and soils contain gaseous and water-filled pore space. In detailed environmental models, each of these phases may also be considered to be a compartment.

The behaviour and fate of chemicals in the environment is determined by the properties of environmental compartments and the physicochemical characteristics of the chemicals. Together these properties determine how chemicals undergo chemical and biological reactions, such as hydrolysis, photolysis and biodegradation, and phase transfer processes such as air-water exchange and sorption.  

In this chapter, we first introduce the most important compartments and their most important properties and processes that determine the behaviour of chemical contaminants: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, sediment, soil, groundwater and biota. The emissions of chemicals into the environment from either point sources or diffuse sources is discussed and the important pathways and processes determining the fate of chemicals. The partitioning approach to phase-transfer processes is presented with sorption as a specific example. The impact of physicochemical properties on partitioning is also discussed.

Other important environmental processes are discussed in sections on metal speciation, processes affecting the bioavailability of metals and organic contaminants and the transformation and degradation of organic chemicals. These sections also include information on the basic methods to measure these processes.

Finally, approaches that are used to model and predict the environmental fate of chemicals, and thus the exposure of organisms to these chemicals are described in section 3.8.


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