My World class 3 2018-2019 BBL-KBL

My World class 3 2018-2019 BBL-KBL


Everywhere you go, you meet people. All those people are different, each has his or her own world.


In this lessonseries you are going to find out more about other people's lives and you will write about your life. This way, you can compare. In the end, you will compare to a guy named Chris, from Canada and write him an email!


First, we are going to watch a video where Chris introduces himself to you. You will answer questions about the video.




My World: Social life

Task 1: Listening

Open the video in a new tabsheet and do the test:


Toets: questions about Chris' introduction


Task 2: Vocab


This Unit you will learn 4 lists:

  1. Social life
  2. Daily life
  3. Family
  4. Me

Go to and look up the lists. You will learn one list every week. Have a look at the planner to see which list to learn.

TIP! Make sure you practice at least 4 times a week, or you will have a hard time passing the test!

Do you have a Quizlet account? Log in and start learning!

Don't have a Quizlet account? Read the manual below to log in and find your class.

Go to quizlet and learn your first lit: My World: Social Life

Task 3: Reading


Reading is just like doing sports: you have to practice to get better at it! For practice we use an online programme: ReadTheory. Today, you will just practice, next lesson, you will learn reading strategies to improve your reading skills, besides training.


Go to ReadTheory Your teacher has created an account for you and will provide you with a password. Log in to the webpage (top-right of the page!)


Select level 2. If you answer all questions correct, you will move on to the next level. If you fail one question, you will stay put. If you fail more than 1 question you will move back. Aim high! The higher your level, the better prepared you will be for the test. And... it's also great preparation for your exam!


Good Luck!

Task 4: Grammar (Personal Pronouns)

Personal Pronouns
Study the section on personal pronouns.

KB: Persoonlijk voornaamwoord

Watch the movie.

Do the following exercises.

Toets:D-test: Personal Pronouns

Toets:Task 4A: Personal Pronouns

Toets:Task 4B: Personal Pronouns

Toets:Task 4C: Personal Pronouns

Task 5: Grammar (to be)

To be
'To be' is an irregular verb.
This means that it does not follow the rules regular verbs follow.
To be able to use the verb correctly, you simply have to learn the verb by heart.

Study the section about the verb 'to be'.

KB: Werkwoord to be

Do the following exercises:

Toets:D-test To be

Toets:Task 5A: To be

Toets:Task 5B: To be

Task 6: Writing


For your first post, you will write a short comment on Chris' video. Check out his video to see other comments.


At least write about:

        @ Greet Chris and explain who you are (name, age, school)

        @ Explain if and why (not) you like the video? why?

        @  Write about at least 2 things you have in common with Chris.

    For KBL, also take in mind:   

        @  KBL: use the correct personal pronouns and underline them.

        @  KBL: use the correct forms of to be and underline them.

        @   KBL: use at least 4 words/sentences from Quizlet list  My world: Social life. (highlight those words!)


If you want to freshen up on your knowledge of how to write a comment on youtube, check out:


Save your post in a word-document. Your teacher will tell you when to hand it in.


Have a good look at two different posts of classmates: Give positive and constructive feedback on the posts. Focus on:


- content (did your classmate cover the topic)

- KBL: correct use of personal pronouns

- KBL: correct use of the verb to be

- KBL: use of at least 4 words/sentences from Quizlet.

Task 7 : Speaking


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor chris youtube channel pizzaGANG

Work in groups of 3/4: two students do the speaking assignment. The other student(s) use the RUBRIC to evaluate them. Pretend you are skyping to Chris. Introduce yourself to him.

At least talk about:

        @ do you like the video? why?

        @  explain who you are.  

        @  talk about what you like/dislike about his video.

        @ talk about at least 2 things you (do not) have in common with Chris.


Use your Quizlet vocabulary list and Chris' video for this assignment. Read the HAND-OUT carefully..


KBL:  don't forget to give feedback on correct use of pronouns and the verb 'to Be'.

My World: Daily life

Task 8: Listening

watch the video of Billy first:

Klik hier voor de Test

Task 9: Vocab

go to quizlet and study list My World: Daily Life


Task 10: Reading

FIrst, watch the video about skimming and scanning. And this other video, too.


Today, you will learn about two different ways of reading a text: skimming or scanning. Read the instructions carefully! Ask your teacher where to hand in the worksheet.


When ready, log in at ReadTheory to practice and see how useful this training is!

Task 11: Grammar (present simple)

Present simple
Study the section about the simple present. When and how can you use it?

KB: Simple present

Do the following exercises:

Toets:D-test Present simple

Toets:Task 11A: Present simple

Toets:Task 11B: Present simple

Task 11C: Grammartest 1


  • Personal pronouns
  • To be
  • Present simple



Task 12: Writing

You have just watched Billy’s first vlog. You want to send him a typically Dutch postcard to let him know he has got viewers from all over the world. You also want to encourage Billy to keep vlogging. Billy has published a postbox-adress to contact him.


If you need some extra instruction on how to write  a postcard click here postcard

       @ Write the address on the correct part of the postcard:

            Billy Wyatt, PO-box 4170, Sussex, England

      @ start the postcard in a correct way

       @ tell Billy what you like about his vlog

       @ end the postcard in a correct way


       @ KBL: write Billy your email address in a full sentence and tell him you would                like to email him.

       @ KBL: use the present simple correctly, as well as the personal pronouns and               the verb to Be

        @ KBL: use at least 4 words from Quizlet 'My world: social life and daily life'



My World: Family

Task 13: Listening

You will watch and listen to Indi's vlog. After that you will answer some questions about the content of Indi's vlog:

Klik hier voor de Test  

Task 14: Vocab

Practice your vocabulary for this week: My world - Families. Go to Quizlet and log in


Task 15: Reading

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor dictionary


Today, you will learn about two different ways of reading a text: using a dictionary. Read the instructions carefully! Ask your teacher where to hand in the worksheet.


When ready, log in at ReadTheory to practice and see how useful this training is!

Task 16: Grammar (asking questions)

Asking questions
Study the 'Kennisbank'.

KB: Asking questions - simple present

Then do the following exercise.

Toets:Task 16A: Asking questions - Simple present

Task 17: Grammar (negations)

Negations - Simple present
Take a look at the 'Kennisbank'.
Learn how and when you apply the simple present in the negation (= ontkennende) form.

KB: Negations - Simple present


Do the following exercises.

Toets:Task 17A: Negations - Simple present

Toets:Task 17B: Negations - Simple present


  • Asking questions - Question sentences
  • Negations
  • Peronal pronouns


Task 18: Writing



Only do this exercise when you have finished listening 3!


You have just watched Indi’s vlog. You want to send her an e-mail to let her know Holland is a great place to visit when she goes travel the world. You also want to compliment Indi on her creative way of vlogging. 

Need help how to write an e-mail:


        @ fill out the send/receive info:

        @ fill in the subject of your e-mail

        @ start the e-mail in a correct way

       @ tell Indi in detail what you like about her vlog

       @ KBL: write about similarities and differences between yourself and Indi

      @ KBL: use the present simple correctly, as well as the personal pronouns and t

          the verb to be

       @ KBL: use at least 6 words from Quizlet 'My world: social life and daily life'

       @ end the e-mail in a correct way.

Download the POSTCARD here


Writingassignment 2: Postcard to Indi Setyawan

You have just watched Indi’s vlog. You want to send her a tipically Dutch postcard to let her know Holland is a great place to visit when she goes travel the world. You also want to compliment Indi on her creative way of vlogging. Indi has published a postbox-adress to contact her.

Indi Setyawan, PO-box 5720, Jakarta, Indonesia

  @ write Indi’s address on the postcard

        @ start the postcard in a correct way

       @ tell Indi in detail what you like about her vlog

       @ write about similarities and differences between yourself and Indi

       @ write Indi your email address and tell her you would like to email her.

      @ use the present simple correctly, as well as the personal pronouns and the verb  
           to be

        @ use at least 6 words from Quizlet 'My world: social life and daily life'

       @ end the postcard in a correct way


My World: Me

Task 19: Listening

Watch Billy's and Indy's video: write down the similarities and differences between them:



Task 20: Vocab

go to quizlet and study list My World: Me


Task 21: Reading

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor signal words

Today, you will learn what signalwords are and how they can help you answer questions about a text.Go to lessonseries reading training and choose 'signal words'. Read the instructions carefully! Ask your teacher where to hand in the worksheet.


When ready, log in at ReadTheory to practice and see how useful this training is!


Task 22: Grammar (word-order)

Have a look at the following Kennisbank about word order (= woordvolgorde).

KB: Word order

Do the following exercise.


Task 23: Writing (FInal D-test)

Email to Billy:

Billy has sent you an email after he received your postcard. He wants to know more about you and your family.

       @ your name, age,

        @ at least 4 familymembers: name, age, relationship to you (father? uncle? etc.),  occupation/school.

        @ ask him at least 2 questions about his family.   

        @ write about at least 2 similar/different hobbies/interests
       @ encourage Billy to keep on vlogging
       @ write about at least 2 things you do NOT like (your dislikes)

        @ use the present simple, personal pronouns, to be and questions and negation     correctly.

      @ use at least 8 words from Quizlet lists 'My world: social life, daily       life,family


Remember that if you write an email, you need to follow some rules on how to start and end an email. To help you remind how this works, click on this LINK for rules on writing an email.



Email to Indi:

Indi has sent you an email after she received your postcard. She wants to know more about you and your family.

       @ start your email in a correct way

       @ write down your name, age,

        @ describe at least 4 of your own familymembers: name, age, relationship to you (father? uncle? etc.),  occupation/school.

        @ ask Indi at least 3 detailed questions about her father, mother and boyfriend   

        @ write about at least 2 similar/different hobbies/interests, be specific
       @ encourage Indi to keep on vlogging, tell her what makes her vlogs special
       @ write about at least 2 things you do NOT like (your dislikes)

        @ use the present simple, personal pronouns, to be and questions and negation     correctly.

      @ use at least 8 words from Quizlet lists 'My world: social life, daily       life,family


Remember that if you write an email, you need to follow some rules on how to start and end an email. To help you remind how this works, click on this LINK for rules on writing an email.

Teacher's page

Teacher's Page


This lessonseries is designed for students in class 3KBL, as preparation for their first PTA Reading & Writing Test. The learning objectives are:


- Improvement of reading by

                - Studying specific reading skills (skimming/scanning)

                - Reading Practice (using aim for level 4

-Writing Practice notes/postcard/Email using grammar & vocabulary:

                  - Personal pronouns and the verb 'to be'

                  - Present Simple Positve


                  - Word-order

- Vocabulary Training by:

                - Class activities (mainly through speaking & creative activities)

                - Independent training through Quizlet

                - Implemented use of Vocab in Writing assignments

Lesson Plan

this lessonseries is built for 2 classes of 80 minutes each week and takes 4 weeks, followed by a bufferweek in which there's a Test for vocabulary and grammar and to finish things and revise. The 6th week is for the PTA tests: Reading 1 & Writing 1.


Schedule for Period 1: MY World








introductiedagen/opstart (alleen vrijdag les)



valt uit ivm introductiedagen



valt uit ivm introductiedagen

LH regels




introductie thema & uitleg PTA etc

intro My world + Reading training 1 (SALEVO+readtheory OR Graviant)

(W&L +)reading: uitleg SALEVO/Readtheory




Quizlet 1, Grammar 1, Writing 1

(W&L +)writing: notes




Reading training 2 & speaking 1

reading: skimming/scanning




Quizlet 2, Grammar 2, Writing 2

(W&L +)writing: postcards




Revision paragraphs 1 & 2

reading & writing









Reading training 3 + speaking 2

reading: signal words




Quizlet 3, Grammar 3, Writing 3

(W&L +) writing: e-mail




Reading training 4+ speaking 3

reading: use of dictionary




Quizlet 4, Grammar 4, Check Writing 3

Writing: check email




Revision paragraphs 1-4 + speaking 4





test all vocab & grammar





Bufferles  (mark speaking assignments: PTA speaking 1)



















revision reading & writing

reading & writing




PTA test reading & writing 1

reading & writing


Klik hier voor het differentiatie-lesplan KBL

Klik hier voor het differentiatie-lesplan BBL