2V Unit 1 Solutions

2V Unit 1 Solutions


Welcome in year 2. You are again learning English by means of book and chromebook.

For Unit 1 you can find the workplanner here.

Good Luck!

unit 1A All About You

personality adjectives

Last year you learned what adjectives are. Now we are going to deal with adjectives that tell something how a person feels, what he is like, etc. We call these adjectives personality adjectives.

When you have done the assignments in the textbook you can do this extra exercise if you want to. It is not too easy so see if you can give the correct answers.

You will find the answers on slide 2.

negative prefixes

A prefix is a small part of a word which you put in front of  noun(pre=voor). It changes the meaning of the word.

Study the prefixes and the words on page 124 in your textbook and do assignments 4 and 5 on page 124

unit 1B Grammar

You can find another explanation about the present simple en present continuous here(present Simple) and here(present continuous) .

In pairs do this activity

Unit1C Teenage Challenges

Free time

You and a partner are now going to interview each other about your favourite pastimes (=dingen die je leuk vindt om te doen in je vrije tijd).
First you interview each other. After the interview you write about the favourite pastimes of your classmates.

  1. Download the interview worksheet.
    Interview your classmate and write his or her answers down on your worksheet on the chromebook.
  2. Now, write about 20 words of the favourite pastimes of your classmate, using the interview worksheet.
  3. Hand in your piece of writing on classroom!

Unit1E Music and Personality

This is a songtext by One direction.

Click on the link, listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words given.

Find a video in which one of the music styles mentioned in assignment 1 on page 8 in your textbook is shown.

You must be able to tell others in a group in English why you like this music. This means that you must give the link of your video to your groupmembers on classroom. Eventually, your teacher is going to ask some of you to do this in class.


unit 1F Exchanging Opinions

You must be able to give your opinion about things.

Choose a partner and decide which subject you would like to talk about and give your opinion on or use assignment 10 on page 10.

You can use the phrases in assignment 2, assignment 6 and the speaking strategy on page 10 in your textbook.

You can also have a look at this to find how you can give your opninion. Some of you will have to do this in class.

Unit 1G A Personal Profile

Have a look at assignment 9 on page 11 in your textbook.

Write a short text about yourself including the information asked for in assignment 9.

Where needed use modifying adverbs as mentioned in the Learning Strategy on page 11 in your textbook


Hand in your text in on padlet.

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