Buildings h45

Buildings h45


In this theme you will focus on Buildings: past and present.
You might think that it sounds pretty boring? Well, maybe but read on and you might be surprised by some things that you are going to learn and consider.

What are we going to do?
Our first article looks at some reasons to save old buildings which include looking to the future.
Then we look at the Seven Wonders of the World.
You may have heard of the pyramids but what were the other wonders of the ancient world? And what would their modern day equivalents be?
Next we look at libraries. Some of the most stunning buildings in the world are, for some people libraries but what is their place in our digital age?
Then to round off we look man’s obsession with building up into the sky.

How about you?
Buildings are all around us: we live in them, we work in them.
Buildings can be very old and built in a traditional style, or they can be modern and cutting
edge and take architecture to the limit. Do you like old buildings or modern buildings?

So this topic is about buildings but also about the past and its relevance to the present.

Have fun!


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2024-05-22 16:27:37

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Het thema 'Buildings' (h45) is ontwikkeld door auteurs en medewerkers van StudioVO.

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Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

Dit thema valt onder de arrangeerbare leerlijn van de Stercollectie voor Engels voor havo, leerjaar 4 en 5. Dit is thema: 'Buildings'. Dit thema omvat de volgende volgende onderwerpen: - The Seven Wonders of the World - Practical reasons to save old buildings - Libraries and the digital age? - Can we touch the sky? In de grammaticaopdrachten worden adjectives and adverbs, gradable and non-gradable adjectives and adverbs en future will/going to.
Leerinhoud en doelen
16 uur en 0 minuten
arrangeerbaar, buildings, can we touch the sky?, engels, h45, libraries and the digital age?, practical reasons to save old buildings, stercollectie, the seven wonders of the world
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