Het doel van deze lessen is dat je jezelf en je vrienden kunt voorstellen in het Engels.
De eindopdracht voor deze lessen is een presentatie, waarin je jezelf introduceert.
Om de opdracht goed te kunnen maken, krijg je een aantal kleinere opdrachten. Zo kun je stap voor stap de eindopdracht voorbereiden.
What are you going to do?
Je gaat je reading, listening, speaking en writing skills verbeteren door te lezen, luisteren, spreken en schrijven over jezelf en je vrienden.
Je leert woorden en zinnen die je kunt gebruiken om jezelf voor te stellen, en grammatica om je te helpen de regels van de Engelse taal te begrijpen.
Have fun!
Work plan
Ieder thema bestaat uit een aantal opdrachten.
Het is belangrijk dat je weet welke opdrachten je gedaan hebt.
Om je te helpen is er een 'work plan'.
Op dat 'work plan' kruis je aan aan welke onderdelen klaar zijn.
Je krijgt het 'work plan' van je docent, of je kunt het downloaden en printen.
Maria’s little sisters were fighting. She could hear them from her room. Maria was
supposed to be babysitting. She knew that she should go in and check on them.
She put her book on the bed, and went down the hall to Anna and Olivia’s room.
“What is going on here?” Maria asked.
Her sisters stared angrily at each other. There were clothes all over the floor.
“Tell Anna she is wrong,” shouted Olivia.
“Tell Olivia she is wrong,” shouted Anna.
Maria shook her head. “Let’s slow down,” she said. “First, I need to have all
the information and understand the problem. Then, when I know what is going on,
I can tell you what I think. Why are you fighting?”
Olivia took a deep breath. “Well, Anna borrowed my shirt,” she said. “My
green shirt. It is my favorite one. She took it without asking, and then she got it
stained.” Olivia held out a green T‐shirt with a brown stain on it.
“It isn’t my fault,” said Anna. “My friend Greg dropped his chocolate pudding
on me. And then Olivia started yelling at me and she threw all of my clothes out of
my closet.”
“Okay,” said Maria. “Now I know what you are fighting about. I can tell you
how we solve this problem.”
She sat the girls down on the bed. “Anna,” said Maria, “you took Olivia’s shirt
without asking, right?”
“I guess so,” said Anna.
“You did. And then you got it stained at school,” said Maria. “You didn’t stain
the shirt, but it is your responsibility because you took it.”
Anna nodded.
“And Olivia,” said Maria, “yelling at your sister and throwing her clothes
won’t help. The best way for you to speak to your sister is to be calm and talk
about what is wrong.”
Olivia nodded.
“So go ahead and talk to each other calmly,” Maria said.
Olivia turned to Anna. “I am sorry I threw your clothes around,” she said. “I
was mad because of the shirt. I don’t like it when you take my things without
asking. I’ll help you put it all away.”
“And I am sorry that I took the shirt,” said Anna. “I like it, but I should have
asked you.”
“See?” said Maria. “Isn’t it better that you spoke about it?”
The girls nodded.
Maria smiled. “Okay, so I’ll put this shirt into the washing machine. Let’s see
if we can get this stain out. The three of us can eat some ice cream while we wait.”
“Thank you, Maria,” said Olivia. “We love it when you babysit!”
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Hi! My name is Marco. Do you like movies? I do. I like movies very much. Everyone in my family likes movies too.
My family watches movies in different ways. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch movies. Sometimes we watch movies at home. When we watch movies at home, we see them on DVDs. We also watch movies from the Internet.
My favourite movies are action movies. I like exciting things and action movies are exciting. My sister likes to watch movies also. She does not like the same kind of movies that I like. She likes movies that are funny. My father likes to watch movies about real things and real people. These kinds of movies are called documentaries. My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies.
Last week we watched an old movie. It was called “The Sound of Music.” It was about a family living in Austria. They were very good singers. In the movie, the mother died. The father and the children needed a new mother. The family was also in some danger. At the end of the movie the family was safe and they got a new mother. I liked the movie because it had a happy ending.
Overhoor jezelf. Eerst makkelijk (meerkeuze) dan moeilijker (zelf typen).
Staan er woorden in die je niet begrijpt? Zoek ze op in het woordenboek of op vertalen.nu
Task 5 Grammar
Why Do We Need Pronouns?
Pronouns take the place of nouns when we are writing or talking about something.
It would be very tiresome if we had to repeat the same noun over and over again.
Just look at how long it takes to express ideas without using pronouns:
A Day at the Park
Sammy went to the park with Sammy’s mother and Sammy’s father. Sammy and Sammy’s mother and Sammy’s father ran on the lawn. Then Sammy’s father pushed Sammy on the swings while Sammy’s mother smiled and watched. Then Sammy’s mother spread out a blanket on the lawn and read a book while Sammy and Sammy’s father played catch with a ball. Sammy threw the ball too hard, and Sammy’s father had to chase after the ball. Sammy did some somersaults, rolling forward on Sammy’s head and kicking Sammy’s feet up over Sammy’s head. Sammy giggled and
lay on the grass until Sammy’s dad came back. Sammy, Sammy’s mother, and Sammy’s father ate sandwiches together before Sammy, Sammy’s mother, and Sammy’s father went back home.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Exercise Meeting people KBL/TL
Ordering Meeting people KBL/TL
Exercise Sister Problems KBL/TL
Practice test 1a - to be
Practice test 1b - have got
My friend
Do you like movies? KBL/TL
A day at the park
Practice test 2 - Personal pronouns
Final test 2 - Personal pronouns KBL/TL
Practice test 3a - Possessive pronouns
Final test possessive pronouns - KBL/TL
Practice test 3b - Reflexive pronouns KBL/TL
Reading BBL/KBL/TL
Practice test 4 - Question words
Test Unit 7 all grammar KBL/TL
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