Engels v456

Engels v456

Engels v456

De Stercollectie Engels van Stichting VO-content geeft je als docent alle ruimte om de lessen naar wens vorm te geven. Het digitaal leermateriaal is naar eigen inzicht in te zetten, te combineren en aan te vullen. De Stercollecties zijn daardoor goed te gebruiken als aanvulling op bestaand leermateriaal. Of vormen een goede basis om een methode te vervangen.

Aan welke kenmerken voldoet de Stercollectie?

  • Actuele digitale leerlijnen voor een vak, niveau en jaar voor iedereen beschikbaar.
  • Kerndoel- en eindtermdekkend, voor aanvullend of (deels) vervangend gebruik.
  • Leerdoeldenken en formatief evalueren zijn geïntegreerd in alle leerlijnen.
  • Flexibel inzetbare en leerlinggerichte opdrachten, bruikbaar voor blended learning.
  • Sluit aan op de door de SLO ontwikkelde leerdoelenkaarten voor het vak Engels.
  • Stelselmatig onderhoud en actualisatie op basis van reflecties van gebruikers en experts.
  • Te gebruiken op elke computer, laptop of tablet.

Voor Engels zijn de volgende Stercollecties ontwikkeld:

  • Engels leerjaar 1, 2, 3 en 4 vmbo-b
  • Engels leerjaar 1, 2, 3 en 4 vmbo-kgt
  • Engels leerjaar 1, 2 en 3 hv
  • Engels leerjaar 4 en 5 h
  • Engels leerjaar 4, 5 en 6 v

Als jouw school deelneemt aan Stichting VO-content krijg je ook exclusief toegang tot het docentenmateriaal dat bij de Stercollecties hoort.
Check hier of jouw school al deelneemt aan VO-content. Als dit het geval is, kun je direct binnen ‘Mijn VO-content’ het docentenmateriaal eenvoudig filteren op vak, niveau en leerjaar waarna je precies ziet welke materialen er beschikbaar zijn. Denk aan:

  • Toetsen en antwoordmodellen
  • Werkbladen
  • Werkplannen
  • Samenvattingen
  • Woordenlijsten
  • Stercollectie handleidingen
  • Extra oefenmaterialen

Heb je een inhoudelijke of technische vraag over de Stercollecties? Neem gerust contact op met onze helpdesk of telefoonnummer: 085-0443100 (tot 12 uur).

Deelnemer worden aan Stichting VO-content?
Wanneer jouw school (vanaf dit schooljaar) deelneemt aan VO-content* krijgen jij en collega’s exclusief toegang tot een basispakket met het docentenmateriaal én allerlei programma’s die onderwijs op maat mogelijk maken. Daarnaast kun je er ook voor kiezen om het basispakket aan te vullen met drie extra keuzeprogramma’s. Door deel te nemen draagt je school bovendien bij aan de doorontwikkeling van open leermateriaal (Stercollecties). Een mooie maatschappelijke doelstelling!


Extra materialen zoals handleidingen, toetsen, extra oefenmateriaal behorende bij de Stercollecties.

Digitale leeromgeving waarin de Stercollecties getoond worden met daarin ook de voortgang van de leerlingen.

Oefenprogramma Engels
Een adaptief oefenprogramma voor Engelse lees-, kijk-, en luistervaardigheid.

Extra Programma Nederlands
Naslagwerk Nederlands met theorie en oefeningen.

Een adaptief oefenprogramma voor rekenvaardigheid van niveau 1F t/m 3F.



Oefenprogramma waarin leerlingen online examens oefenen en feedback krijgen.

Kracht in Controle (KIC)
Lesprogramma sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling waarmee je inzicht krijgt in de groepsdynamiek en de sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling van leerlingen bevorderd.

Een digitale tool waarin leerlingen de ontwikkeling van hun competenties bijhouden.

Wil je meer weten over deelname aan VO-content? Op onze site staat meer informatie maar we vertellen er graag meer over. Neem contact met ons op via 030-232 48 22 of mail ons!

* Is jouw school al langer deelnemer aan VO-content en nog niet overgestapt naar het actuele deelnamemodel? Dan kan het zijn dat jullie school geen toegang heeft tot onze nieuwe programma’s SterMonitor en Extra Programma Nederlands. Wil je dit aanpassen? Neem dan contact met ons op.

Leerjaar 4, 5 en 6

Voor leerjaar 4, 5 en 6 zijn er in het totaal dertien thema's:

Maak hiernaast een keuze.

Love, friendship and relationships
To friend or unfriend
Your image
Kissing in public
Teenage parents
Love Actually

Facts and figures
Pack your bags
Mindful tourism
A working holiday

Charity begins at home
Life on the never-never
Throw the dice
Money = happiness

Young offenders
Who dunnit
Forensic science

Finest museums
Sketching in a museum
Street art
Minute art
Teen artists

Young local heroes
Sit with us

Seven Wonders
Save old buildings?
Libraries - digital age
Can we touch the sky?

Global temperature
Elephant numbers
Great Barrier Reef
Supermarkets in France

Culture appropiation
Meaning of culture
Conspiracy Theories
An art dealer

Gig Economy
What is Gig Economy
Growing up
The Upstarts

Men and women
Significant differences
Dress codes
Gender pay gap

What is fake news?
Fake news as fact
Impact of media

Feed issues
Food throwing away
How to Feed the World
Obsessed with food

1 Love

In this theme you will focus on friendship and love: what is a friend, who are your friends, and are people the same or different on social media?
You will think about image and how that can affect your friendship circles – do you look at people and judge them according to what they wear and how they look?

We look at the idea of showing your affection in public – is it OK to kiss your boyfriend or girlfriend in the supermarket? If not, why not? Do you think it’s OK to shock older people?

Then we look at the topic of teenage parents – how young is young? What do you think about teenage parents? How important are our relationships with our family and friends? Do they influence everything we do?

Some of the most important relationships are with our family – so why is Christmas, or any other big family occasion, so stressful. Do you or anyone in your family suffer from hypercopresence?

You will read texts, listen to sound clips, watch a video and do exercises that all to do with love, friendship and relationships.

Theme: Love




2 Tourism

In this theme you will focus on tourism and holidays.
You’re going to look at some facts and figures about tourism, and then some of the issues affecting tourism. For example, did you know that not all tourism is about the traveller? In fact what is the difference between a traveller and a tourist?
The tourism industry is now highly regulated. The result seems to be ‘sameness’. When we go to shopping centres around the world, they are all the same and the products on sale are also often the same that we don’t know what country we are in.

There are many different groups of travel ranging from political travel to economic.
We will look at some types of traveller – are you a back packer or a flash packer?
Then we look at eco-tourism – what is it? And are so called ‘eco companies’ really green? And what about a job in the holiday industry? Would you like that?
We read about the life of a travel writer. Sounds like the perfect job, right?

This theme includes the first look at literature and we have some literature about the travel theme. We are looking at genres in this section.
And we have some videos for you. A TEDX talk about the future of tourism, and a couple of songs about holidays.

So pack your bags – let’s go!

Thema: Tourism


3 Money

In this theme you will focus on money.
When you think about your future, do you think about money?
Do you enjoy reading about rags to riches tales?
Do you read stories about rich people?
Do you know how to look after your own money and to spend wisely?
Do you do things to help people who don’t have much money?
Some people say that you can buy happiness. What do you think?

These are some of the issues that we are going to explore in this theme.

Thema: Money

4 Crime

In this theme you will focus on crime. Firstly, we begin with cybercrime and we’re going to check if your passwords are safe. (But don’t tell us what they are!) Then we look at the laws for young offenders.

We hope you don’t have any criminal thoughts, but if you knew the punishments for the crime, would that stop you committing a crime? Do you think that punishments are tough enough? Or are they too tough? Do you enjoy watching crime shows on TV? If so we have good news for you! They are good for your brain. You’ll find out why!

And finally, we couldn’t do the topic of crime without looking at the fascinating area of forensic science. So put your detective head on, and let’s start!

These are some of the issues that we are going to explore in this theme.

Thema: Crime


5 Art

In this theme you will focus on art.

Thema: Art

6 Heroes

In this theme you will focus on Heroes. We begin by looking at superheroes – and why they appeal to our imagination.

Then we compare and contrast two young people who are considered to be heroes by their communities. These are every day stories that could happen to anyone. But would you have the presence of mind to do what these young people did?

Next we look at one of the most popular international teen heroes, Malala who was shot by the Taliban for wanting to go to school. She won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Next we return to a reality that you can probably relate to: school lunch time and you have nowhere to sit, or at least you probably know people who are ‘left out’. Well, an app has been developed by a bright young girl to deal with that.

To round up this topic of Heroes, you will be asked to find out about an unsung hero, or rather, someone who has done something you consider heroic but quietly.

Thema: Heroes

7 Buildings

In this theme you will focus on Buildings: past and present.
You might think that it sounds pretty boring? Well, maybe but read on and you might be surprised by some things that you are going to learn and consider.

Buildings are all around us: we live in them, we work in them. Buildings can be very old and built in a traditional style, or they can be modern and cutting edge and take architecture to the limit.
Do you like old buildings or modern buildings? Our first article looks at some reasons to save old buildings which include looking to the future.
Then we look at the Seven Wonders of the World. You may have heard of the pyramids but what were the other wonders of the ancient world? And what would their modern day equivalents be?
Next we look at libraries. Some of the most stunning buildings in the world are, for some people libraries but what is their place in our digital age?
Then to round off we look man’s obsession with building up into the sky.
So this topic is about buildings but also about the past and its relevance to the present.

Thema: Buildings

8 Environment

In this theme we are looking at The Environment. We know, you’ve done it a thousand times and we get that. But nothing seems to be changing.
So we have to keep talking about it until change happens.
For example, whilst we all continue to use plastic bags or drink coffee from a machine that uses capsules, the environment is still being harmed.

There are people who still think that the environment is fine and that climate change is a hoax or a conspiracy theory.
But we present the environment and climate change as something that is fact not fiction.
We look at some aspects that you may not have considered yet. But if you are not sure, you will have a chance to change your mind as you work your way through the theme, but also to present your thoughts and opinions at the end.

Thema: Environment

9 Culture

In this theme we are looking at Culture.
Maybe you are wondering what this is going to be about? Will this be about films and books? Well, no. There are so many issues connected to culture and we’ve chosen some that we hope you maybe haven’t yet considered.

So we start off with cultural appropriation. It was big in the news a couple of years ago, and still makes headlines. We look at that and you’ll be asked to give your opinions.
Then with that in mind we move to what is culture? If it’s more than just visiting a museum on a Sunday afternoon, or a Native American headdress, well what is it?
Then we look at a couple of examples of modern day culture. We look at conspiracy theories and who believes them (maybe you do, and that’s fine!) and we look then at an art form that in recent years has become very popular: getting a tattoo.
So a varied and broad ranch of topics all under the multi-coloured umbrella of culture.

Thema: Culture

10 GigEconomy

In this theme we are looking at The Gig Economy.
'Uber' and 'airbnb' are examples of this. It’s also called the Sharing economy.

We look at characteristics of this new way of working with its advantages and disadvantages. We look at how teens will be better placed for work opportunities as a result of growing up in the Gig economy, and finally we look at how the CEO's of these companies have navigated their way through to make their ideas successful.

Thema: Gig economy

11 Men and women

In this theme we are looking at men and women and the topic of gender.
There are many issues surrounding gender ranging from women’s rights to gay marriage. But in this theme we are taking a look at some aspects of gender equality.

First of all we read an article about the brain and differences between male and female brains and we discover that there are some physical differences.
Then we look at clothes and the work place: are the rules different for men and women?
Then we take a look at gender pay gap. You’ll find out what French women did when they wanted to draw attention to the issue.
Finally, you’ll hold a class debate.

Thema: Men and women

12 Media

In this theme we are looking at The Media. We look at different forms of media and a popular theme at the moment, the concept of fake news. We look at some measures that are being taken to ensure that young people are able to identify the difference between real and fake news. The final article is about the effect that media has on brain development.

So let’s begin! 

Thema: Media


13 Food issues

In this theme we address the issue of food. With popular cooking programmes on our TV screens all the time, everyone is, or can be a chef.

We take photos of food and post daily on social media for our friends to check out our breakfast. We have enough food, we actually have more than enough food, I mean, how often do you actually eat up everything in the fridge? But it wasn’t always like that and for many people in the world, it still isn’t a land of plenty. This theme looks at some of these 21st century food issues.

Thema: Food issues


  • Het arrangement Engels v456 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2022-09-26 16:36:06

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

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    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    De Stercollecties Engels zijn open, digitale leerlijnen die worden aangeboden door VO-content. De leerlijnen voldoen aan de kerndoelen of eindtermen en door de SLO ontwikkelde leerdoelspecificaties. Deze arrangeerbare leerlijn voor Engels voor v456 bevat in totaal 13 thema’s.
    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    arrangeerbaar, engels, hoofdarrangement, leerlijn, rearrangeerbaar, stercollectie, v456, vocontent001, vwo

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    VO-content - Leerlijnen. (2017).

    Engels h45


    VO-content - Leerlijnen. (2015).

    Engels vmbo-b12
