In this lesson, you will learn how to create a written movie review for a movie you have watched.
Actually, you can write a review for a lot of things. For example : A restaurant, a place you visited or something you bought recently.
What is a review?
In a review, you express your opinion about something that you did, watched or read. For example, you can write a review of a theme park you have been to. Your review will help other people to decide if the theme park is something for them or not.
Task 1 Pre-watching
You can write simple notes about something that you (dis)like.
Write the name of a movie you've watched recently in the middle of a blank sheet of paper.
Now write down all of the things that made the movie great on the left side of the paper.
Use a different color pen or pencil and write down all of the things that made the movie not that great on the right side of the paper.
Share your ideas with a classmate.
Task 2 Watching
You can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life
You can watch a movie on familiar topics related to everyday life.
Watch the movie in class.
While watching, make notes and try to answer these questions in your notes.
Who are the 5 most important characters in the film? Also list the names 5 of the actors playing these characters.
What is this story about? Be very detailed!
Who should watch this movie? (students, parents, teachers, doctors)
Handover your notes to your teacher for safe keeping.
Task 3 Pre-writing
You can use simple vocabulary to express basic ideas.
Write down all of the words that pop-up after seeing the movie in your notebook
Also, summarize the most important ideas from your notes in your notebook.
Now, create a Wordle using the words in your notebook and the Wordle generator
Save your Wordle on your computer.
Task 4 Writing
You can write a very short simple description of a familiar subject.
You can express likes and dislikes in familiar contexts using simple language such as 'I (don't) like...'.
Write a review for the movie 'Big Hero 6' containing the following items
Name of the film
Where it takes place
What kind of film it is
Describe the main characters
Write a short summary of the plot
Your opinion about the film
Use the useful vocabulary page if you need some help
Or have a look at the example below.
Example of a movie review
Useful vocabulary page
This phrases can be useful when writing you're writing your review.
Title, Author / Director, Actors
The film is directed by
The film is produced by..
The action takes place in ... (setting)
The action of the film is set in ...
The story takes place in...
Characters and Plot
The main characters are ...
The story is about ....
The novel tells the story of ...
In the course of the novel the action develops dramatically.
The novel / film begins with...
The novel has an unexpected ending.
The end of ... is ...
I am impressed by
I think ....
The book is terribly / beautifully written
The film is terrible / exciting.
What surprised me is ...
What I liked is...
What I didn't like is...
I liked/didn't like the film / novel because ...
Task 5 Peer-feedback
You can express likes and dislikes in familiar contexts using simple language such as 'I (don't) like...'.
You can express simple opinions on someone else's work.
Make sure you are done writing your review.
Ask three other students to read your movie review.
As them to give feedback on your movie review using the feedback form.
Read the feedback you received and adjust your review if needed.
Hand in Checklist
You report should contain the following items.
A photo of task 1.
A photo of your notes
A Photo of your Wordle
The draft version of your review
3 Filled-in feedback forms
The final version of your review.
Scoring Rubric
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