Literature v456

Literature - Film or book


Many books are made into films. Some people think that the book is better – always. Other people prefer the films.

This sixth section contains one step.

Step Activity
  Tick the titles of the films and/or books you have read.
  Give your opinion about your favourite book turned into a film.
  Read an article 'From book to Film'.
  Read a book and make a list of the main differences.
  Read several reviews.
  Write a blog about a book or film.



Notice the following titles. Which have you read? Which have you seen the film?Write.

  read the book seen the film
Harry Potter    
The Hungar Games    
The Perks of Being a Wallflower    
Lord of the Rings    
The Notebook    


How do you feel when you hear that a book you loved has been turned into a film? Write.

  • Wonderful – I love all films!
  • Hmmm I’m not sure how that will work.
  • It’ll be fine – I love the actors/actresses in it.
  • I hate it when they do that! The book is ALWAYS better.

Read what this student wrote. Do you agree?

Like many people, I get an initial feeling of dread when I hear that a book I like has been turned into a film. Sometimes I won't even watch the film even though I love the story! This is a sentiment shared by many and for good reasons too. Here are, what I believe to be, the main problems with films adapted from books.

Firstly, the characters are NEVER as you imagined them. Even if a novel provides a clear physical description and detailed analysis of all of their quirks and characteristics, the character is always different. It can also be difficult when a well-known celebrity is playing the role as it is hard to separate the real-person and the character.

Secondly, if a novel is long or filled with lots of action and events it is generally impossible to condense it down into a two hour long film without cutting parts out. Of course, nowadays it has become common to split a novel into two parts, making two films. However, if there is an event in the novel that does not necessarily progress the narrative and is not something that will appeal to the majority of the audience, then it is likely to be cut from the story completely.

Thirdly, filmmakers like to use a bit of artistic license, and can sometimes change a storyline completely.
This can be to suit the audience the film is being aimed at or just because they feel their interpretation
is more appropriate.

Finally, a film is just one interpretation of a novel. If a novel has been read by a million people then
that means there are a million versions of that novel floating around in people's minds. Therefore it
is extremely improbable that the filmmaker has the same interpretation as you, or the other 999,999

It can be annoying watching a film that completely changes a story you like. The recent, award-winning
film, Silver Linings Playbook, for example, was based on a book I love. It was changed an awful lot from
the book, with various characters and events completely altered. However, despite being incredibly
different, it maintained the same positive, feel-good mood of the book, making it really enjoyable. Do not
be deterred from watching an adaptation, just because it might be different does not mean that you will
definitely not enjoy it.
Source: Regan S.

Find a book which has been made into a film. Read the book and then watch the film.
Make a list of the main differences.

  • Were there significant differences?
    E.g. major plot changes?
  • How did the changes affect the film?

Go to this website: .

Here the author writes several reviews on films of books that she or he has seen.
Read some reviews.

Choose a book/film and write a blog post about it. Check that you:

  1. Provide a short summary of the book.
  2. Illustrate any major differences between the book/film.
  3. Mention the lead actors/actresses – do you think they were suited to the roles?
  4. Say which you preferred and why.
  5. Write about 500 words.
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    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur; Lezen; Gesprekken voeren; Spreken; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven;
    arrangeerbaar, leerlijn, rearrangeerbare
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