A working holiday v456

A working holiday v456

A working holiday


Introduction - A working holiday
Some people have great jobs. They are jobs that everyone wishes they could do. At least, that’s what we think. How would you like to have to be on holiday to do your job? Sound good? Well, maybe it’s not as great as it seems. Read on!

This fourth section contains 4 steps. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity
1 Speaking Read job advertisement and choose right person.
2 Reading Tick the topics and read the text.
3 Song Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.
4 Task Describe in about 200 words your perfect holiday job.

Step 1 - Speaking

Some people have great jobs. These are jobs that everyone wishes they could do.
At least, that’s what we think.
How does this sound to you: to be on holiday to do your job? Sounds good?
Well, maybe it’s not as great as it seems. Read on!

  • Look at this job. Would you like to apply for this job? Why? Give two reasons.

Read about three people who want to apply.

  • Who do you think would be best? Why?
Jose knows everything there is to know about Spain - including all the Spanish islands.
He can tell you why the plaza is so important in Spanish life, and how the siesta originated.
He has excellent communication skills.
He has an Instagram account with over 10K followers.


She has taught English as a foreign language in many countries including Japan, Brazil, Nepal and Namibia.
She loves to travel but isn’t so keen on teaching.
During her teaching years, she kept a blog with amazing write ups of the places she visited.
She would like a job that includes travelling but she doesn’t want to be in an office.
She has worked in the travel industry for the past five years. She has visited lots of countries – including South America and Asia.
She speaks three languages including Bahasa Indonesian.
She loves matching holidays to people. She has a blog with some great reviews from satisfied customers.


Step 2 - Reading

You’re going to read an article about someone who became a travel writer.
First, write down the topics that you think will be mentioned in the text.

  • A romance
  • Social media
  • An accident
  • A family argument
  • Note taking
  • A summer camp
  • A TV show
  • Rejection

Now read the article and check your answers.

The world at your feet: The life of a travel writer

Now read the text again. Complete the sentences with a word from the text.

Toets:The life of a travel writer

At the end of the text, Esrock writes:
“Anything you can do to broaden your experience before you go to university or before you start working is only going to help you, because it’s an education—it’s life education.”

Make a list with your partner. What other things besides travel can help you gain a ‘life education’. Say why.

You’re going to watch a video in which some passionate employees explain why they enjoy working at Tourism Australia (TA).
Which of the opinions do you think you will hear? Write.

  1. I’m proud of the quality that we produce at TA.
  2. I just love Australia!
  3. I enjoy working with my colleagues.
  4. We create new things, and create new boundaries.
  5. It’s a huge business with lots of different aspects.
  6. No-one ever disagrees because we all have the same opinion.
  7. I like the responsibility.
  8. I enjoy all the travel that my job involves.

Now watch the video and compare your answers of page 2.


Would you like to work for Tourism Australia?

  • Give your reasons. State at least three reasons.


Step 3 - Song

Song 'Holiday'
You are going to listen to the song 'Holiday' from Madonna.


Listen and fill in the words at the correct place.

Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate

If we took a .....[1].....
Took some time to .....[2].....
Just .....[3]..... day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice

Verse 1
Everybody .....[4]..... the word
We're gonna have a .....[5].....
All across the .....[6].....
In every nation
It's time for the good times
.....[7]..... about the bad times, oh yeah
One day to come together
To .....[8]..... the pressure
We need a holiday

Verse 2
You can't .....[9]..... this world around
And bring back all of those happy days
Put your .....[10]..... down
It's time to celebrate
Let love .....[11].....
And we will find
A way to come .....[12].....
And make things .....[13].....
We need a holiday


Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate


Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday, Celebration
Come together in every nation


Step 4 - Task

Now think about a job that you would like to do in your holiday.
Describe the job including the following information:

  • Which country are you working in?
  • Who are you working for?
  • What are you doing?
  • Do you enjoy your job? Why/Why not?
  • Would you recommend this job/company/country? Why /Why not?

Write about 200 words.


B4 A working holiday

Step 1 Speaking

The best person for the job is: Stephanie.
Jose only knows about Spain, and Marieke likes working in a travel agent’s.
This job is for a travel writer.

Step 2 Reading

  • Social media
  • An accident
  • Note taking
  • A TV show
  • Rejection

Other things besides travel which can help gain 'a life education:
Volunteering is a good way of learning about other people.
Often volunteering involves helping people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
By helping out in this way, we can see and so have a better understanding of other people’s situations in society.

Write the opinions:
1. I’m proud of the quality that we produce at TA.
2. I just love Australia!
3. I enjoy working with my colleagues.
4. We create new things, and create new boundaries.
5. It’s a huge business with lots of different aspects.
7. I like the responsibility.

  • Het arrangement A working holiday v456 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Laatst gewijzigd
    2017-08-01 12:26:57

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding en publicatie onder dezelfde licentie vrij bent om:

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    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen 4.0 Internationale licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur; Lezen; Gesprekken voeren; Spreken; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven;
    arrangeerbaar, leerlijn, rearrangeerbare