Love Actually v456

Love Actually v456

Love Actually


Introduction - Love actually
Love Actually is the title of a film that is often shown at Christmas time. In this section we look at family celebrations and a condition called hypercopresence. You’ll have the opportunity to find out more about this condition, and to find out if you, or anyone in your family suffers from it! 

This fifth section contains 7 steps. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity
1 Speaking Discuss romantic places with a class mate.
2 Words Pronounce words and match their definitions in the exercise.
3 Watching Watch a video and fill in the gaps.
4 Reading Read the text, choose the best situation. Answer the questions.
Write down your ideas.
5 Writing Write down your thoughts about Christmas day with family.
Discuss with classmate.
6 Grammar Grammar desk and exercises about Superlatives of Adjectives.
7 Words Unjumble words exercise.


Difficult words? Search these on Cambridge Dictionaries


Step 1 - Speaking

Choose which of the places are romantic places and write down your idea of three romantic places.

Train stations ..........
Parks ..........
Your living room ..........
Airports ..........
Playground in your town/village ..........
Football ground ..........

Now click on the link to open ‘A romantic story’.
First read loud the sentences yourself. Click on the microphone to hear the sentence pronounced. Did you pronounce it correctly?

A romantic story

Step 2 - Words

Words and their meaning
In this step, you are going to do exercises with adjectives. In the first exercise are you looking for the right description or explanation.
In the second exercise, you have to put the correct word in a sentence.

Match the following words to their definition.

1. Hatred a. Something you do to someone who is bad to you.
2. Revenge b. When you feel unhappy and sad for the future.
3. Gloomy c. Interesting enough to be on the news.
4. Sneaky d. A very strong feeling of dislike.
5. Newsworthy e. Doing something especially when you don’t
tell anyone, or you shouldn’t do it.

Words and their meaning
Apply these words and their definitions in the next exercise:
newsworthy - hatred - gloomy - revenge - sneaky

  1. We had a .................... look at the presents under the Christmas tree.
  2. Janine is so unhappy: she’s really .................... about the exams next week.
  3. It’s clear that the teacher has a strong .................... of our music!
  4. The boy said he would get .................... against the man who attacked him.
  5. Nothing .................... ever happens in my town! It’s so boring!

Step 3 - Watching

You’re going to watch the beginning of the film Love Actually.
Fill in the gaps with one of the following words. There is one word you do not need.

hatred revenge gloomy
sneaky interestingly newsworthy

Whenever I get .....[1]..... with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow airport. General opinion is starting to make out that we live in a world of .....[2]..... and greed. But I don’t see that. Seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it’s not particularly .....[3]..... or .....[4]..... but it’s always there. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the twin towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or .....[5]..... . They were all messages of love. If you look for it, I’ve got a .....[6]..... feeling you’ll find that love actually is all around.

Step 4 - Reading

Do you have regular family get together? Or does your family meet just once a year?
Do you suffer from hypercopresence? Do you know what that is?
Read the sentence and choose the best situation to illustrate hypercopresence.
Quickly read the first paragraph and check your answer.

  1. Everyone comes to our house at Christmas – it’s such a lovely time spending time with my family.
  2. We usually go to Grandma’s for Christmas. We have a big family and it can be really stressful. There are lots of people, and lots of noise and then Mum always argues with Uncle Brad. Every year!
  3. Christmas is a time of giving and that is what I love most about it. Everyone giving something to someone else. It’s really great.

Click here to read the text.
Strict schedules and cramped conditions cause 'hypercopresence'

Read the article and answer the questions.

  1. (par 2) Why do people argue over this period?
  2. (par 2) Who does them refer to?
  3. (par 3) How do people feel when everything is so organised?
  4. (par 5) What is the shower an example of? Can you think of another example?
  5. (par 6/7/8) What are the suggestions to avoid tension?
  6. (par 9) What is said about mobile phones?

Now read the article again.

  • Which aspects are true for you?
  • Do think that hypercopresence is a real phenomenon?

Write your ideas down.

Step 5 - Writing

Have you ever thought planning a Christmas day with your family?
What would be the most important things for you?

  1. ....................
  2. ....................
  3. ....................
  4. ....................

Compare your ideas with your classmates.

  1. ....................

Step 6 - Grammar

If you want to be able to do the assignments correctly you will need to know more about some grammar items.
Let’s look at superlatives.

KB: Superlatives of adjectives

Look at the pictures in the exercise and choose for:
the highest - the crankiest - the most beautiful

Exercise:Superlatives (1)

Look at the Grammar Desk again. Do the following exercises.

Exercise:True or False (2)

Exercise:Irregular superlative (3)

Exercise:Superlative adjective (4)

Step 7 - Words

UNJUMBLE the words to complete the sentences.

  1. My brother Sam is ..........: he’s different to anyone else I’ve met. iiuvdlnaiiicstd
  2. The football coach talked .......... to the team before the game. tatcsci
  3. Mum and I always .......... over my mobile phone. orw
  4. That’s a .......... question and I don’t know how to answer it. yirktc
  5. Julie’s dad has to travel a lot and so they spend a lot of time ........... . raatp
  6. Sue and I like to .......... in our school play. rmoeprf


B5 Love actually

Step 2 Words

  1. = d
  2. = a
  3. = b
  4. = e
  5. = c
  1. = sneaky
  2. = gloomy
  3. = hatred
  4. = revenge
  5. = newsworthy

Step 3 Watching

  1. = gloomy
  2. = hatred
  3. = dignified
  4. = newsworthy
  5. = revenge
  6. = sneaky

interestingly = not needed

Step 4 Reading

b. We usually go to Grandma’s for Christmas. We have a big family and it can be really stressful. There are lots
of people, and lots of noise and then Mum always argues with Uncle Brad. Every year!

  1. It’s a stressful time and people are forced to live closely with lots of others. This is not the way that people
    live for the rest of the year.
  2. Family members
  3. They want to get away, they lose their autonomy.
  4. Sitting at the meal table, playing a computer game – anything that people usually do on their own and
    don’t need to wait for someone else, or someone else to interfere with them.
  5. Talk to relatives throughout the year – not just once a year. Allow people to go off and do their own thing.
    Have a flexible schedule and give different people different responsibilities for different things.
  6. Young people do need them to stay in touch with their friends, and that isn’t something that older
    generations did. But young people should also be respectful and so it’s a good idea to agree on when
    mobile phones can be used.

Step 6 Grammar

  1. If the adjective has one syllable: add –est
  2. If the adjective ends in ‘y’: add –iest
  3. If the adjective has more than two syllables: add most + adjectiv


  1. good - the best
  2. bad - the worst
  3. far - the furthest

Step 7 Words

  1. individualistic
  2. static
  3. wor
  4. tricky
  5. apart
  6. perform
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    2017-08-01 12:57:36

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    VWO 6; VWO 4; VWO 5;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
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    arrangeerbaar, leerlijn, rearrangeerbare

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    Love Actually h45