To friend or unfriend? v456

To friend or unfriend? v456

To friend or unfriend?


Introduction - To friend or unfriend?
Have you got lots of friends? Are they ‘real’ friends, or ‘friends’ that you have on your social media accounts? How many social media friends do you have? Is the number of ‘friends’ important? Did you become ‘friends’ with them because they requested your friendship? Are you really friends with them? What is a real friend anyway?
In this section you are going to think about  who your friends really are. You will learn some ‘friends’ vocabulary, and you will think about the qualities of a good friend. Then you will look at some criteria to reduce your friend list on social media.

This first section contains 10 steps. Work them through step by step.

Step Activity
1 Speaking Read the statements. Tick the right ones. Discuss with a classmate, give three reasons.
2 Words Pronounce the words. Divide them in two categories. Fill the words in in two exercises.
3 Writing Write down thoughts about friends & friendship.
4 Reading Read the text. Tick the reasons. Do a true/false exercise. Check with a classmate.
5 Speaking (and writing) Read questions and compare your ideas with classmate.
6 Listening (and viewing) Tick annoying posts. Watch the video and answer the question.
7 Words Example of prefixes. Two exercises about prefixes.
8 Grammar Grammar desk and exercises: Simple Present.
9 Pronunciation Pronunciations of third person 's'. Listen to the pronunciation and watch the video.
10 Task Look at activities for celebration friends day. Discuss advantages and disadvantages.

Step 1 - Speaking

So, to start with you’re going to discuss some statements about friendship with a classmate. Read these statements and write down the ones that are true for you.

  • It’s important to have friends.
  • I know all my friends on social media.
  • I add a new friend at least every week.
  • The number of friends on social media is important.
  • I talk to my real time friends regularly in real time.
  • During holiday time, I spend a lot of time messaging and texting my friends.
  • Talking to friends via social media can sometimes be challenging.
  • It’s important to do things together with your friends.
  • A friend on social media cannot ever be a true friend.
  • I ‘unfriend’ people from time to time.

Compare your answers with those of your classmate. Then you both choose two statements and discuss why the statements are true for you.
You should both mention at least three reasons.

What are the important aspects of being a friend? Compare your answers with your classmate.

Step 2 - Words

Look at the following words and expressions. They all have something to do with friendship.

get on well with a good friend can't stand
an easy-going friend the jealous type a fun friend
best friend friend easy/difficult to get on with
spend time with share an interest a good laugh
a close friend mate be laid back
count on hang out with

They can be divided into two categories:

  • type of friend (nouns)
  • feelings of friendship (verbs)

Click here to do the exercise.

Toets:Words (1)

Take a look at the following words and expressions.

best friend enemy mates
acquaintances get's on well can't stand
spending time with having a horrible time easy-going
the jealous type a good laugh easy to get on with
count on hang out with  


Use these words in the following exercise.
Choose the correct words in the sentences. Click here to do the exercise.

Toets:Words (2)

Step 3 - Writing

Thoughts about friends and friendships
What are the qualities of your friends?
Do you have a best friend?
Do you have lots of close friends?
Would you like to have more friends?

Write down your thoughts about friends and friendships.

  1. Think of three of your friends.
    Write down five qualities for each of them.
  2. Now, think about your #1 top best friend.
    What makes a best friend and why your friend your best friend?
    Write about 175 words describing this friend saying what qualities he or she has and describe what makes him or her so special.

Step 4 - Reading

To 'unfriend' a friend
You are going to read a text (in two parts) quickly to look for certain information.
The title of the article is: The Faze Guide To National Unfriend Day.
Click here to read the texts.

You may not think about it when you log on, but today is the day to really get you thinking, who should stay and who should go? If you’re unsure about where to start, we’re here to help you narrow down who you should cut from your friends list:

1. Do you dislike them?
If running into them in real life or seeing them on your feed is an unenjoyable experience, it’s time to bite the bullet and hit unfriend. There’s no reason why you should keep seeing someone that you heavily dislike.

2. Do they post too much?
Facebook is not a place for a lot of sharing. No one wants to know what you had for breakfast or when your roommate left the dishes in the sink. It is also not the place to live-feed award shows or sports. If you see a fellow Facebook “friend” doing any of the above and share no interest in
either, click unfriend.

3. Are they an ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?
This goes without saying, sometimes it’s better to avoid any contact with ex-lovers. Unfriending them will
make it better for you to move on and avoid any future Facebook stalking sessions. Unless, of course, you
both managed to remain friends in light of the break up then good for you both.

4. When did you see them last?
If you met them once in biology class 4 years ago and haven’t talked to them since, it’s time to hit unfriend.
If you can barely consider them an acquaintance, there is no point in keeping them as a Facebook “friend.”
There should be a two-year limit to consider because beyond that you’ll probably never see them again.

5. Have you talked to them at all?

This may sound needless to say, but if you have never interacted with this person in real life or online, you need to hit “unfriend.” For all you know it could be your online stalker. Besides, there is no reason why you should have to deal with mindless life updates of a person you’ve never met.

6. Do they like to ruin your favourite shows before you watch them?
If they are the type of people that like to post spoilers of your favourite TV shows, consider unfriending them or avoid Facebook by all means. After all, they may be posting spoilers, but you can always count on them for sharing a similar interest as you.

7. If they do any of the following:

  • Fill out online quizzes daily and post the results on your feed.
  • Regularly invite you to play games like Farmville.

If their entire feed is made up the above posts, and if you have no interest in any of the above, it’s time to reconsider hitting the unfriend button. It’s not like you’ll miss seeing their activity spam. So feel free to consider our guide when you participate in this year’s National Unfriend Day
and say adieu to all the people that used to clutter your Facebook feed.

The article lists some reasons to ‘unfriend’ a friend.
Write down the reasons that you think will appear in the article.

  • You don't like the person any more.
  • You don't know the person.
  • You have never met the person.
  • Your parents tell you who you should unfriend.
  • They tell you what happens in films/TV shows before you have seen them (spoilers).
  • They send you lots of invites to games.

Now read the following sentences and decide if they are True or False according to the article.

  1. You should only unfriend people on National Unfriend day.
  2. If you don’t like your friend, you should unfriend them.
  3. Keep all the friends that you don’t see on a regular basis.
  4. Unfriend people if they post too often and about everyday things.
  5. The author says that you should stay friends with all classmates – past and present.
  6. Keep the friends who don’t ruin your TV/film watching experience.
  7. Overall the author is trying to help you reduce the amount of posts that you see.

Check your answers with a class mate.

Step 5 - Speaking

Read these questions and take notes. Then compare your ideas with your classmate.
Talk to each other about the questions. Do you have the same ideas or different? How different are your opinions?

  1. Which friend have you known longest? Where did you meet?
  2. How important is it to have friends?
  3. How important are your Facebook/Instagram/other social media friends?
  4. Some people have lots of friends, and other people prefer to have less.
    Why do you think this is?
  5. There are people who stay friends all their lives. How do you think they do that? How can you keep a long-term friendship?
  6. A popular saying is ‘two’s company, three’s a crowd’. Do you agree?
    Why /Why not?

Step 6 - Listening

What types of posts annoy you on social media?
Write down the ones that annoy you the most.

  • Your food
  • Your feet on holiday
  • Funny cat videos
  • Tagging your friends
  • Invitation to games
  • Your new outfit for a party

You’re going to watch a video. Which idea was NOT mentioned?

At the end the presenter says, ‘You won’t hear from me again until your birthday'.
Why is that ironic?
Compare your answer with the one of your classmate.

Step 7 - Words

Word formation: prefixes
You can make new words by adding a prefix.
Look at these prefixes and their meanings:

dis from, away disappear
il not illogical
im not, without impolite
in not, without inexpensive
mis bad, wrong misplace
un against, not, opposite unbelievable

In this exercise you drag the prefixes to the root word.

Toets:Word formation: prefixes

In this exercise you fill in the correct prefix of the word to complete the sentences.
Click here to do the exercise.

Toets:Prefix of words (3)

Step 8 - Grammar

If you want to be able to do the assignments correctly you will need to know more about some grammar items.

KBSimple Present

Fill in the correct form of the verb in Simple Present.
Click here to do the exercise.

Exercise:Simple Present

Which is correct?

  1. The present simple is used for actions in general. They often happen all the time or repeatedly at the time
    of speaking.
  2. The present simple is used for actions in general. They often happen all the time but not necessarily at the
    time of speaking.
  3. The present simple is used for actions in general, which happen exclusively at the time of speaking.

Underline the correct form of the verb in bold.

  1. What time do/does the show begin?
  2. The video clip start/starts minutes.
  3. Tomorrow is/are sports – don’t forget your kit!
  4. Am/are you free next week? I’ve got two tickets for a concert.

Fill in the correct word.
Choose from: - future - past - present
The present simple can also be used with the ..........
meaning when we talk about timetables, programmes, etc.

Step 9 - Pronunciation


  • The third person ‘s’ can be pronounced in different ways. Listen.

Watch this video about the pronunciation of word final '-s'.

After you've watched the video, try to decide if you hear: /s/, /z/ or /iz/.

  • thinks
  • catches
  • makes
  • knows
  • teaches
  • says
  • plays
  • enjoys

Step 10 - Task

A friend of yours, Bobby has asked you to help him set up a School Friend Day at your school – a day to celebrate friends. Look at the following activities. Note down the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then talk together with your classmate about the advantages and disadvantages. Then, try to agree on two activities together.


B1 To friend or unfriend?

Step 4 Reading

1 You don’t like the person any more.
2 You don’t know the person.
3 You have never met the person.
5 They tell you what happens in films/TV shows before you have seen them (spoilers).
6 They send you lots of invites to games.

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. True
  7. True

Step 6 Listening

  • Your new outfit for a party
  • Funny cat videos

It is ironic................
because that is also an automated action like game invitations, friend invitations.
It can be annoying if you only hear from people on your birthday (especially if normally they wouldn’t have
remembered your birthday.).

Step 8 Grammar

Which is correct?
b is correct.

Underline the correct form in simple present:

  1. What time do/does the show begin?
  2. The video clip start/starts in minutes.
  3. Tomorrow is/are sports – don’t forget your kit!
  4. Am/are you free next week? I’ve got two tickets for a concert.

Fill in correct word:
Present is correct.

Step 9 Pronunciation

  1. = s
  2. = iz
  3. = s
  4. = s
  5. = iz
  6. = z
  7. = z
  8. = z
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Words (1)

    Words (2)

    Word formation: prefixes

    Prefix of words (3)

    Simple Present

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