Grammar KBL/TL leerjaar 3 en 4

Grammar KBL/TL leerjaar 3 en 4

Grammar GTL leerjaar 3 en 4

Grammar - Simple past

Have a look at the following:

KB: Simple present
KB: Past simple - regular verbs
KB: Past simple - irregular verbs

Now you are ready to do the following exercises (again).

Toets:Simple present

Toets:Simple past

Toets:Simple past

Toets:Simple past

Grammar - Wederkerend voornaamwoord

In de zin 'I hurt myself.' noem je 'myself' een wederkerend voornaamwoord.
Bestudeer in de Kennisbank Engels het onderdeel over wederkerende voornaamwoorden.

KB: Wederkerend voornaamwoord

Maak nu de volgende oefeningen.

Toets:Wederkerend voornaamwoord

Toets:Wederkerend voornaamwoord

Grammartest 1


  • Present simple and Past simple
  • Reflexive pronouns (wederkerende voornaamwoorden)


Grammar - Present continuous

Have a look at Kennisbank Present continuous.

KB: Present continuous

Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

If you like to practice extra:

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Present continuous

Toets:Present continuous

Grammar - Past continuous

Have a look at kennisbank Past continuous.

KB: Past continuous

Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

If you like to practice extra:

Toets:Past continuous

Toets:Past continuous

Grammar - Betrekkelijk voornaamwoord

Have a look at kennisbank Relative pronouns (betrekkelijke voornaamwoorden).

KB: Betrekkelijk voornaamwoord

Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

Toets:Betrekkelijk voornaamwoord

Toets:Betrekkelijk voornaamwoord

Grammartest 2


  • Present continuous
  • Past continuous
  • Relative pronouns (betrekkelijk voornaamwoord)


Grammar - Past simple

Past simple en present perfect
Do you remember them? The past simple and present perfect?
Have a look at the Kennisbank past simple and 'kennisbank present perfect' to revise them.

KB: Present perfect

KB: Simple past


Now try the following exercises.

If you like to practise extra:

Toets:Past simple

Toets:Present Perfect

Grammar - Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns (bezittelijke voornaamwoorden)
Have a look at Kennisbank bezittelijke voornaamwoorden.

KB: Bezittelijk voornaamwoord

Now try to do the following exercise.


Toets:Bezittelijk voornaamwoord

Grammar - Genitive

Genitive ('genitief')

Have a look at Kennisbank Genitive.

KB: Genitive ('s of s')

Now try to do the following exercise.



Grammartest 3


  • Past simple and Present perfect
  • Bezittelijk voornaamwoord
  • Genitive


Grammar - Imperative

The imperative

Have a look at Kennisbank:

KB: Imperative

Now you are ready to do the following exercise.



Grammar - The gerund

The gerund

Have a look at Kennisbank:

KB: Gerund: -ing vorm als zelfstandig naamwoord

Now you are ready to do the following exercises.


Toets:Gerund of continuous?

Toets:Gerund after prepositions

Grammar - life or live

Life, live of lives

Weet je wanneer je 'live', 'lives' of 'life' gebruikt?

Kijk naar de voorbeelden. Herken je de verschillende betekenissen?
- Peter lives in Poland.
- Life is short.
- Many people lost their lives in the war.
- It was a live concert.

Maak nu de volgende oefening.


Toets:Life of live

Grammartest 4


  • Imperative (gebiedende wijs)
  • Gerund (-ing vorm)
  • To live, live of life



Grammar - Going to-future

Going to-future
Have a look at 'Kennisbank going to-future'.

KB: Future: going to


Now you are ready to do the following exercise.


Toets:Going to-future

Grammar - Will-future

Have a look at 'Kennisbank will-future'

KB: Future: will


Now you are ready to do the following exercises.


Toets:Will-future- exercise

Toets:Will- or going to-future

Grammar - Present perfect

Present perfect
Have a look at 'Kennisbank present perfect

KB: Present perfect


Now you are ready to do the following exercises (again).


Toets:Present perfect

Toets:Present perfect

Grammar - Past perfect

Past perfect
Have a look at 'Kennisbank past perfect'

KB: Past perfect


Now you are ready to do the following exercises.


Toets:Past perfect

Toets:Past perfect

Toets:Past perfect

Grammar - Few or little

Weet je wanneer je 'few' en wanneer je 'little' gebruikt?
Maak de volgende oefening en kijk of je het verschil tussen 'few' en 'little' begrijpt.


Is je score de eerste keer nog geen 100% doe de oefening dan opnieuw.
Ga door tot je alle vragen goed hebt.



Toets:Few or little

Grammartest 5


  • Future forms: 'to be going to'
  • Future forms: 'will'
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Few of little


Adjectives and adverbs

Have a look at:
KB: Adjectives
KB: Adverbs






Now you are ready to do the following exercises.


Toets:Adjectives or adverbs

Toets:Good or well

Present perfect

Have a look at the

KB: Present perfect





Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

Toets:Present perfect

Toets:Present perfect

Present perfect continuous

Have a look at the

KB: Present perfect continuous





Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

Toets:Present perfect continuous

Toets:Present perfect continuous

Grammartest 6


  • Adjectives and adverbs (bijvoeglijke naamwoorden en bijwoorden)
  • Present perfect
  • Present perfect continuous


Active - Passive

Active - passive

Have a look at:

KB: Active versus passive



Now you are ready to do the following exercise.

Toets:Active - passive

If or When

If or when

Have a look at:

KB: Als en wanneer



Now you are ready to do the following exercise.

Toets:If or when

Grammartest 7


  • Active versus passive sentences
  • If versus when


Past perfect

Past perfect

Have a look at:

KB: Past perfect



Now you are ready to do the following exercises (again).

Toets:Past perfect

Toets:Past perfect

Toets:Past perfect

Past perfect continuous

Past perfect continuous

Have a look at:

KB: Past perfect continuous



Now you are ready to do the following exercises.

Toets:Past perfect continuous

Toets:Past perfect continuous

Toets:Past perfect continuous



Have a look at:

KB: Verbindingswoorden






Now you are ready to do the following exercise.


Grammartest 8


  • Personal pronouns
  • To be
  • Present simple
