Verrijking 1 Engels Food and Drinks

Unit 4 : Food - Introduction

Dear student,

Welcome to unit 4 : Food. 

If you do all of these assignments you will be able to say the following at the end of the unit : 

  • I can talk about different types of food.
  • I can identify countable and uncountable nouns.
  • I can tell the time.
  •  I can talk about meals.
  • I can describe different meals and types of food.
  • I can give and follow simple instructions.
  • I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.
  • I can understand a menu.
  • I can order food at a restaurant.
  • I can talk about food I like and I don't like.
  • I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.
  • I can talk about health problems.
  • I can give and understand a simple description of a health problem.




Lesson 1 Food

At the end of the week, you can.... about different types of food.

...identify countable and uncountable nouns.

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening

Goals : ​
-I can talk about different types of food.
-I can identify countable and uncountable nouns.

Instructions :

  1. Look at the picture of food and drinks. How many items can you name? 
  2. List all of them in your notebook. 
  3. Decide if they are countable or uncountable (add a C or U behind the word)

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor healthy food circle

Task 2 Watching and Listening 1

Goals :
I can talk about different types of food.

Instructions : 

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Match the country with the breakfast that they have. 


Task 2 Watching and listening

Task 3 Watching and Listening 2

Goals : 
-I can give and follow simple instructions.
-I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.​
-I can talk about different types of food.

Task 3.1 Before you watch :

Answer these questions in your notebook.  

  • Are you a good cook? Or does your cooking stink?
  • Do you cook at home? If yes, what do you cook? If no, why not?

Task 3.2 Watch the video and answer the questions : 


How To Make One Cup Pancakes | Jamie Oliver

Task 4 Reading

Goals : 
I can talk about different types of food.

Instructions : 

  • Read the text 'Christmas in Australia'
  • Answer the questions. 

Christmas in Australia

In Australia, Christmas comes during the summer holidays.

SomeAfbeeldingsresultaat voor australia christmas people hang wreaths on their front doors and go out Christmas carol singing on Christmas eve.

Australians decorate their houses with Christmas trees, Christmas lights, tinsel, snowmen and glass baubles. They also decorate their homes with bunches of Christmas bush, a native Australian tree with green leaves and cream flowers.

On Christmas Day, children receive presents in a stocking or under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to Santa Claus so that he knows what they would like for Christmas. Santa wears a thick red suit and travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

Many Australians have a special meal on Christmas Day. Some people have cold meats and seafood and a Pavlova for dessert. A Pavlova is a soft meringue cake with cream and fresh fruit.

On Boxing Day most people go to the beach with their friends and have barbecues and swim in the sea.



Task 5 Vocabulary 1 & 2

Goal :

-I can talk about different types of food.

Instructions :

  • Task 5.1 : Match the words for food with the correct picture.
  • Task 5.2 : Listen to the words and try to type them correctly.

Task 5.1


Task 5,2


Task 6 Grammar

Goals : 
-I can identify countable and uncountable nouns.


  • Make a list of countable and uncountable food items in your notebook.
  • Use all of  the words in the picture below. 


Countable Uncountable 
Chicken nugget Rice
... ....


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor food esl

Task 7 Macmillan

Goals : 
I can talk about different types of food.
I can identify countable and uncountable nouns.

Instructions : 

  • Do all of  the assignments in Unit 4 lesson 1 : Food.

Click on the button to go to Macmillan.

Task 8 Party planning task

Goals : 
-I can talk about different types of food.
-I can identify countable and uncountable nouns.
-I can describe different meals and types of food.​
-I can talk about food I like and I don't like.

Instructions : 

You're going to organize a dinner party for your family members and/or friends. 

You can choose between a dinner party, a birthday party, a wedding party, an end-of-school party, a Christmas party, or any other party.

Please, plan the following things : 

  • How many people will be at the party? And who are those people? (use 5 sentences)
  • Where will it be,what will the place look like and what furniture will there be? (use 5 sentences)
  • What dishes (starters,main courses, and desserts) will you have? (2 dishes for each course)
  • What drinks and snacks will you have? (name at least 5)
  • A shopping list (at least 20 food items and 5 party items)

Use this document to help you plan your party. 

Open bestand Party planning task

Klik hier om je opdracht in te leveren.
lever hier je opdracht in. 

Lesson 2 Meals

At the end of the week, I can...

  • ...tell the time.
  • about meals.
  • ...describe different meals and types of food.

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening

I can tell the time.
I can talk about meals.


  • complete the sentences below and copy them in your notebook.

Example: "I like to have yoghurt and crunchy muesli for breakfast at seven O'clock in the morning."

  1. I like to have ______________for breakfast at ______________(time)
  2. I like to have ______________ for lunch at ________________(time)
  3. I like to have ______________ for dinner at _______________(time)
  4. My favourite snacks are __________________________________(name at least 3)


Task 2 Listening


  • I can tell the time.


  1. Listen to the man talking about time.
  2. Then pick the correct time for each number.
  3. Answer the open questions in your notebook.




Open questions

Answer these questions in your notebook.

Use the Internet to answer these questions. Share your answers with a partner:

  1. What are the visiting hours for the Eiffel Tower in Paris?
  2. When does the last elevator go up to the 102nd Floor Observatory in the Empire State Building in New York City?
  3. When does the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City, Italy, close to the public?
  4. When is Niagara Falls open every Tuesday?

Task 3 Listening 2

I can talk about meals.
I can describe different meals and types of food.


  1. Copy the table in your notebook and fill in the words below.
  2. Listen to the audio file and do task 3.1 and 3.2

Food vocabulary 

  • Banana cake ,
  • Cola
  • Ice cream
  • Water
  • Apple tart
  • Apple juice
  • Four cheeses pizza
  • Cheese burger
  • Chicken curry and rice
  • Orange juice
  • Chocolate cake
  • Seafood salad with bread


Main courses Desserts Drinks


Task 3 Conversation:



Task 4 Reading


  • about meals.
  • ...describe different meals and types of food.


  • Read text 1,2,3 and 4.
  • Answer the questions.

Text 1 : The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

Text 2 :
I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't very good.

Text 3 :
My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!

Text 4 :
My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.

Task 5 Telling time


  • I can tell the time.


  • Do the matching assignment.


Task 6 Telling time 2

I can tell the time.


  • Click on the hands to move them to the right time.
  • Complete level 1, 2 and 3.




Task 7 Macmillan

I can tell the time.
I can talk about meals.
I can describe different meals and types of food.


  • Do all of the assignments in Unit 4 lesson 2 : Meals


Task 8 Duolingo

  • Go to Duolingo (Click on the image below)
  • Get 75 XP points before the end of the week.

Lesson 3 Cooking

At the end of the week, you can...    

  • ... give and follow simple instructions.
  • ... understand instructions for preparing a recipe.
  • ... understand a menu.
  • ... order food at a restaurant.

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening

Goals : 
I can talk about meals.
I can describe different meals and types of food.
I can talk about food I like and I don't like.

Instructions : 

  • Answer the questions in your notebook. 


  1. What is your favorite dish?
  2. Can you cook it yourself? 
  3. Is it difficult to make?

Task 2 Watching and listening 1

  • Watch the video
  • Answer the questions

Task 2 Watching and listening

Task 3 Watching and listening 2

  • Watch the video
  • Put the parts of the recipe in the order they appear.


Task 3 How to Poach an Egg!

Task 4 Watching and listening 3

Goals :
-I can give and follow simple instructions.
-I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.

Instructions : 

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Do the matching assignment. 


Task 5 Reading

Goals : 
I can read for specific information in a text related to cooking. 

Instructions : 

  1. Read the text. 
  2. Answer the questions. 

The Kid Who Cooked

Two years ago, Elliot West was more or less just like any other ten-year-old kid. The only thing that made Elliot any different was that he loved cooking. Afbeeldingsresultaat voor masterchef boy

But everything changed for Elliot one day when he saw an interesting announcement on the Internet. A TV show called Junior Kitchen Star was holding a contest for kids who enjoyed cooking and baking. Elliot was excited. Before reading about this show, he hadn’t known there were other kids who enjoyed the same hobby as he did. He applied to enter the contest immediately.

To qualify for the contest, Elliot had to win a preliminary round against ten other kids from his town. He won easily with a dish of pasta and scallops. He was in the competition!

Whereas the preliminary round had been easy, the televised rounds were incredibly difficult. Elliot had to cook against the clock and with limited ingredients. In one challenge, Elliot had to serve up food for a restaurant full of people. The judges were tough and when they had a negative comment about Elliot’s food, he had to try really hard not to cry.

While taking part in the competition, the contestants were given cooking lessons from top chefs and this gave Elliot a chance to learn even more about cooking at the highest level.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor roast goose
Week by week, the other competitors were eliminated until finally only two were left for the final. One was Elliot and the other was Charles, the son of Pierre La Fontaine, the famous French chef. Over three gruelling hours, Elliot and Charles each created and prepared a seven-course meal for the judges. It was very close, but the judges all said they had loved Elliot’s roast goose served with a red wine sauce. Elliot was declared the winner!

After winning the contest, Elliot’s life did not go back to normal. In fact, he became something of a celebrity. He travelled to schools to give cooking demonstrations and produced his own cooking show on YouTube.

 Elliot is twelve now. He’s still just a kid, but he has a very bright future indeed.


Task 6 Vocabulary

Goals : 

I can give and follow simple instructions.
I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.


  • Do task 6.1 and 6.2 to practice verbs for cooking instructions. 

Task 6.1 


Task 6.2

Task 7 Macmillan

Goals : 
-I can give and follow simple instructions.
-I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.
-I can understand a menu.
-I can order food at a restaurant.

Instructions : 

  • Do all of  the assignments in Unit 4 lesson 3 : Cooking

Click on the button to go to Macmillan.

Task 8 Writing

Goals : 
-I can describe different meals and types of food.
-I can give and follow simple instructions.
-I can understand instructions for preparing a recipe.

Instructions : Afbeeldingsresultaat voor recipe writing

  1. Write your own recipe using the recipe card. 
  2. You can use the internet as a resource. 
  3. Hand in your recipe trough ITS learning.

Requirements : 

  • A title
  • A list of ingredients and tools ( at least 5)
  • Steps for what to do (5 steps)
  • Name of your meal. 
  • A picture of your meal. 

Open bestand Recipe card

Hand in your recipe on ITS learning

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor its learning

Voorbeeld van een recept
Voorbeeld van een recept

Task 9 Duolingo

  • Go to Duolingo
  • Get 100 XP points

Lesson 4 Being healthy

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening

Goals :

I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.

Instructions : 

  1. Imagine you're at home and you open up your fridge. 
  2. What do you see? (write down at least 10 items)
  3. Do these types of food belong in a healthy diet? Yes or no? 
  4. Why? Why not?


Task 2 Reading

Goals : 
I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.

Instructions : 

  1. Look at the infographic.
  2. Answer the questions.


Task 3 Watching and listening 1

Goals : 
-I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.

Instructions : 

  1. Watch the video
  2. Then do the matching assignment.

15 healthy food swaps

Oefening: Matching assignment


Task 4 Vocabulary

Goals : 
-I can talk about health problems.
-I can give and understand a simple description of a health problem.

Instructions : 

  1. Do task 5,1
  2. Do task 5,2 

Task 5.1


Task 5,2


Task 5 Vocabulary 2

Goals : 
-I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.

Instructions : 

  1. Copy the chart in your notebook.
  2. Fill in the chart with all of the things you eat on a daily basis.
  3. Calculate the amount of energy in the food you eat in a normal day with the list of foods and their energy content.


 List of foods and their energy content.



Task 6 Macmillan

Goals : 
-I can understand and make simple statements about healthy and unhealthy food.
-I can talk about health problems.
-I can give and understand a simple description of a health problem.

Instructions : 
Do all of  the assignments in Unit 4 lesson 4 : Being healthy

Click on the button to go to Macmillan

Masterchef assignment

In pairs/groups, you're going to prepare a restaurant conversation and you're going to record it on video.  

One of you is the waiter and the other person is the guest who's visiting the restaurant. Afbeeldingsresultaat voor masterchef


The following items must be included :

  • Greet your guests.
  • Offer them the menu (everybody gets a different menu)
  • Ask what they would like.
  • Take the order (a drink,a starter, your Masterchef dish and a dessert) and serve it.
  • Give them the bill and ask them if they liked dinner.
  • End the conversation.


Your video must be around 2 minutes long and you have to hand in the sentences that you prepared.



Hand in your video on ITS learning

  • Het arrangement Verrijking 1 Engels Food and Drinks is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    VMBO theoretische leerweg, 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engels; Lezen; Gesprekken voeren; Spreken; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven; Oriënterend lezen;


    Bron Type
    Task 2 Watching and listening
    How To Make One Cup Pancakes | Jamie Oliver
    Task 2 Watching and listening
    Task 3 How to Poach an Egg!
    15 healthy food swaps

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Het Perron Engels Onderbouw. (2016).

    1KBL/TL Unit 4: Food and Drink