1KBL/TL Unit 6: Hobbies and Sports

1KBL/TL Unit 6: Hobbies and Sports

Introduction: 'Sports and Hobbies'

Dear pupil,

Welcome back! You are about to start the theme: 'Hobbies and sports'.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about hobbies and sports.
By practicing a lot your English will improve!

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor hobbies and sports

Lesson 1 Sports

At the end of the week...

..You can talk about what you can and can't do.

..You can talk about what people can do.

..You can identify and talk about sports.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor sports

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening



  • You can talk about what you can and can't do.
  • You can talk about what people can do.
  • You can identify and talk about sports.


  1. Answer the open questions in your notebook
  2. Discuss them with a classmate. 

The image is a list of all Olympic sports.

  • What sports do you like? Why?
  • What sports don't you like? Why?
  • What sports can you do yourself? Why?
  • What sports you cannot do? Why?


Gerelateerde afbeelding

Task 2 Listening

Goals :

  • I can identify and talk about sports


  1. Listen to the man describing sports
  2. Match the description to the matching image
  3. You can relisten if needed




These words can help you : 

Description 1:

  • to invent
  • a player
  • the goal
  • shoot a ball into
  • a hoop

Description 2:

  • round
  • versus

Description 3:

  • fast-paced
  • throwing a ball
  • tough

Description 4:

  • to move
  • quickly

Description 5:

  • to require
  • unless
  • goalie

Description 6 



Task 3 Listening 2


I can identify and talk about sports


  1. Listen to the audio 'the two sides of sport'
  2. Decide if the statements are true or false.


Task 4 Reading 1


I can identify and talk about sports


  1. Read the poster.
  2. Do task 4.1 - True or False?
  3. Do task 4.2 - Gap fill


Task 5 Reading 2


  • I can identify and talk about sports


  1. Read the text about sports.
  2. Answer the multiple-choice questions in task 5.1


There are many different kinds of sports that are undertaken by a wide variety of different peoAfbeeldingsresultaat voor cricketple.

Some people do sport for their career and other people purely do sport for enjoyment and recreation. Some sports, like cricket, require the use of a lot of equipment, while others need very little in order to successfully play a game in that sport.  Some people use public playing fields to play sport for free, while other sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and table tennis are usually paid for on an hourly basis in the comfort of a local leisure center.


Most sports are played with a round object often known as a ball. Some sports use more than one ball and snooker is one of the unique sports that make use of a number of balls while being played. The game itself is often controlled by an impartial individual known as an umpire in cricket and a referee in sports like football and rugby. Most sports have a duration of not more than a few hours, however, some athletic tournaments can last for up to a week and a game of cricket can be five days in duration before a winner is announced.


Some people prefer to watch sport. This can either be done by going to a stadium, a local leisure centre, park or on the television. It is often cheaper to watch sport from the comfort of a person’s home than to visit the stadium or a special event. Some sports, such as football and cricket, are really popular in the United Kingdom but not in the USA. In the USA people often play basketball and baseball. However, most countries put aside time to compete in world sporting events such as the football world cup or the Olympics, which occur every four years.

Nowadays, people who suffer from any kind of disability are also encouraged to participate in sport and most sports equipment is adapted to suit the needs of a disabled person. This means sport is something that can be enjoyed no matter the physical ability of the person. The para-olympics takes place a week after the main event and it is equally popular. Participation in sporting activity is encouraged by doctors and at schools given the beneficial impact it has on the health of the individual that participates, and it is for this reason and the competitive nature of individuals that sport remains a very popular activity worldwide.


Task 6 Reading 3


  • You can talk about what people can do.
  • You can identify and talk about sports.


  1. Read the conversation between Mark and Cristina.
  2. Answer the questions in your notebook.
  3. Check your answers using the answer key. 


Open questions

1. What are Cristina and Mark talking about?

2. On what day of the week are football games played in England? 

3. Why does Mark mention children's games like hopscotch?

4. What kind of sports and games does Cristina prefer?

True / False questions 

5. Cristina likes football very much.  

6. Cristina doesn't like volleyball.             

7. Volleyball is a violent game            

Write a question for the following answers.

8. Yes, he likes football very much.

9. She prefers volleyball.

10. I saw the match yesterday.

Open bestand Answer key

Task 7 Grammar practice


  • You can talk about what people can do.
  • .You can talk about what you can and can't do.


  • Fill in : can / can't 
  • Copy the complete sentences in your notebook.
  • Check your answers using the answer key. 

1. Dogs _____  drive.
2. Helicopters ______  fly.
3. Bears ______  climb trees.
4. Babies ______  write.
5. Monkeys _______ ride bikes. 
6. Birds ________  read books.
7. Dolphins  _______ walk.
8. A man _______  lift a whale.
9. Snakes _______ swim.
10. Cars ______ speak.

Open bestand Answer key

Task 8 Vocabulary


  • I can identify and talk about sports


  • Match the sports with the corresponding images.


Task 9 Reading practice


Go to VO-content and complete at least 3 reading or listening tasks.

Task 10 Giggler Treatment


  • Read page 26 - 40 of the Giggler Treatment
  • Click on the link below
  • Do task 2

KBL link

GTL link

Lesson 2 Hobbies

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening


  • I can talk about my hobbies.
  • I can talk about how people do things.


  • Below you can find a link to a website with 300+ hobbies. 

  • Create a top 5 of things you like to do and for each entry explain why you like it.
  • You can use the web page for inspiration.


Discover a new hobby

Task 2 Listening 1


  • I can talk about my hobbies.
  • I can talk about how people do things.


  • Watch the video
  • Match the person with the thing(s) that they like to do in their spare time. 

Task 3 Listening 2


  • I can talk about my hobbies.
  • I can talk about how people do things.


  1. Listen to Melissa talking about her extra-school activities and what she does in her free time.
  2. Do the gap fill activity. 


Listening 2 :

Task 4 Reading 1


  1. Read the conversation between Richard and Molly.
  2. Complete the timetables with their activities.
  3. Check your answers using the key.


Richard: Hey Molly, do you want to meet up this weekend and do something?
Molly: Er yeah, okay, what do you want to do?
Richard: You know, play some computer games, watch a DVD, maybe…
Molly: I don’t want to watch a DVD, but we can play some computer games. But I’m a bit busy. I can’t do Saturday evening. I’m going to the cinema with my sister.
Richard: I can’t do Saturday evening.  I’m going to a football match. I’ll be home late. Are you free in the morning?
Molly: No, sorry. I’m going swimming first of all. Then I need to go to the library in the afternoon. I want to get some more books to read.
Richard: Yes, I really need to go shopping. I need some more shirts. I really hate it. But I have to do it. Sunday then?
Molly: I’m going running with the running club in the morning. And I promised to help my dad with the gardening in the afternoon. But maybe after four o’clock?
Richard: I usually play squash with my flatmate about then, how about in the evening - about six thirty?
Molly: Sounds good. Do you want to come to my place?  My parents won’t be home. They’re going to a concert. And my sister goes to the sports centre on Sundays.
Richard: Aerobics?
Molly: No, she does aerobics on Wednesdays. She does yoga on Sundays … and Karate on Mondays.
Richard: That’s far too much exercise!
Molly: Well, she likes to keep fit. So Sunday evening then?
Richard: Yeah, sure. Sounds good! I’ll bring some computer games round.
Molly: My mum is going to do some baking tomorrow, so there’ll be some cakes in the house.
Richard: Brilliant. See you Sunday then.


Open bestand Timetable key

Task 5 Reading 2


  • I can talk about my hobbies.
  • I can talk about how people do things.


  1. Read the text
  2. Draw 5 different word webs (1 for each person) and fill in their hobbies and interests
  3. Add a small image or sketch to each hobby and interest
  4. Compare your word webs to one of your classmates
  5. Show them to your teacher.

Mike's hobbies and interests

In the week, Mike likes to spend most of his free time at home. He is tired after work, and usually relaxes in front of the TV for an hour. Sometimes, instead of watching TV, he likes to browse the internet. He often reads the news on the internet, and about once or twice a week, he sends an email to his family in Australia. Mike rarely sees his family because he lives in Ireland, which is too far away from Australia to go very often.

Mike is also very musical. He enjoys playing the piano and the drums, but his favourite musical instrument to play is the guitar. He plays the guitar in a band. They usually practise at weekends, at his friend Paul's place. They used to practise in Paul's house, but his neighbours complained about the noise, so now they always practise in the garage.



Angela's hobbies and interests

Angela is very active and loves the outdoors. Every morning, she goes jogging in the park near her house. Then, she usually cycles to work. Occasionally, when the weather is bad, she takes the bus. She does gymnastics once a week, on Thursday evenings. She really enjoys hiking, but she rarely does it, because she works all week and is often too busy or tired at the weekends.

She likes to hike in the mountains. She always takes a backpack with her, with something to eat, and some supplies inside. Sometimes she goes hiking with friends, and sometimes she goes alone. She prefers to go with friends, but most of her friends don't like hiking as much as she does.

Daniel's hobbies and interests

Daniel is very artistic. In his free time, he enjoys painting and drawing. He prefers to paint portraits, and he is very good at it. His paintings are often displayed at exhibitions. He also writes short stories from time to time, but he prefers painting to writing. He has recently bought a camera, and is hoping that photography will become one of his new hobbies.

One of Daniel's other hobbies is playing chess, which has nothing to do with art. He sometimes plays chess at competitions, but he never wins. His friends tell him that he should stick to painting portraits!

Judith's hobbies and interests

In her free time, Judith doesn't like to stay at home. She prefers to go out with her friends or family. Most weekends, Judith and her friends go out drinking and dancing. Occasionally they eat out first, but they don't do this very often because they don't like the same restaurants. Judith's friends often argue about which restaurant to go to, but Judith doesn't mind where they go, as long as she is having fun.

Judith also likes going to the cinema, but her friends can't stand the kinds of films she likes, so they never go with her. She sometimes goes with her sister, who doesn't mind the kinds of films Judith likes.

Peter's hobbies and interests

Peter is quite sporty. He loves playing football, and he plays for a local team. He is very competitive, and he can't stand losing a game. Luckily, his team play very well, so they hardly ever lose. Peter also enjoys watching sport on TV, especially football.

Peter's other hobbies are fishing and gardening. He finds these relaxing, unlike football. Peter and his wife, Sarah, often do the gardening together. They often listen to the radio as they plant flowers and pull out the weeds. Peter would like Sarah to go fishing with him too, but she hates fishing, so she hardly ever goes with him.


Task 6 Vocabulary 1


  1. I can ask and answer questions about people's ability to do things.
  2. I can talk about my hobbies.
  3. I can talk about how people do things.


  1. Match the sentences with the correct translations.


Task 7 Duolingo - Tinycards


  • I can talk about my hobbies.


  1. Go to the Tinycards' deck by clicking the link below. 
  2. Sign in with your Duolingo account
  3. Do lesson 1,2 and 3. 

Link to Tinycards

Task 8 The Giggler Treatment


  • Read page 41-65 of The Giggler Treatment.
  • Click on the link below
  • Do task 3

KBL link

GTL link

Lesson 3 Likes & Dislikes

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening


  • ​​I can talk about my likes and dislikes.
  • I can understand and talk about what other people like and don't like


  1. Answer the questions in your notebook.
  2. Compare your answers with one of your classmates.
  3. Write down all the similarities and differences between your sentences.


Task 2 Reading 1


  • I can understand and talk about what other people like and don't like.
  • I can understand simple conversations about what people like and dislike.


  1. Read the text
  2. Answer the true/false questions in your notebook.
  3. Check your answers using the answer key.



True / False questions

  • Decide if the statements are true or false.
  • Write an X if the information is not in the text. 

Answer key

Open bestand Answer key task 2

Task 3 Reading 2


  • I can understand simple conversations about what people like and dislike.


  1. Read the conversation between Kathy and her husband Miles
  2. Select 2 movies from the list that Kathy would like to watch
  3. Compare the movies you selected with a classmate


Man: Hey, Kathy. I'm thinking about renting a movie for tonight's party, and I want to know what kind of movies you like.
Woman: Okay. What kind of movies do you have in mind?

Man: Well, what about action movies?

Woman: Ah, I don't really like action movies. Too much violence.

Man: Okay, do you like comedies?

Woman: Now, I do enjoy comedies.

Man: Fine. Well, what do you think of horror movies or love stories?

Woman: Uh . . . I'm not really crazy about horror movies, but love stories are often fun to watch. Oh, and I really like foreign films, too.

Man: Okay. I'll go to the video store and see what I can find. Thanks.


Movie list

Task 4 Listening 1


  • I can understand and talk about what other people like and don't like


  1. Listen to Richard talking about what he likes to do when on holiday and what he doesn’t like.
  2. Copy the activities in your notebook and put an 'y' behind the word if Richards likes the activity and 'n' if he doesn't like it. 
  3. Show your answers to your teacher. 


  • Going to the beach
  • Visiting touristic sites
  • Swimming
  • Having sand on his body
  • Sports
  • Going for a walk
  • Discovering new cities

Task 5 Reading practice


Go to VO-content and complete at least 3 reading or listening tasks.

Task 6 The Giggler Treatment


  • Read page 66 - 92 of the Giggler Treatment
  • Click on the link below
  • Do task 4

KBL link

GTL link

Lesson 4 TV

Task 1 Pre-reading and listening


  • I can talk about TV programmes.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor watching tv


  1. Answer the questions in your notebook.
  2. Share with a classmate and compare your answers.


How much time do you spend watching TV?
Do you watch TV programmes in English?
What types of programmes do you watch? Why?


Task 2 Watching and Listening


  • I can talk about TV programmes.
  • I can understand simple conversations about TV shows.


  1. Watch the video
  2. In 2 sentences write down what you think the message of the video is. 
  3. Share and compare with a classmate. 



Task 3 Listening


  • I can talk about radio programs.
  • I can understand simple conversations about TV shows.
  • I can listen for specific information.


  1. Listen to the advertisements.
  2. Copy the text below in your notebook.
  3. Fill in the missing information.
  4. Check your answers using the answer key. 

Barkerís Department Store

Opens at _________ am

Closes at _______ pm

Closed on __________

Greenwood Fitness Center

Next to  __________

Opens at _______ am

Closes at ________pm

Open Monday - __________day

Club 100 Movie Theater

Movie title _________.

Starts at _______ pm on _________day


Open bestand Answer key

Task 4 Reading 1


  • I can talk about TV programs.
  • I can understand simple conversations about TV shows.


  1. Use the tv program listings below to answer the open questions in your notebook.
  2. Check your answers using the answer key.

Tv program listings.


  1. How many programs are showing on Saturday night?
  2. What's the latest time you can watch the news?
  3. What time is "Match of the Day" on?
  4. How many films are showing on Saturday night?
  5. How many sports programmes are on altogether?
  6. What is the latest time you can watch a film on Saturday? 


Open bestand Answer key tv guide.pdf

Task 5 Reading 2


  • I can talk about TV programs.
  • I can understand simple conversations about TV shows.


  • Look at the infographic.
  • Write 5 WH-questions on the infographic on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Swap your question paper with a classmate
  • Answer each other's questions individually.
  • Swap your question paper again to check the answers.
  • Discuss the answers together.


tv infograph edit

Task 6 Grammar


  • I can ask for permission.


  1. Write down 5 sentences in which you ask someone for permission. 
  2. Watch the video or ask your teacher for help if you made a lot of mistakes.


Task 7 The Giggler Treatment


  • Read page 93-109
  • You have now finished the story
  • Write a Dutch summary in your notebook of the story ( Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, etc. )

  • Use at least 150-200 words for your summary.

KBL link

GTL link