Les Communicatieve Vaardigheden; Grammatica en Vocabulaire
Les Communicatieve Vaardigheden; Grammatica en Vocabulaire
Lesson 1:
The students know vocabulary related to holiday/travel.
The students know vocabulary related to writing a formal letter.
The students know the difference between formal and informal words for writing a letter.
Lesson 2:
The students know what a correctly structured formal letter looks like and are able to write this individually.
The students are able to recognize and correct grammar mistakes in a sentence.
The students are able to use grammatical correct sentences when writing a formal letter.
The upcoming two classes will be about vocabulary and grammar.
First, we will kick off with vocabulary and in the second class we will start with grammar.
The goal we are working towards is to be able to write a formal letter in English, in reply to a letter of complaint from one of your customers. You have to bare in mind the previous two lessons, for which you were a travel agency (reisbureau). You are still working at the travel agency, therefore you have to send a decent reply to satisfy your customer.
We strive to enable you to do so using the suiting vocabulary and the correct grammar after these two lessons.
What can you expect?
First class:
Vocabulary is a matter of importance, since we use it every day. In order to become better at it and expand our knowledge of vocabulary, we need to practice. This is exactly what we will be doing during this lesson.
First we will start with explaining about the difference between formal and informal words and how to use the right words in a formal setting. Then, you have to do Assignment 1 from the Vocabulary section below the ''Practice Assignments'' heading.
When you have finished Assignment 1, you can continue working on Assignment 2 from the Vocabulary section.
Second class:
The second class is entirely dedicated to grammar. First we will start off with a ''nulmeting'', using Kahoot!. You have to spot a mistake in a sentence, or you have to find the correct answer to answer a question with. Do not worry about this assignment, we will do this together in class. But do not forget to bring a device such as your mobile phone, laptop or tablet with you since you need to be able to access the internet in order to join.
In class we will hand out a paper with information on how to write a formal letter. This is to practice sentence structures and to repeat the vocabulary you have studied during and after the previous lesson. First we will discuss all of it together. At the end of the lesson you will have to work on another letter individually.
Third class:
Written test! You will now be able to write a formal letter in reply to your dissatisfied customer.
Learning goals
Geerts, W., & van Kralingen, R. (2014). Handboek voor Leraren. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.
Slooter, M. (2014). De Vijf Rollen van de Leraar. Amersfoort: CPS Onderwijsontwikkeling en advies.
Staatsen, F., & Heebing, S. (2015). Moderne Vreemde Talen in de Onderbouw. Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.
usingenglish.com. (2016). Formal Letter Writing. Retrieved from Using English: https://www.usingenglish.com/resources/letter-writing.php
Practice assignments
Assignment 1
Fill in the gap letter met formele woorden
The manager
Modern Restaurant
Sector 23
6 July 2010
... Horton
... to complain about a meal we had in your restaurant yesterday. We had booked a table for six but when we arrived there were no free tables and we had to wait for more than 45 minutes to sit down.
... a menu of 12 dishes, only four were ... and their quality was poor. The fish, in particular, tasted awful and the waiter was rude when we told him about this, ...
We have eaten in your restaurant several times in the past ... this is the first time we have ... such bad treatment. ... not asking for a refund but I would like you to improve the quality of your dishes and service.
Ravi Menon
Assignment 2
Toets: Informal and Formal words
For this assignment you have to do to the following:
Each question consists out of ten small questions.
You have to combine the formal form to the informal form.
For example:
Hello - Dear
You use ''Dear'' to greet the person you are writing to if it is a formal setting.
Would you be writing to a friend you could use ''Hello''.
''Dear'' will be followed by the person you are writing to
Dear Miss Dijkhuizen
Dear Mr. van der Berg
For this exercise we focus solely on the formal words or small sentences.
You can find the words above the ten informal words.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Je loopt stage bij het Engelse bedrijf Woolco International in leeds. Er komt vandaag een telefoontje binnen van Maud Billings van Billings&Co. Zij belt voor Gerald Knapp, jouw collega, die vandaag afwezig is. Jij handelt het gesprek af, neemt de boodschap aan (zij is boos dat Gerald Knapp is niet komen opdagen) en stelt vervolgens in correct Engels een brief op voor Gerald. Hierin verwerk je de hoofdzaken uit het telefoongesprek. Gebruik de datum van vandaag.
Nuttige informatie:
dat er vandaag gebeld is
welke persoon van welk bedrijf gebeld heeft
waarom de beller gebeld heeft
dat de beller de oorspronkelijke afspraak wil afzeggen
de datum en het tijdstip van de nieuwe afspraak
de boodschap die de beller heeft achtergelaten
werk de brief netjes uit op de computer
Extra practice assignments
As the title already states, this is an extra assignment you might find handy to practice recognising grammar mistakes within sentences.
Since it is an extra assignment, you do not have to do this. But of course, you are allowed to since it is for your own benefit.
Spot and correct the mistakes
Toets: Spot and correct the mistakes
As the title already states, in order to pass for this test you have to spot the mistake in every sentence and correct it.
You have to rewrite the whole sentence using the correct forms.
Please be aware of CAPITAL letters at the beginning of each sentence, every name and what have you.
Also pay careful attention to interpunction. Use a full stop at the end of a sentence, otherwise your answer might be wrong according to the computer programme.
Print or take a picture of the final results at the end of the test.
You will have passed the test if 70 percent of the answers are correct.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Het arrangement Les Communicatieve Vaardigheden; Grammatica en Vocabulaire is gemaakt met
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Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt,
maakt en deelt.
Esther Dijkhuizen
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2017-01-27 10:23:14
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Informal and Formal words
Spot and correct the mistakes
IMSCC package
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