How the Grinch stole Christmas !

How the Grinch stole Christmas !

The Story

In the PDF-file you can look up the complete story of 'How the Grinch stole Christmas', written by Dr Seuss. It was first published in 1957 (!) and a lot of American children and adults know the story by heart.

You will notice that a lot of things that happen in the film come directly from the book.

Everything sentence in the book rhymes and the narrator in the film (storyteller) does so too.

"The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!

Now, please don't ask why. No one quite knows the reason."


In the next chapters you will find the assignments about the film & the book.

You have to hand in assignments 1 (open questions) and 2 (multiple choice questions) in Google classroom; your teacher will give you the instructions. Assignment 3 will be finished the last lesson before the Christmas holiday in class.

How the Grinch stole Christmas - assignments 1


Questions about the text (before watching)

1: Who is the author (writer) of the book “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”?

2: Write down two reasons why the Grinch might hate Christmas.

3. Where do you think “Who-ville” is?



How the Grinch stole Christmas - assignments 2

Multiple choice questions (while watching or after watching the film)


  1. The father and the little girl are walking through the busy streets of Whoville. The father says to the little girl “Boy, nothing  beats Christmas right?” What does the little girl think about Christmas?
  • A She loves it, just like her father
  • B She thinks it’s a little bit too much
  • C She hates it, just like the Grinch
  1. Why doesn’t the mayor want to talk about the Grinch?
  • A He’s afraid of the Grinch
  • B Because the Grinch is his ugly brother
  • C He doesn’t want the Grinch to ruin the 1000th  Whobilation.


  1. Why is the mother on the roof?
  • A She wants the best Christmas lights in town
  • B She’s taking down the Christmas lights
  • C She’s angry because the father and the girl went shopping without her


  1. What is the little girl singing about?
  • A She can’t wait for Christmas to begin
  • B She’s afraid she won’t get any presents
  • C Christmas is not the same for her anymore


  1. Why does the Grinch hate Christmas? Choose the best answer
  • A His parents hated Christmas, too. They raised him that way.
  • B He never liked it, he was born that way.
  • C He was bullied at Christmas when he was a boy.


  1. Why does the little girl want the Grinch to accept the invitation to be Holiday Cheermeister?
  • A She’s afraid she went to his house for nothing
  • B She hopes that if the Grinch likes Christmas again, her doubts (twijfels) will also go away
  • C She loves the Grinch very much


  1. What does the Grinch say about the Whos and Christmas gifts?
  • AThey are greedy, and the gifts will all end up in the garbage anyway
  • B It’s stupid to give presents that the Whos don’t like
  • C The Whos never gave him a Christmas gift


  1. What does Cindy´s (the little girl’s) father say about Christmas?
  • A He’s happy his family didn’t get stolen
  • B He’s angry because his gifts are gone
  • C Christmas isn’t about the gifts and the lights


  1. Finish this sentence: “Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps…………………………………………”
  • A Makes my eyes go sore
  • B Means a little bit more
  • C Is a total bore


  1. Why doesn’t the policeman arrest the Grinch?
  • A Because he said he was sorry
  • B Because he’s afraid of the Grinch
  • C Because he doesn’t like the mayor

How the Grinch stole Christmas - assignments 3

After watching:



If you were the Grinch and you wanted to ruin Christmas for the Who’s, how would you do it? What kind of things would you do to make Christmas awful? Write about it in at least 150 words. Use the future tense (to be going to)! Start like this:

I am the Grinch, and I am going to steal Christmas, I am going to………….

Print out your text, and use it to create a Grinchy poster in class. Your teacher will bring coloured paper (red, green and white). The rest is up to you! You can bring some nice pictures to decorate your poster to class if you like. Hand in your poster before the Christmas holiday.

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    Assignments for 'How the Grinch stole Christmas
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    privé Nijs. (2016).

    A Christmas Carol

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