1BBL Project: Narnia

1BBL Project: Narnia

Narnia project

Design your own kingdom

Narnia is a great place to visit! You can go there every time you read the Narnia books. But why not create your own fantasy kingdom?

  • Pick a good name for your kingdom.
  • Draw a map of your kingdom. Label bodies of water, woods, roads, where your creatures live, where your castle is located.
  • Design your own castle.
  • What kind of creatures are there in your kingdom? Describe or draw them.
  • Make a list of laws/rules that are important for your kingdom.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor map of Narnia


Let's refresh our memories

Let’s refresh our memories

Some of you have seen the movie, but some of you haven’t. Let’s refresh our memories/ let’s take a sneak peek.



Now in pairs, describe to each other, in English, what the book we are going to read will be about.


Reading : Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

  • First I will read the story to you, read along and pay attention to pronunciation.
  • Now I would like you to read the story to the class, so beforehand you prepare assigned pages in pairs. Practise reading them in English and discuss in Dutch what happens at those pages.

Scenes in close up

Scenes in close up





While the Pevensies run for their lives they meet a lot of creatures. They also meet Father Christmas who gives them presents.  After watching the scene draw the presents the Pevensies get and describe them. Also draw what you would like to get from Father Christmas for your Fantasy Kingdom and describe it.





Before the Pevensies return to their old lives, they have to fight the White Witch. After watching the scene tell your neighbour if you are happy with the ending and why (not)?



Narnia: Prince Caspian

Years have passed….


  • Let’s read
  • In groups of 4 you read the story to each other
  • You answer each other’s questions


And the lived happily ever after

Lucy knew that only time would tell how the battle would end. But in her heart Lucy felt the strength of a Lion…..



Finish the story. It’s completely up to you how the story ends. So it doesn’t have to end happily ever after…..


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    2019-07-17 15:02:39

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