What is your favorite room in the house and why?
What are the differences between your dream house and your current house?
Who is also living in your house?
What is the most interesting part of the house and why?
What does your bedroom look like when you stand in the doorway?
Lesson 2 My town
Task 1 Before you listen and read
Answer the questions using full sentences in your notebook.
Where do you live?
What do you like about living in your village, town or city? (3 sentences)
Task 2 Listening 1
You are going to listen to a tour guide talking about a tour of London.
You're going to create a travel brochure for a town or city in the world.
Below, is a description of the things your travel guide must have(moet hebben) en what it could have(mag hebben). Make sure you have enough time if you want to include 'could have' parts.
Must have
Could have
- Short History Section
- 5 “must see” places
- Best time of year to travel, including weather
- A recommended daily budget
Places to eat -
Festivals and/or holidays
- Places to stay
Lesson 3 Shops and Shopping
Task 1 Pre-reading
Try to answer the questions below in English / beantwoordt de vragen hieronder in het Engels.
Write your answers in your notebook.
Do you love shopping?
Why/Why not?
What is your favorite shop? And what do you usually buy there?
Would you like to work in a store?
Why/Why not?
Now compare your answers to one of your classmates and write down the differences.
Task 2 Reading 1
I can read a text about shopping and different kind of shops.
Read the text 'Do you like Shopping?'
Do task 2.1
Do task 2.2
Do you like shopping?
Aisha, 32
I like shopping, but it depends on who I go with. Trying to shop with young children is a nightmare! I don't like shopping with my husband either because he's always in a hurry, and worries about spending money. But shopping with friends is fun, and I like going on my own too. My favorite shops is a clothing shop.
Simon, 28
I don't really enjoy grocery shopping. In fact, it's a pain! I find it stressful because I'm always afraid of making mistakes. But I don't mind going with my girlfriend because she helps me choose. I think women are better at grocery shopping than men. They are better cooks in general.
Ivan, 30
I'm not interested in shopping at all - in fact, I hate it. I always order the stuff I need online. However, I like to go to an electronics shops once in a while.
Rosa, 24
I love shopping, but not on a Saturday or during the sales, when the shops are really crowded. I prefer shopping alone. Buying things often takes me a long time because I never buy the first thing I see. I always look around other shops to see if I can find the same thing cheaper. I'm quite good at finding a bargain. I hate shopping in large supermarkets and prefer buying food in small shops like a bakery and a butcher.
Peter, 68
I think shopping is a waste of time. My wife does all of my shopping.
The only shop I visit every week is the florist to buy flowers for my wife.
Go to Macmillan and do all the assignments in Unit 3 Places "Shops"
Task 7 Advertisement
A friend of you needs your help. He started a new shop and needs an English poster that helps advertise his new shop.
Think of a type of shop.
Think of three products you can buy in his/her shop.
Think of a name for the shop.
Draw images.
Hand in your poster when you're done.
Lesson 4 Directions
Task 1 Introduction
Check with a classmate how much you know about shops and shopping already.
First, answer the questions in your notebook.
Then, discuss the answers with one of your classmates.
Discuss in pairs
Have you ever been to a shop in the United Kingdom or another English speaking country?
If so, what did you buy? Was the shop very different from a Dutch shop?
If not, do you know any products that are different in other countries?
In what city would you like to go shopping?
Task 4 Listening 1
I can listen to someone talking about shopping and different kind of shops.
I can read a text about shopping and different kind of shops.
I can use 'this, that, these and those' when talking about shopping or different kind of shops.
I can recognize and name shops in English.
Listen to the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant.
Do task 4.1 : Schrijf achter de zin wie het heeft gezegd ;The customer or the shop assistant. Copy the sentences in your notebook and write who said what behind it.
Do task 4.2 : Answer the questions in your notebook.
Much en Many betekenen alle twee ‘veel’. Maar wanneer gebruik je nu welke? Daarvoor moet je kijken naar het soort zin waarin het voor komt en het zelfstandig naamwoord dat erachter komt.
In vragende en ontkennende zinnen als het zelfstandig naamwoord ontelbaaris:
–> Have you got much work to do?
–>There isn’t much information about the accident.
In vragende en ontkennende zinnen als het zelfstandig naamwoord telbaar is:
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Who am I?
Task 8.1
Task 2.1 MC questions
Task 2.2 List
Task 3 There is / There are
Task 2.1
Task 2.2
Task 5 Grammar
Task 2 listening
Task 3 Listening 2
Task 4 reading t/f questions
Task Grammar
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