Leerarrangement - ELT

Leerarrangement - ELT


Hello students,

In class you pointed out to me that you had some trouble with the present and past perfect. So, I decided to make three exercises for you as extra practice with these tenses.
On here you can practice:

  1. The present perfect
  2. The past perfect
  3. A mix of both

In the menu on the left you can find three exercises each with an explanation of the assignment and a test for you to practice with. We will discuss these exercises in class so be sure to write down your scores and any questions you might have.

I hope these exercises will help you and good luck! 


Exercise 1 - the present perfect

Explanation of the present perfect

I will give an explanation of the present perfect to freshen you memory. You can choose to read this or go straight to the exercise.

We use the present perfect to talk about past experiences and present results. We form the present perfect with have + past participle (regular past participle ends in -ed, such as finished). Some examples are: I have finished, he has not gone and where have you been?

Past experiences:

We use the present perfect to talk about actions and experiences that have happened in our lives up to now:

  • My father has worked for multiple companies.
  • have played football before.

We use the present perfect to talk about a past action that has a result in the present:

  • My car has broken down.
  • They have gone out.

Toets: The present perfect


Exercise 2 - the past perfect

Explanation of the past perfect

I will give a short explanation of the past perfect to freshen you memory. You can choose to read this or go straight to the exercise.

We use the past perfect to show the order of past actions and giving reasons. We form the present perfect with had + past participle (regular past participle ends in -ed, such as finished). Some examples are: I had already seen the film, we had not finished the job and had she met him before? 

The order of past actions:

We use the past perfect to show which action happened first:

  • Before I finally found a job, I had been to 10 interviews.
  • When I got to the café, everyone had ordered their drinks

Giving reasons:

  • Emily was unhappy because her husband had forgotten her birthday.
  • James Ford became the captain because he had sailed before.


Toets: The past perfect


Exercise 3 - mix of present and past perfect

The present and past perfect

For an explanation about the present and past perfect look at exercises 1 & 2

Toets: The present & past perfect


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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    The present perfect

    The past perfect

    The present & past perfect

    IMSCC package

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