


On this webpage you will find exercises that you need to do in order to prepare for your upcoming grammar test.
So far, you have been introduced to several tenses. These are:

  • the Present Simple
  • the Present Continuous
  • the Past Simple
  • the Past Continuous

In the following tabs you will find assignments to check whether you have understood the grammar we have discussed in class.

Once you have finished all the exercises, you are to do the final quiz that you will find below the assignments. Make sure you write down the score of your test and bring it to class.
Do not worry if you make mistakes. We will discuss the assignments in class and you are always welcome to ask me questions if you have any.


Here you will find the exercises assigned to you.


You will do the assignments in order from one to four.

These will prepare you for the final quiz which you can find below the exercises.

Beware that in the quiz you will have to know when to use which form. Remember them well!

Exercise 1 - Present Simple

I will explain the rules of the Present Simple briefly here, using the verb to walk.

When you use the Present Simple, you have to use the infinitive (hele werkwoord), with the exemption of he, she and it. If you use he, she or it an 's' will be added to the infinitive.

  • I walk to school
  • He/she/it walks to school

Next to that you need to remember the following rules:

  1. You use the Present Simple for repeated or regular actions in the present time.
  2. You use the Present Simple when you talk about facts.
  3. You use the Present Simple when you talk about habits.
  4. You use the Present Simple for things that are always/generally true.



Exercise 2 - Present Continuous

When you start working on these assignments bare the following rules in mind:

  • The present continuous consists of two parts: 
    • to be & infinitive + ing
    • ​​For example: I am watching the television.

You use the present continuous when:

  • actions are happening while we are speaking:
    • For example: Hurry up. The taxi is waiting.
  • actions happen around the time of speaking:
    • For exmaple: Esther is studying English grammar.
  • things are temporary:
    • For example: We are staying inside the car until it stops raining.
  • something changes or is trending.
  • we describe pictures.

Exercise 3 - Past Simple

Now we are going to work with the past tense. More specifically; the Past Simple.

The past simple for regular verbs consists of:

  • the infinitive (hele werkwoord) + ed
  • Take into consideration that irregular forms have different forms. You had to study these from the book so I am not going to elaborate more on those.

We use the Past Simple for:

  • past actions and situations;
    • a single completed action in the past
    • repeated actions in the past
      • Caroline phoned her family every day when she was on holiday.
    • a series of actions (when one thing happens after another) in the past
    • situations that finished in the past
      • He lived from 1500 to 1539.

We also use the Past Simple with adverbs of time, for example when, after, last year, ten minutes ago etc.

Exercise 4 - Past Continuous

The Past Continuous consists of the following:

  • was/were & infinitive (hele werkwoord) + ing
    • For example: We were walking through town.

We use the Past Continuous:

  • to describe an action or situation happening at or around a time in the past;
    • I wasnt feeling well that day, so I didnt go out with the others.
  • for temporary past situations;
    • At the time I was working at the Hilton in Amsterdam.
  • for two actions/situations happening at the same time;
    • While I was playing Mario Kart, my sister was having trouble with controlling the cat.
  • for interrupted actions;
    • We use the past continuous and the past simple together to show that one action (past simple) interrupts another action (past continuous);
      • Someone knocked on the door when I was watching TV.


Final quiz

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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Present Simple

    Present Continuous

    Past Simple

    Past Continuous

    Final Quiz

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