2 Being in Love - Grammar overview and exercises

2 Being in Love - Grammar overview and exercises

2 Being in Love - grammar overview


In this theme you’ll learn about the future tense and progressive tenses.
How to use them, the long and the short form. If you want, you can print this overview as PDF

Good luck!

Grammar - Future Simple Tense

Future tense


future with will - use

We use the simple future for:
1. A decision at the moment of speaking (a spontaneous action):
I'm cold.
I'll close the window.

2. Prediction based on opinion:
I think the Conservatives will win the next election.

3. A future fact:
The sun will rise at 7am.

4. Promises / requests / refusal / willingness:
I'll help you with your homework.
Will you give me a hand?
I will give up smoking!

5. Shall

Shall is used mainly in the forms shall I? and shall we? in British English.
These forms are used when you want to get someone's opinion, especially for offers and suggestions:
- Shall I open the window? (= do you want me to open the window).
- Where shall we go tonight? (= what's your opinion?).


future with will - form

The simple future tense is very easy to make and is very useful.
In business and other formal texts, the full form will plus infinitive (hele ww) is used
However, in spoken English, emails and personal letters, more often than not 'll is used. .

Here's the positive form (will + infinitive):
- I will meet him later (I'll ..)
- You will come (you'll ..)
- It will rain tomorrow (it'll ..)
- She will be late (she'll ..)
- He will help us later (he'll ..)
- We will get married in September (we'll ..)
- They will cook dinner (they'll ..)

Next, here's the negative form (add: not).
In spoken English, emails and personal letters, more often than not won't is used.
However, in business and juridical texts, the full form will not is used.

Here's the negative form (not):
- I will not go (I won't ..)
- You will not be late (you won't ..)
- It will not snow tomorrow (it won't ..)
- She will not get the job (she won't ..)
- He will not pass the exam (he won't ..)
- We will not come (we won't ..)
- They will not stop (they won't ..)         


 NB: We use be going to + infinitive for:

1. Future plans made before the moment of speaking:
We've run out of milk.
I know, I'm going to buy some.

2. Prediction based on present evidence:
Look at those boys playing football! They're going to break the window.


Toets:positive form - will

Toets:positive form - 'll

Toets:negative form - will not

Toets:negative form - won't

Toets:questions - will

Toets:Present Simple or Simple Future

Toets:Present Simple or Simple Future

extra exercises on will future

future simple - extra exercise

future simple - negations - extra exercise

future simple - questions

Grammar - Present Continuous Tense


Present (simple) continuous - use


We use the Present Continuous Tense in the following cases:

1. Things that are happening at the moment of speaking.
- I'm working at the moment.
- Please call back as we are eating dinner now.
- Julie is sleeping.
- You are studying the present continuous.

2. Temporary situations, when we feel something won't continue for a long time.

- She's staying with her friend for a week.
- I'm living in London for a few months.
- John's working in a bar until he finds a job in his field.
- I'm reading a really great book.

The present simple is used for permanent situations that we feel will continue for a long time.

3. Temporary or new habits (for normal habits that continue for a long time, we use the present simple).
- He's eating a lot these days.
- She's swimming every morning (she didn't use to do this).
- You're drinking too many Fristi's.
- They're working late every night.

4. Annoying habits, when we want to show that something happens too often and we don't like it.
- You're always losing your keys!
- She's constantly missing the train.
- He's always sleeping in.
- They're forever being late.

5. Definite future arrangements (with a future time word).
In this case we have already made a plan and we are pretty sure that the event will happen in the future.
- I'm meeting my father tomorrow.
- We're going to the beach at the weekend.
- I'm leaving at three.
- They're coming to the party at the weekend.

6. Finally we use this tense to talk about a situation which is slowly changing.
- I'm getting better at playing the piano.
- The weather is improving.   

Present simple continuous - form


The Present simple continuous (sometimes called the Present Progressive) Tense in English is really easy to make and is the same for all verbs.We make it using the present simple of be + verb + -ing:

Here is how we make the positive:

Positive Positive Short Form
I am sleeping I'm sleeping
you are sleeping you're sleeping
he is sleeping he's sleeping
she is sleeping she's sleeping
it is sleeping it's sleeping
we are sleeping we're sleeping
they are sleeping they're sleeping


We can make the negative by adding not:

Negative Negative Short Form
I am not sleeping I'm not sleeping
You are not playing you aren't playing
He is not reading he isn't reading
She is not working she isn't working
It is not raining it isn't raining
We are not cooking we aren't cooking
They are not listening they aren't listening


Questions are also really easy. Just like we made the question with be in the present simple, here we also put am, is, or are before the subject to make a yes/no-question. For wh-questions, just put the question word at the front.

yes/no questions |why questions
Am I eating chocolate? Why am I eating chocolate?
Are you studying now? What are you studying now?
Is he working? When is he working?
Is she doing her homework? What is she doing?
Is it raining? Why is it raining?
Are we meeting at six? Who are we meeting?
Are they coming? How are they travelling?


Toets:Present Continuous with to be and not - full form

Toets:Present Continuous with to be and not - short form

extra exercises on continuous forms

past simple continuous - extra exercise

present perfect continuous - extra exercise

past or past perfect continuous - extra exercise

future continuous - extra exercise