You can explain why making a drawing will help you observational skills
All day long you are using your eyes to look around. Some things you may have seen 1000 times. An example: ears. When you look at somebody's face, you will see their ears. But maybe you have never REALLY taken a good look at an ear. Do you think you could make a detailed drawing of an ear? Not the way ears look in cartoons or in children's drawings, but the way a real ear looks.
When you are drawing anything, the first thing you do is take a good look at the thing you are drawing. You should study it with your full attention. Now you should start with the outlines of your drawing. Make sure you are using most of the paper you are drawing on to make sure the final drawing will be big enough. When you have drawn an outline, look at the thing you are drawing again. Is your outline correct? If not, correct it. After the outline you will begin puting in the details. Again, after each thing you draw, look at the thing you are drawing again to make sure you did it right. Now just be patient and keep adding details untill your drawing looks like the thing you are drawing. Try not to sketch and draw with clear lines. So if you did do some sketching, make sure to erase those fine lines before handing in your drawing. The final result should look neat.
How to make a scientific drawing
Your teacher will give you a piece of paper. You are going to make a detailed drawing of your neighbour's ear.
Make sure to:
- Start with the outline
- Have patience
- Keep adding detail untill it looks real
- Make sure the drawing is neat; remove lines which aren't there in real life (no sketching)
When you think you are done, show it to your teacher for feedback. After you recieve the feedback, you need to improve your drawing.
Word list
detailed = thorough (NL: zorgvuldig, met alle details)
study = a detailed examination and analysis of a subject (NL: bestuderen, een zorgvuldige manier om iets te bekijken en te analyseren)
outlines = the outer lines of the thing you are drawing (NL: de omlijning)
sketch = a simply or hastily executed drawing, giving the essential features without the details (NL: een schets)
neat = in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition (NL: netjes)
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