1KBL/TL Unit 2: Descriptions

1KBL/TL Unit 2: Descriptions

Unit 2



Dear Student,


At the end of this unit you can :

  • Describe yourself and others. (writing,speaking)
  • Talk about the things that you have got (clothing and body parts)
  • Take simple notes.
  • Answer questions about yourself.

Good luck!

Lesson 1 Me and others

At the end of the week... 

  • I can say/write simple things about myself and other people​
  • I can talk about mine or other people's possessions
  • I can read an email and write a simple response

Task 1 Before you read

You're going to guess (raden) the topic of the text that you're going to read in task 2.


These words will help you : Mum,Dad , Sister and Pet dog.


Write down your guess in your notebook. 

Task 2 & 3 reading


  • Read the text

  • Answer the questions. 

The text

Task 4 grammar

What's the correct pronoun? 


  1. Have

Task 5 writing

Task 6 Macmillan

Task 6 : Macmillan

Now go to Macmillan and work on the assignments in unit 2 descriptions : me and others.

Go to Macmillan

Task 7 review

Task 7 this week

Je gaat een korte samenvatting maken van de dingen die je hebt geleerd in de les. 

Het volgende moet er in staan : 

  • Korte beschrijving wat je hebt geleerd.
  • Iets wat jij leuk of makkelijk vond en waarom.
  • Iets wat jij niet leuk of moeilijk vond en waarom.


Dit verslagje lever je in bij je docent via ITS learning

Lesson 2 Clothes

At the end of the week...

  • I can speak about the things I have got.
  • I can ask and answer simple questions about the things I have got.
  • I can give a simple description of my clothes.

Task 1 Before you listen and read

  1. List all the pieces of clothing you know in your notebook
  2. Then compare your list to one of your classmates. 
  3. Use a different color pen to add his/her items. 



Task 2 Listening

  1. Listen to the Audio file.
  2. Then pair the pieces of clothing that you hear to the correct person. 

Audio lesson 2 clothing:

Task 3 Reading

First, read the flyer below then answer the questions.

Task 4 Vocabulary

Task 5 Grammar

Belangrijk! Sla het bewijs van deelname op!

Task 6 Grammar 2

Task 7 Writing

Task 8 Macmillan

Do the assignments in 'Descriptions: clothes' in Macmillan.


Task 9 : Review

  1. Go back to the list you made in task 1.
  2. Use a different color pen to add all the new clothing words you learned.
  3. Show your list to your teacher. 

Lesson 3 Parts of the body

At the end of the week...

...I can give and understand simple descriptions of the body.

Task 1 : Mindmap

Create a 'body parts' mindmap in your notebook. Write down all the body parts you know already.


You need this mindmap for the last assignment so don't lose it. 


Task 2 : Listening

Listen to the song 'body parts' by Brendan Parker and answer the questions below. 


Brendan Parker - Body parts

Task 3 : Listening

Listen to the song again and then list at least 6 body parts.

Example : 

  • Hair
  • Arms

Brendan Parker - Body parts

Task 4 Reading and drawing

Your friend had a nightmare last night. He's describing the monster he saw in his dreams. You want to know what he is talking about and you decide to draw the monster. 

Read his description and draw the monster in your notebook. Click on the check button to see if you drawing is correct.


Description 1 

It was a scary green monster with three heads.

The middle head had one eye, the left head two and the right head three. 

All of its heads had two ears with one eye attached to it.

All of its heads had a mouth with lots of teeth and a long tongue sticking out. 

The monster had tree necks which were attached to its torso.

There was a large eye in the middle of his body with a red pupil.

It was so frightening! 

The monster had two thin long arms with claws as hands. 

Its legs were tiny tentacles. 

The worst part of the monster was his long tail...


Description 2 

My monster has a dark blue oval circle for a body with four light blue horizontal stripes. It has yellow ears shaped like rectangles with two orange fingers. He is wearing a pink, red, orange, yellow, ​yellow green, green, blue and purple clown wig. He has a yellow green mustache on his head. He has a dark green mouth. He has two white and black eyes, one big eye and one small eye. He has little dark blue feet.

Alleen op de links hieronder klikken als je klaar bent met tekenen!

Open bestand Monster drawing

Open bestand T-TroyMonster.jpg

Task 5 Vocabulary

Task 6 Macmillan

Go to Macmillan and complete all the exercises in Unit 2 Descriptions : the body.

Task 7 Testing your vocabulary

By now you have learned the names of the body part in English. To check how many you know you're going to label a drawing of a human. 

You have to include all of the body parts that were in your task 1 mindmap.


Your classmate has to check your drawing before you hand it in. 


Done? Write down at least 5 body parts which you find difficult to remember in your notebook. Add the Dutch translation. Hopefully, this will help you to remember them. 



Lesson 4 What's he like?

At the end of the week...

You can give simple descriptions of people's appearances.

You can give simple descriptions of people's personalities.

Task 1 Your personality

What kind of person are you? Write down 3 different  personal characteristics in your notebook.


Use this image if you need help : 

Task 2 Listening

Listen to the audio file then answer the true/false questions to check your understanding. 

Listening : What is your best quality? :

Task 3 Listening

Listen to the recording again and do the task below. 

Drag the personal qualities to the correct person. 

Task 4 Reading

Read the story and answer the multiple-choice questions.


Task 5 Reading and organizing

Read the text again then list all of the personality traits and emotions. Compare your list with one of your classmates. 

Task 6 Macmillan

Go to Macmillan and do all the exercises in 'descriptions : What's he like?' 


Task 7 : Mapping

Create a mind map with your name in the middle. Now, add at least 7 good personal traits or emotions to your mind map. Compare yours with one of your classmates. 


Hand in your mindmap  when you're done. 

  • Het arrangement 1KBL/TL Unit 2: Descriptions is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Het Perron
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2016-11-08 10:23:18

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    VMBO kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 1; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Instructies lezen; Engels; Lezen; Spreken; Lezen om informatie op te doen; Aantekeningen, berichten, formulieren; Luisteren en kijken; Schrijven; Monologen;


    Bron Type
    Go to Macmillan
    Brendan Parker - Body parts
    Brendan Parker - Body parts

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Het Perron Engels Onderbouw. (2016).

    1BBL Unit 2: Descriptions
