1 personal - grammar and exercises

1 personal - grammar and exercises


Grammar (grammatica)

Grammar (= grammatica)
In grammar, we will explain the rules of the English language.

If you want to be able to do all the assignments correctly you will need to know more about some grammar items.

You are going to learn about:

  • Personal pronouns
  • To be
  • Present simple

Good luck!

Personal pronouns (persoonlijk voornaamwoorden)

The personal pronoun (persoonlijk voornaamwoord) refers to a person, a group of persons or things. 
These are all the personal pronouns:


Singular* subject* no subject* * singular = enkelvoud; subject = onderwerp
1st person I = ik me = mij  
2nd person you = jij you = jou  
3rd person he = hij him = hem  
  she = zij her = haar  
  it = het it = het  
Plural*     * plural = meervoud
1st person we = wij us = ons  
2nd person you = jullie you = jullie  
3rd person they = zij them = hen/hun  




  • He gives me an apple.
    Hij geeft me een appel.
  • I give you a present.
    Ik geef je een cadeau.
  • I see him in the garden.
    Ik zie hem in de tuin.
  • Give it to me.
    Geef het aan mij.
  • He invited us to his party.
    Hij nodigde ons uit voor zijn partijtje.
  • We gave you lots of cakes.
    We gaven jullie veel koekjes.
  • Can you forgive them?
    Kun je hen vergeven?

Exercise:Personal Pronouns

Exercise:Personal Pronouns

Exercise:Personal Pronouns

Exercise:Personal Pronouns

To be (zijn)

To be
'To be' is an irregular verb (werkwoord)..
This means that it does not follow the rules regular verbs follow.
To be able to use the verb correctly, you simply have to learn the verb by heart.


long form short form
am - ik ben I'm
you are - jij/u bent you're
he is - hij is he's
she is - zij is she's
it is - het is it's
we are - wij zijn we're
you are - jullie zijn you're
they are - zij zijn they're


You make a negation (ontkenning) by putting 'not' after the right form.

Lange vorm Korte vorm Korte vorm (2)
am not I'm not  
you are not you're not you aren't
he/she/it is not he's/she's/it's not he/she/it isn't
we are not we're we aren't
you are not you're not you aren't
they are not they're not they aren't


You make a question by changing the word order (woordvolgorde)

am Am I?
You are Are you?
He is Is he?
She is Is she?
It is Is it?
We are Are we?
You are Are you?
They are Are they?

Exercise:To be

Exercise:To be

Exercise:To be

Simple present (onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd)

The simple present of a verb is the whole verb without the word  'to' . When the subject (onderwerp) is 'he', 'she' or 'it' , you put an '-s' after the verb (the 'shitrule' )

  • live
    ik woon
  • You live
    jij woont
  • He/she lives
    hij/zij woont
  • We live
    wij wonen
  • You live
    jullie wonen
  • They live
    zij wonen

Exceptions (uitzonderingen)
If the verb ends on  '–o', you put '–es' behind the verb.

  • go - he goes
    ik ga - hij gaat

If the verb ends on  '–s' or '-ch', you put '–es' behind the verb.

  • watch - he watches
    ik kijk - hij kijkt

If the verb ends on  '–y',  '-y' is replaced by '–ies'.

  • fly - he flies
    ik vlieg - hij vliegt

If the verb ends on  '–y' after 'a', 'e', 'o', of 'u'  than you put  '–s' after the verb.

  • play - he plays


In a question (vraagzin) or a negation (ontkennende zin) we use a form of 'to do' plus the whole verb.


  Question Negation
I live. Do I live? I don't live.
You live Do you live? You don't live.
He/she/it lives Does he/she/it live? He/she/it doesn't live.
We live. Do we live? We don't live.
You live Do you live? You don't live.
They live Do they live? They don't live.

ik speel - hij speelt


Exercise:Simple present

Exercise:Simple present

Exercise:Simple present

Grammar test

You finish the section 'grammar' with a grammar test.
Do you need more practise? Do the extra exercises first!
Good luck!

Test:Personal Toolbox: Grammartest

personal pronouns - extra exercise 1

personal pronouns and to be - extra exercise 2

present simple - extra exercise 1

present simple - questions - extra exercise 2

present simple - negations - extra exercise 3