Introduction to VeVa Logistics English

Introduction to VeVa Logistics English


What is logistics?


There are a lot of definitions of logistics. They all express the importance of this area. Our whole economy is dependent on it. In fact logistics is one of the main factors that we have built up a high level of economic wealth, especially in Western countries.

Which definition of logistic appeals to you the most. Which definition expresses the best description of logistics?



Go to:

  • Choose at least three definitions of logistics:
    • Choose one that gives the best definition
    • Choose one that you think is not suitable
    • Choose another one which you think is suitable for military logistics
  • Give for each at least two arguments that underlines your choice.
  • What makes it that logistics is so important for the level of economy?

Good Practice: DHL

DHL: car manufacting supply chain
DHL: car manufacting supply chain

​​Assignment DHL supply chain

  • Look at DHL supply chain scheme and answer the following questions:
    • In TIER 1 Raw suppliers are mentioned. Give 3 examples of what kind of raw materials are used in manufacturing vehicles.
    • What is meant by the question: “Do we do global sourcing or build regional suppliers.?”
    • How many vehicles are produced in Frankfurt each year?
    • What is meant by “augment capacity”?
    • What is meant with “subsidiaries”?
  • A costumer wants to buy an American type of car. Describe the possible logistical chain from suppliers to costumer

A brief history of military logistics

Logistics in early history

Watch the clip of Assyrian history

Logistics in early history: the assyrian empire.

The practice of logistics, as understood in its modern form, has been around for as long as there have been organised armed forces with which nations and / or states have tried to exert military force on their neighbours. The earliest known standing army was that of the Assyrians at around 700 BC. They had iron weapons, armour and chariots, were well organised and could fight over different types of terrain (the most common in the Middle East being desert and mountain) and engage in siege operations. The need to feed and equip a substantial force of that time, along with the means of transportation (i.e. horses, camels, mules and oxen) would mean that it could not linger in one place for too long. The best time to arrive in any one spot was just after the harvest, when the entire stock was available for requisitioning. Obviously, it was not such a good time for the local inhabitants. One of the most intense consumers of grain was the increasing number of animals that were employed by armies of this period. In summer they soon overgrazed the immediate area, and unless provision had been made beforehand to stockpile supplies or have them bought in, the army would have to move. Considerable numbers of followers carrying the materiel necessary to provide sustenance and maintenance to the fighting force would provide essential logistic support.


  1. Translate: to exert, chariots, terrain, siege, substantial, linger, harvest, stock, inhabitants, increasing number, immediate, provision, stockpile, considerable, necessary, sustenance, maintenance, provide.
  2. What is meant by a ‘standing’ army?
  3. What kind of professions were needed to maintain the weapons, chariots, armour, soldiers, cattle and life stock?
  4. Why was it not advisable to stay in one spot too long?
  5. Why was harvest a good period for armies to do their operations?
  6. What was logistically spoken a wise thing to do, when besieging a city or fortress?

Logistics now: DLA

What does the DLA do?

Basic organizational scheme DLA
Basic organizational scheme DLA

Wikipedia Marine Corps Logistics

US Marine Corps Logistics

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    2016-06-07 12:45:54

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Logistics is essential in the planning and operating of military strategic planning. This is an example of a definition: "Logistics—the transfer of personnel and materiel from one location to another, as well as the maintenance of that material—is essential for a military to be able to support an ongoing deployment or respond effectively to emergent threats. The use of English is very important in the understanding and application. The Netherlands are member of NATO, which makes it inevitable to communicate in the English language just to get things done. This project intends to improve your professional use of English so you will be able to understand and use it.
    MBO, Niveau 3: Vakopleiding;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    chain-supply, end-to-end, logistical programs, military logistics, storehouse/warehouse, supplies, transportation


    Bron Type
    Watch the clip of Assyrian history
    What does the DLA do?
    Wikipedia Marine Corps Logistics
    US Marine Corps Logistics
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