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File Grammar 1

File Grammar 1


Now that you know the basics of the English Language, it's time to pay attention to more detailed grammar rules. Let's improve your knowlegde and use of English!
Apart from this series of digital lesson elements, you also need to use your File Grammar to prepare for the test. In this series I'll refer to the File Grammar as "your book".

That feeling
when your native language isn't English,
and you realize
that your English grammar is better
than 99% of the American citizens'


You're going to learn more about the use of English. Lots of the grammar elements in the Grammar File are already taught in previous files too.
We're going to learn about and/or repeat the following elements:

- to be
- to have
- he, she and it
- the present continuous
- like + verb+ing
- the imperative
- personal pronouns
- possessive pronoun
- possessives; ' / 's
- a/an
- plurals
- numbers
- comparatives
- adjectives and adverbs
- prepositions
- making sentences
- adverbs of time/frequency
- to be going to
- past tense to be and to have
- to be; negative
- don't / doesn't
- making questions
- Yes, I do.

To be

To be = "zijn"

Below you'll find the full forms of the verb To Be for each personal pronoun.


English Dutch
I am Ik ben
You are Jij bent
He is Hij is
She is Zij is
It is Het is
We are Wij zijn
They are Zij zijn
You are Jullie zijn

Note well:
- "you" can be "jij/u" and "jullie"
- "I" is ALWAYS a capital letter! Never use "i" when you want to say "ik", it's ALWAYS "I".

Oefening: To be


Now do exercise 1 in your book.

Short forms

Very often the short forms of "to be" are used, especially in spoken language.

Below you can see all of the short forms of "to be".


English Dutch
I'm Ik ben
You're Jij bent
He's Hij is
She's Zij is
It's Het is
We're Wij zijn
They're Zij zijn
You're Jullie zijn


Note well:
- The short forms have the same meaning as the full forms. "I'm" and "I am" are the same.


Toets: To be in short


Now do exercise 2 - 4 in your book.

To have

To have = "hebben"

Below you'll find the full forms of the verb To Have for each personal pronoun.


English Dutch
I have Ik heb
You have Jij hebt
He has Hij heeft
She has Zij heeft
It has Het heeft
We have Wij hebben
They have Zij hebben
You have Jullie hebben

Note well:
- "you" can be "jij/u" and "jullie"
- "I" is ALWAYS a capital letter! Never use "i" when you want to say "ik", it's ALWAYS "I".

Oefening: To have


Now do exercise 5-7 in your book.

He, she and it

I sit. He sits.
You walk. She walks.
We drink. It drinks.


I do. He does.
You go. She goes.
We do. It does.


I cry. He cries.
You study. She studies.
We fly. It flies.


I kiss. He kisses.
You watch. She watches.
We fix. It fixes.


Now do exercise 8-9 in your book.


This sport is great.
But basketball is greater than that.
Well, I think soccer is the greatest.


Now do exercise 11 and 12 in your workbook.

-ly or no -ly?

Jim is a nice guy.
Dinner is cooked nicely.

That rollercoaster is extreme.
And the ride is extremely dangerous.

Now do exerise 13, 14 and 15 in your workbook.


Prepositions in English are not always litterally similar to Dutch prepositions. Read p.26 in your workbook. 

Now do exercise 16 and 17 in your workbook.

Making sentences

English sentences usually have a different word order than Dutch sentences. Below you can see how to make a regular English sentence.


Subject (Onderwerp) Verbs (Werkwoorden) Rest
I am a girl.
We don't know what to do.
Apples and bananas taste very nice.
Tuesday is going to be this week's best day..

Now do exercise 1 and 2 on page 28/29 in your workbook. +
Then read page 30 in the workbook and also do exercise 3 and 4.

To be going to / will

I am going to run.
You are going to write.
She is going to study.
We are going to join a club.
They are going to swim.

I will bake a cake.
You will be there.
It will eat the food.
We will see.
They will meet you there.

Now do exercise 5, 6 and 7 on page 32 in the workbook.


I was at the cinema.
You were my best friend.
He/she/it was very nice.
We were the winners.
They were great!

Had is the easiest verb in past tense. Everyone gets 'had'.
I had
You had
He/she/it had
We had
You had
They had

That's nice, right? :)

Now do exercise 8, 9 and 10 on page 32-34 in the workbook.

to be + not

If you want to say something is not true + a form of to be:
just add 'not' after am/is/are.


I am not I'm not -
You are not You're not You aren't
He is not He's not He isn't
We are not We're not We aren't
They are not They're not They aren't

Now do exercise 11 and 12 on page 35 in your workbook.



Do + not

If you want to say something is not true with 'to do':
just add 'not' after the form of to do.


I do not I don't
You do not You don't
It does not It doesn't
We do not We don't
They do not They don't

Note well:
He eats. He doesn't eat.
DO NOT add an 's' after 'eat': He eats. He doesn't eats.
That would be a double. So add the full form of the verb after don't/doesn't.

I don't sleep.
She doesn't walk. (not walks!!)
It doesn't sit.

Now do exercise 13 and 14 on page 36/37 in the workbook.



Making questions

There are many options for making questions. Below you'll find the steps to take.


1. To be If your question can start with 'am/is/are', then do so. If not, go to step 2. Am I a girl? Are you my friend?
2. can/could If your question can start with 'can/could', then do so. If not, go to step 3. Can I use your phone? Could you tell me what this is?
3. WH-words + how If your question can start with "who, when, what, why, which, where, how", then do so. If not, go to step 4. What's the shortest way to school? Who are you? How was your day?
4. do/does If non of the options above are possible for your question. Then use do/does to start your question with. Do you like him? Does she visit her grandma often?

Note well:
Could = kunnen (dan is het heel netjes, tegen een meneer of mevrouw)
Could = kon/konden (dan is het verleden tijd, hoeft dus niet netjes te zijn)

Does he read a lot? Yes, he reads a lot.
DO NOT add an 's' after the verb, if you use 'does'. It would be double.
So "Does he reads a lot?" is wrong.

Now do exercise 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21 in your workbook.



Creative assignments

Creative assignments
If you finish your grammar assignments quickly and you could use some challenge, then use the following ideas below to inspire you and to even become better at English than you already are!

Choose one of the assignments below or come up with another idea yourself. Then do the creative assignment and hand it in for an additional mark on your report. This way you can easily improve your mark for English in a fun way!

Video game review


  • Talk for 3 minutes per person.
  • Do not repeat any information.
  • Do not swear.
  • Clarify who is speaking and what game it is about.
  • Draw a conclusion.

Pay attention to:

Speaking clearly; grammar; pronunciation; giving useful information and details.


Reason your opinion(s).




  • Talk for 3 minutes per person.
  • Do not repeat any information.
  • Do not swear.
  • Clarify who is speaking and what the video is about.
  • Draw a conclusion or create a smooth ending.

Pay attention to:

Speaking clearly; grammar; pronunciation.


Make sure your video makes sense.




  • Write 150-250 words.
  • Do not repeat any phrases in short poems.
  • Do not swear.


Pay attention to:

Grammar; rhyme.


Make sure your poem makes sense.
Count your words and write down the number of words.


Writing: a story;  an e-mail; part of a book; etc.


  • Write 200-300 words.
  • Do not repeat phrases or sentences.
  • Do not swear.


Pay attention to:

Grammar; spelling; word order; sayings and proverbs.


Make sure your story/e-mail (etc.) makes sense.
Count your words and write down the number of words.




  • Clarify the meaning of 25 – 50 words.
  • Do not use dirty or simple words.


Pay attention to:

Spelling; (grammar; pronunciation).


Make sure your work makes sense.
Clarify what words are the ‘new’ ones (underline for example if it’s used in a text).




  • Write 200-300 words.

Pay attention to:

Sayings and proverbs; grammar; spelling; word order.


Count your words and write down the number of words.


Book report


  • Write 200-300 words.
  • Include: an introduction, description of main character(s) a summary, your opinion, who you’d recommend it to, compare with film if possible.

Pay attention to:

Sayings and proverbs; grammar; spelling; word order.


Count your words and write down the number of words.


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    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    This series of digital lesson elements is based on Emma Eisma's File Grammar 1 for VMBO first grade.
    emma eisma, engels, engels grammatica, english, english grammar
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    To be

    To be in short

    To have

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