We live in a day and age where your can see and hear a lot about your body and your health. In the end your character is of course way more important but…you do have a body and it is wise to take care of it.
During this lesson you will be making a Body&Health magazine. Because of the upcoming Reading&Writing test you will practise your reading- and writing skills. Learning a language is all about WORDS. That’s why you’ll learn and use new words as well. And to build sentences, you need grammar. So we will have a look at some basic grammar as well.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
To write a magazine you first have to read about the topic.
Below you find 4 topics:
Parts of the body
Keeping fit
Doing Sports
Health problems
Each week you and your groupmembers will look for articles on one of the subjects above. In week one, you will read about subject one: Parts of the body. In week 2: Keeping fit. Etcetera....
Look for 1 article on the internet.
Copy-paste the articles into a Word-document. DON'T forget to copy the LINK of the SOURCE as well!
Write a summary in Dutch of about 5-7 sentences. Use this summary-sheet to help.
Discuss your summaries in your group. Decide on what information you will use in this week's article.
Copy-paste all summaries in one word-document. Hand in the word-doc when ready. Your teacher will tell you when and where.
Writing about body & health
Now you have read articles about these 4 subjects:
Parts of the body
Keeping fit
Doing Sports
Health problems
You are ready to start writing! Your teacher will divide you into groups of 3 or 4 pupils. Each one of you will write 1 article about the four subjects.
De taakverdeling is als volgt: per 2 weken....
.... schrijft 1 persoon een artikel
.... zorgt 1 persoon voor de opmaak van het artikel (plaatjes, spellingcheck etc.)
..... zorgt 1 persoon zorgt voor de opmaak van het magazine ( week 1 voorkant + inhoud, week 2 een interview met sporter of een advertentie, week 3 een achterkant met strip)
....(alleen bij groepjes van 4 leerlingen:) zorgt 1 leerling voor een voedingsschema of sportschema.
De taken rouleren, zodat iedereen alle taken 1 keer doet.
Cover (1 A4)
List of content (1 A4)
4 articles on 4 different subjects (4x A4)
List of used sources (BBC/CNN….) (1A 4)
Use all 4 Quizlet-lists to write your articles. Use at least 6 words from the lists for each article. Underscore/bold-print/colour the Quizlet-words you use.
Each article should be at least 15-20 sentences long. Also add pictures to make your magazine attractive to readers. 75% text / 25% pictures
TIP! You can use your summary to start writing your own article.
Een goed geschreven artikel heeft in iedere taal dezelfde structuur. Je docent geeft je hier instructie over. Onderstaande link kun je zelf zo vaak kijken als je wilt. Gebruik de informatie in deze Youtube clip bij het schrijven van je 8 articles.
When you have finished writing your article in Word, you can copy-paste it into the online programme 'jilster'.
In this programme you can make a professional Magazine. First, one of the groupmembers has to sign up and create an account. When he has done that, he can invite the other groupmembers to co-edit the Magazine.
LET OP! Maak je groepsgenoten MEDE-redacteur en nodig ook je docent uit, zodat deze feedback kan geven en jullie kan helpen.
Choose one of the links below. Listen and read along. Discuss with a classmate what it was about. Are there any words you didn't know? look them up in a dictionary.
Now you are going to act out the conversation yourselves. Work in threes: two of you are acting out, the third gives feedback. Use the rubric. Swap when ready, so everyone gets their turn.
There is so much to say about body& health! It is important for you to be able to talk about your health in English. Imagine being on holiday and getting an accident: how will you explain what is the matter with you to a doctor? So let's practice this, shall we?
Discuss with a classmate what it was about. Are there any words you didn't know? look them up in a dictionary.
To be able to read articles and write them yourselves you have to learn words that have to do with Body and Health.
Click on the embedded links below to see the lists and to practice. Make sure you practice at least 4 times a week, or you will have a hard time passing the test!
Vocabulary Body & Health 1
Vocabulary Body & Health 2
Vocabulary Body & Health 3
Vocabulary Body & Health 4
This period is all about Body and Health. To talk/write about facts & habits you learn the Present Simple (shit-rule) and to talk about what you are doing- or feeling right now you learn The Present Continuous. You will learn how to keep those 2 grammar rules apart, too.
Grammar 1
Ayoub always plays soccer on Wednesday. Ayoub is playing soccer right now.
Bob always drinks coffee at school. Look, Bob is drinking coffee over there!
I am a student at CSV. I am studying English at the moment.
Do you see the difference between the sentences above? In this period you learn more about the Present Simple & Present Continuous and how to use them correctly.
First, you are going to do a small test to see how much you already know. Show your teacher your results and make a screenshot of your scores.
Down below you will find links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining and practice some more. Depending on how you score, you will decide which exercises you will do.
Now let's see how much you have improved! Do the D-test again and see how much you score this time:
Show your teacher your results and make a screenshot of your scores.
Grammar 2
In order to write your articles, you need to know the correct wordorder in English. Down below you will find links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the correct wordorder and practice some more.
First, you are going to do diagnostic test to see what you already know and are able to do. Show the results of this test to your teacher to help you decide what to do next:
Remember, you will have to use wordorder correctly in your PTA writing test to pass!
Ego4U word order in positive sentences (present continuous):
Ego4U word order in negatve sentences (present simple):
Ego4U word order in negatve sentences (present continuous):
Ego4U wodorder in questions (present simple):
Ego4U wodorder in questions (present continuous):
Ego4U wordorder in questions (interrogatives present simple):
Ego4U wordorder in questions (interrogatives present continuous):
Ego4U wordorderin questions (place of time expressions):
EGO4U wordorder (adverbs of time):
Ego4U: wordorder (adverbs of frequency)
Now see how you score on another test:
If you understand the grammar, continue with Macmillan
Grammar 3
To talk about things in the past, you need to know about the Past Simple and Present Perfect and how to use them. Last year you learned how to use the Past Simple, but you might want to freshen up on your knowledge before you move on to this next step!
Down below you will find links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the past simple & present perfect and practice some more.
But first, you are going to assess yourself: what do you already know? Do the test below. Show your teacher the results so he/she can help you decide which grammar you need to study:
Remember, you will have to use and recognise this grammar for your PTA & Exams!
Now let's see how much you have learned so far: do the diagnostic test below and see how you score:
If you understand the grammar, continue with Macmillan, Blog or study WRTS
Grammar 4
In this lessonseries you learn more about Superlatives and how to use them.
Down below you will find links to instructive websites and youtube clips, explaining the Superlatives and practice some more. Remember, you will have to use and recognise this grammar for your PTA & Exams!
First, you are going to assess yourself on the knowledge and use of Superlatives:
click onthis link, save a copy of your results for your teacher.
If you understand the grammar, continue with Macmillan, Blog or study WRTS
Presentation Body & Health Magazine
Now you have finished your Magazine, you are going to present it to your classmates. Everyone presents the part of the Magazine he/she has written. Make sure you talk about the following things:
- What subject did you choose? Explain why.
- Give a brief summary of the article
- Explain your lay-out and pictures
- Explain difficult words you used.
- Explain what feedback you recieved from your groupmembers.
- Explain how you feel about the article/part of the Magazine: are you satisfied with it? why (not)?
Below you find a document with the rubric your teacher will use to assess you. Take a good look at it, so you know how to prepare yourself.
Het arrangement Body & Health Magazine is gemaakt met
Wikiwijs van
Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt,
maakt en deelt.
Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederlands licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:
het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.
Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:
in dit arrangement is het eindproduct een presentatie vaan een zelfgeschreven magazine met als thema 'Body & Health'.
De leerlingen werken aan de volgende competenties en vaardigheden
-informatie opzoeken op internet
- informatie vergelijken met andere bronnen
-informatie verwerken tot artikelen
-intensief lezen
Naast deze les werken wij met de database Macmillan, waar wij zelf een cursus in aangepast hebben genaamd 'Culture World 3KBL'.
in dit arrangement is het eindproduct een presentatie vaan een zelfgeschreven magazine met als thema 'Body & Health'.
De leerlingen werken aan de volgende competenties en vaardigheden
-informatie opzoeken op internet
- informatie vergelijken met andere bronnen
-informatie verwerken tot artikelen
-intensief lezen
Naast deze les werken wij met de database Macmillan, waar wij zelf een cursus in aangepast hebben genaamd 'Culture World 3KBL'.
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koppeling aan te gaan.
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Oefeningen en toetsen
questions on youtube video 'favorite magazines'
IMSCC package
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Oefeningen en toetsen van dit arrangement kun je ook downloaden als QTI. Dit bestaat uit een ZIP bestand dat
informatie bevat over de specifieke oefening of toets; volgorde van de vragen, afbeeldingen, te behalen
etc. Omgevingen met een QTI player kunnen QTI afspelen.
Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en
het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op
onze Developers Wiki.