Welcome to our open house!

Welcome to our open house!



Dear pupil,

Hello - nice to meet you.
Welcome to Stercollectie Engels.
Here you are going to learn English while using the computer.

Have fun!

Need to know

What do you need to know?

First, you are going to do a test to see if you are ready to start this theme.

Exercise:Need to know




Listen to the following conversation


A dad is having a talk with his son. It's his son's birthday.

Now answer the five questions.





Superhero Joey

Read the following text about superhero Joey.

Toets: Superhero Joey




This toolbox is a real treasure chest (= schatkist).


In the toolbox you will find:

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary (words and sentences)
  • Pronunciation
  • Fun

Good luck!


To be
'To be' is an irregular verb (onregelmatig werkwoord)
To be able to use the verb correctly, you simply have to learn the verb by heart.

Study the section about the verb 'to be'. Grammar: The verb to be - tt
Now do the following exercise:

Exercise:To be


English becomes easier once you know more words and sentences.

For each theme there are words and sentences. You can find them on  www.wrts.nl .
See what you already know in this Quizlet.


Taaldorp Woning

You are going to visit a virtual language house in this theme!
You are going to have a look at the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom and the toilet.

In each room you will find different exercises.

  • Taaldorp: Home - Flash

Have fun!


On the Internet there are many fun webpages in English.
We have selected some webpages for you to get some extra practice for this unit!


Speak Up

Speak up! In class, we will practise real life situations.

1 On holiday
You are on holiday and you've met some new people. They are asking you about your age, hobbies and where you are from. Think of what you can say and ask them some personal questions.

2 Where do you live?
Your new friends are asking about the place you live in.
Tell them what your house looks like and what the place you live in looks like.

3 About your family
Your new friends are asking you to tell them something about your family. Tell them something about your brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents.




Birthday card

Writing a birthday card

Now you are going to try and put together a postcard. The sentences for on the card are already given. Make sure you put them in the right order.

Exercise:Birthday card

Life and culture

Small talk

Small talk



If you make small talk, you talk to someone about the weather or something else that is not very important. Most of the time small talk is with strangers.

You are now going to watch a scene with some small talk in it.
After watching the video, answer the questions below.


Exercise:Small talk

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    2016-01-21 16:14:50

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    Chromebooklesje t.b.v. open dag 2016 - Kaj Munk College
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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    Need to know


    Superhero Joey

    To be

    Birthday card

    Small talk

    IMSCC package

    Wil je de Launch URL’s niet los kopiëren, maar in één keer downloaden? Download dan de IMSCC package.


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    Wikiwijs lesmateriaal kan worden gebruikt in een externe leeromgeving. Er kunnen koppelingen worden gemaakt en het lesmateriaal kan op verschillende manieren worden geëxporteerd. Meer informatie hierover kun je vinden op onze Developers Wiki.