1AGT - Ancient Greece 2024

1AGT - Ancient Greece 2024


Democracy is a word most of us know, but to explain what it means is not easy.

We all know democracy is the political system in the Netherlands. Did you know that the Greeks in the city-state (polis) of Athens developed this type of government first?

By completing the steps in this assignment you will learn about direct democracy in the city-state of Athens. This city-state of Athens was an aristocracy first. Your teacher has already taught you this political system. In the fifth century BC, Athens became a democracy.

In this webquest, you will prepare yourself for a writing task about democracy (rule by the people) in ancient Athens and in modern day Netherlands.

How are they the same, how are they different?

  1. First, you will create a definition for democracy.
  2. Second, you will study key words that have to do with this topic.
  3. Third, you will watch a video about ancient Athenian democracy.
  4. Fourth, you will research modern Dutch democracy.
  5. Fifth, finally, you will write a short text in class in which you compare the two forms of democracy.

During step three and four, it is very important that you take notes. You can bring as much information as you find to class on the day of the writing task. This information you put together in a piece of writing. You teacher will help you collect information.

Step 1: Democracy: what does it mean?

To make a start, answer the question underneath in your notebook.


Step 2: study your subject-related vocabulary

Study the vocabulary related to this topic. Check with your teacher whether you can continue to the next step of the assignment.


Make sure you enter the correct group and use your school account to log in (choose: Google account)! 

1AT1 Memrise

1AT2 Memrise

1GT Memrise

Step 3: video assignment Athenian democracy

Have you studied all the vocabulary? Only then you are ready for the next learning activity.


Create a list of features (kenmerken) of Athenian democracy.


Please watch the clip about Athenian democracy in ancient Greece. (until 3.41 min).

Take notes in your notebook about the important information in this videoclip, thus creating a list of features.

When you are finished watching the clip, check your understanding by answering the questions in the multiple choice test below (copy the information from the multiple choice test into your notebook as well).

Video assignment Athenian Democracy
Watch this clip about the ancient Athenian democracy.

Extra explanatory video about Athenian democracy
Watch this video if you feel like you need some extra explanation about Athenian democracy.

Toets:Questions about video "ancient Greek democracy"

Step 4: Research

You have learned about direct democracy in ancient Athens. And so, you have created a list of features on this topic.

The next thing you need to do is perform some research on our Dutch democracy today.



Step 1: Use the features of ancient Athenian democracy and see if you can discover how this works in our Dutch democracy today. For example: you learned who were part of the Athenian democracy; now discover who are part of the Dutch democracy (who can vote? who cannot?).
Step 2: Make sure that you also write these features of Dutch democracy down in your notebook.
Step 3: When you have completed step two, you have created an overview of features of both ancient Athenian democracy and Dutch democracy nowadays.

Step 5: Writing task democracy

The final part of this assignment is the writing task. Your teacher will hand you a writing task that suits your level of learning. You will write this text in class. You are allowed to bring your notes. Make sure that you bring them on paper since you are not allowed to use your laptop. If you want to, you may also bring a dictionary.


Why three different levels of the writing task?
Everyone has their own level of skills in English and History. Of course we will all end up at (more or less) the same level of knowledge. But getting there is part of your own personal development. That is why your teacher will tell you which task he/she thinks you should do. Some pupils need more of a challenge and others need more help. That is OK, since we are all different individuals!

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    Tessa Heesbeen Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
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    2024-11-19 22:10:40

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Information and assignments for pupils of 1AGT at the CLZ.
    VWO 1;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Burgerschap en wetenschappelijk denken in de Griekse stadstaat; Kenmerken van een democratie; Geschiedenis; De tijd van Grieken en Romeinen (3000 v C - 500 n C);


    Bron Type
    1AT1 Memrise
    1AT2 Memrise
    1GT Memrise
    Video assignment Athenian Democracy
    Extra explanatory video about Athenian democracy

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    de Goede, Noela. (2019).

    1HAT - history - Ancient Greece


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    Questions about video "ancient Greek democracy"

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