Reading comprehension A Bigger Pond

Reading comprehension A Bigger Pond

A Bigger Pond

                     A Bigger Pond (By ReadWorks)


When Peter's father told him that they were moving to a new town on the other side of the country, Peter felt a mix of things inside him. He was happy for the new adventure but sad to leave his friends behind. He was excited for the new things he would see and learn but scared about what he might forget, or miss, about home. It was hard to say how he felt about it. 

 "Why are we moving?" Peter asked his mom at dinner the next day, after he came home from school. "Ask your father," his mother said, looking down at her plate. Peter was surprised at how slowly Mom was eating her food. She was pushing her vegetables from one side of the plate to the other, behaving the way Peter used to when he was a little boy!   Peter's dad clattered his knife and fork onto the plate and wiped his mouth slowly with a napkin. "We're moving, Peter, because I got a better job in the new town. That means a better life for all of us." Peter thought about this. "Better life how? What's wrong with our life now?" "There's nothing wrong with it," his father said. "But I will make more money at the new job, and that will allow us to have a bigger house, go on more vacations, and buy a second car for your mother to use." "Vacations like Disney World?" Peter asked. "Yes! Like Disney World! We'll be living a lot closer to Disney World. We could go there all the time, Peter!" Peter suddenly had an urge to eat all of his vegetables, and his mother's too, since she was taking so long to get to them. Going to Disney World was better than eating dessert every day. What fun they would have!

Two weeks later, Peter and his parents watched the last pieces of furniture get loaded into the enormous truck. Someone was going to drive it all the way to their new address, while Mom, Dad, and Peter drove in their own car. Peter went by his favorite spot, the pond, to say goodbye. He waved farewell to his friends on their street for the last time. He promised to keep in touch and send postcards from the new place, and from Disney World. And then they were off!

The new town was much larger and more sprawled out than where they had lived before. Peter wasn't able to walk to school anymore, so he hadn't made friends with his neighbors yet. Dad left for work before Peter woke up and came home after Peter went to bed, so he only saw him on the weekends. Mom stayed quiet. And there was no mention of Disney World for a long time. Peter felt sad.

Then, one Saturday morning, Peter woke up and saw a car missing. Where had Dad gone so early in the morning? He waited in the driveway until the car returned, his dad's face beaming from inside. He jumped out and waved at Peter.   "Where have you been?" Peter asked. "Getting you a present for having been such a good boy these past few weeks. Do you remember the pond near where we used to live?" "Yes," Peter said. "It was my favorite spot." "Well, I discovered one just like it, only bigger and more beautiful, right here. And you know what? It's crawling with all kinds of fish!" "So?" Peter said, thinking of Disney World. "So! You're old enough now to take a shot at some fishing, young man!" Peter's dad pulled a shiny new fishing rod out of the backseat. "Wow! Really, Dad?" Peter shouted. "Absolutely! Go tell your mother and let's go on our first fishing trip!" Peter rushed in and out of the house. It only took a few weeks to get the hang of the rod, and soon the new pond was his new favorite spot.

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