Reading comprehension: A Postcard

Reading comprehension: A Postcard

A Postcard

A Postcard

Dear Jack

This vacation is wonderful. The island is beautiful and the weather is hot and sunny every day. Can you imagine this weather in the middle of the winter? How is the weather back home? Cold and uncomfortable :) ?

I arrived on Saturday morning and went to the beach immediately. I took a long swim and then sunbathed all afternoon, but I only put on sunscreen with protection factor 5 so I got a sunburn! After that I sat under my umbrella and listened to the CD you bought me for my birthday - thanks again! :-)

On Sunday I met some boys from Turkey and we played beach volleyball with some of the local people. They are all very friendly.

Yesterday I went shopping and I bought you a nice present. I hope you like it. I will be home on the fourth of January. My plane lands at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. I am really happy that you are coming to the airport to take me home. See you then. 

Love Allison xx


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2015-08-15 13:32:35

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