Holidays and travel - grammar

Holidays and travel - grammar

Holidays and Travel

Present simple (= simple present)

The simple present (or present simple) is what we call in Dutch the 'onvoltooid verleden tijd'.
The simple present of a verb is the whole verb, without the word 'to'.

But when he, she or it is the subject (onderwerp) you add an '-s' after the verb.


  • I live
    ik woon
  • You live
    jij woont
  • He/she lives
    hij/zij woont
  • We live
    wij wonen
  • You live
    jullie wonen
  • They live
    zij wonen


  1. If the verb ends on '-o', you add '-es' after the verb.
  • I go - he goes
    ik ga - hij gaat


     2. If the verb already ends on '-s' or '-ch', you add '-es' after the verb.

  • I watch - he watches
    ik kijk - hij kijkt


     3. If the verb ends on '-y', you replace '-y' by '-ies'.

  • I fly - he flies
    ik vlieg - hij vliegt


    4. But if the verb ends on  '–y' after  'a', 'e', 'o', of 'u' than you simply put an '-s' after the verb.

  • I play - he plays
    ik speel - hij speelt


Questions or negations (ontkenningen)? Always use 'to do' plus whole verb.


  Vraagzin Ontkenning
I live. Do I live? I don't live.
You live Do you live? You don't live.
He/she/it lives Does he/she/it live? He/she/it doesn't live.
We live. Do we live? We don't live.
You live Do you live? You don't live.
They live Do they live? They don't live.




Past simple - onregelmatig

Some verbs have their own form: the irregular verbs. The first column is the whole verb ( hele werkwoord); the second is the past simple and the third the past participle (voltooid deelwoord).

Learn the list of verbs (and their meaning) by heart!

Past simple (= simple past)

You use the past simple:

To indicate that something happened in the past and is ready.
Often there is a time indicator in the sentence, like: yesterday, last week, two months ago, when I was younger, in 1995.

You form the past simple by adding '-ed' after the verb


  • I worked
  • you lived
  • he, she, it watched
  • we walked
  • you talked
  • they cycled


You form a question by using did + whole verb.
A negation is made by using didn't + whole verb.

  • Did I work?
    I didn't work.
  • Did you live?
    You didn't live.
  • Did he watch?
    He didn't watch.
  • Did we walk?
    We didn't walk.
  • Did you talk?
    You didn't talk.
  • Did they cycle?
    They didn't cycle.

If the verb ends on a consonant (medeklinker) + '-y', the '-y' changes in -ie:

  • I carry - I carried

But: when the verb ends on a vowel (klinker) + '-y', nothing changes; just add '-ed' after the '-y'

  • I play - I played


If the verb already ends on '-e', simply add '-d': 

  • I live - I lived


NB: double the last consonant (medeklinker) if there's a vowel (klinker) before it: 

  • I drop - I dropped



Reflexive pronouns (wederkerend voornaamwoord)

In the sentence 'I hurt myself' , 'myself' is the reflexive pronoun. In Dutch, we use only one pronoun: 'zelf'. In English, you will have to look at the subject (onderwerp) to see which pronoun you need. But: a pronoun is not a subject!


  • I - myself:               I hurt myself.
  • You - yourself:        You ate all the food yourself.
  • He - himself:           He is talking to himself.
  • She - herself:          Emma did it by herself.
  • It - itself:                The lion can defend itself.
  • We - ourselves:       We tested ourselves.
  • You - yourselves:    Tim and Gerry, if you want milk, help yourselves.
  • They - themselves: The band call themselves 'Dire Straits'.



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