Holidays and travel - level 2 - lesson 3

Holidays and travel - level 2 - lesson 3


Welcome back!

Today we will focus on listening, speaking and reading. The topic, ofcourse, is holiday and travel.

Don't worry if you don't understand everything at once; try to keep up with the stories.


At the travel agents (1)

Travel agency sketch
You're going to watch a sketch (= short and funny scene) that is set at a travel agent's.
Before you watch, discuss these questions with a partner.

  • Do you (or your parents) ever go to a travel agency to book your holidays?
  • What do you think happens in a travel agency?
  • What do people ask in a travel agency?

You are now going to watch the sketch (until 2:33) without sound (mute your speakers to do so).

  • Pay attention to body language and mime.
  • What do you think happens in the travel agency?
  • Discuss your ideas with a partner.

You watch the sketch with sound (until 2:33), two times (if necessary).
Answer these questions.





  • What happens in the travel agency?
  • Was it similar to what you thought would happen?

Read the script. Look difficult words up in a dictionary.



At the travel agents (2)

Language work
The travel agent and the old couple do have a conversation about a possible destination and how the travel agent can help.

Exercise 1
Work with a partner. Use this script to find out how to say the following:

  1. How does the travel agent offer his help?
  2. How does the old man say where they want to go?
  3. How does the travel agent ask how they want to go there (transport)?

Exercise 2
You work together with a partner.

  • Write down six destinations and six different means of transport.
  • In pairs, have mini conversations using sentences 1, 2 and 3, the six destinations and the six different means of transport.
  • Make sure both of you have played the role of travel agent and the person who's going to book a holiday.

At the travel agents (3)

Extra assignment (only done if your teacher tells you to)
The sketch you have watched is very rich in material!
That is why there are two extra tasks for those who want....

  1. Write a short travel agency sketch in groups of two to four pupils.
    If you have time, study the script of the travel agency sketch (p. 2) to see how Marty Feldman generates comedy in his sketch.
    Use the moviemaker programme Dvolver to show your sketch to the rest of the class.



The Edinburgh Festival is very famous.
Go to the website of the Edinburgh film festival and write down five questions about the festival for a classmate to answer.




In this part you will practise your reading skills.
You are going to read a text on backpacking tips

By reading a lot in English (and doing many exercises) you will improve your reading skills and your English!

We wish you pleasant reading!


Before you start reading:
Don't start reading straight away (= meteen). First look at the title, the image and highlighted words. These can help you understand what the text is about.
Read the introduction and the questions first.
They will give you a better idea of the text.
With multiple-choice questions, look at the options and try to see what the differences are.

While reading:
It will be very difficult to understand everything you read.
If you see a word you do not know, it is very important to ask yourself if this word is important to understand the text. If you understand the text without knowing the word, there is no need to use a dictionary.
If the word is important to understand the text (and / or to answer questions) go ahead and use your dictionary! Just make sure you don't use the dictionary all the time because it costs too much time.

Backpacking (1)

Backpacking is a very adventurous way of travelling! It's just the backpack and you, so it's important to think what you would put in your backpack.

Task 1: Discuss with a partner and write down ten essential things you must not forget when going backpacking.
Swap lists with another pair. Have you got similar items?

Task 2: Go to and read what fifteen 'items' they recommend you pack when going on a backpacking holiday.
Together with your partner, tick the items on your classmates' list that are on the website too.
Then you swap lists again (so you get your own list back).

  • How many did you have?
  • Did you write items down that are not on the website but still very important?
  • Which one(s)?

Backpacking (2)

You've had a general look at the information on .
You are now going to read the website again.
Answer the following questions.

Discuss with a partner:

  • Do you think these tips make sense?
  • Do you think anything is missing?
  • Would you add any tips?


Online travel agency

Have you ever booked a holiday online?
In this section, you are going to plan a holiday with a classmate.

Go to .

You are free to choose a destination, but your holiday must:

  1. Not cost more than £500 per person.
  2. Last at least seven days.

NB: make sure you don't finish the booking by filling in your name!!!

Which pair of students can find the best deal?


Words (1)

To do all the exercises in the theme 'Holidays and travel' it is useful you know words and sentences to speak or write about it.

For every theme you can find words and sentences on
If you already have an account, go further on page 2.
If you do not have an account yet, read the information.

The first time you use WRTS you need an account:

  • Click on: 'Meld je nu meteen aan!'
  • Fill in your e-mail address.
  • Choose a password and fill it in.
  • Fill in your password again at 'Bevestiging'.
  • Click on 'Aanmelden'

Words (2)

If you've already registered at, sign in and start learning words and sentences! Go to: and log in.
Look at the lists and pick one.
For this theme there are five lists:

  • Holidays and travel A
  • Holidays and travel B
  • Holidays and travel C
  • Holidays and travel chuncks A
  • Holidays and travel chuncks B

Click on the word: 'Overnemen' behind the list you want to learn.
You now see the list, scroll down and click on 'Opslaan'.
Click on 'Overhoren'. Choose a way in which you'd like to practise.
Then click 'Begin overhoring'. Practise in different ways.

Good luck!

Words (3)

On this page you will find some links to useful other vocabulary exercises about holidays and travel.

Ready with this lesson?

The last 5 minutes of every lesson ends with this item. Remind your teacher when it is 5 minutes before!!

  • Have you filled in your workplan yet?
  • Write down in your notebook what went right and what was difficult. Like this:
    • Date of the lesson and then something like:
    • Right: I understand everything that was explained
    • Difficult: I don't know everything there is to know about the Chromebook
  • Did you learn new words? If so, write them in your notebook, to learn at home. Like this:
    • In the back of your notebook fold a page: left side = English; right side = Dutch
  • Continue with WRTS or Duolingo.




For the next lesson:

  • learn word lists A & B, practise wordlist C.

Hope you had fun today!!

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