Today we will focus on listening. The topic, ofcourse, is holiday and travel.
Don't worry if you don't understand everything at once; try to keep up with the stories.
In this part you will practise your listening skills.
There are different listenings, but they all have to do with holidays and travel in some way or another.
There are listenings on:
Holidays in the USA
Means of transport (from San Francisco to New York)
LA travel tips
By listening to English (and doing many exercises) frequently you will improve your listening skills and your English!
Good luck!
Before you begin, read these tips:
Before you start listening:
Read the introduction carefully.
This will help you understand what the listening exercise is about.
Read the questions.
This will help you find the information you are listening for.
While you are listening:
Focus. If you miss the first part of the listening exercise, it is very difficult to understand the second part of the listening exercise.
If you have heard the answer, fill it in and move on to the next question.
Don't wait too long!
If you are not sure about the answer, just pick the answer you think is best.
If you doubt you risk missing the answer on the next question.
Have fun!
Holiday in the USA (1)
Have you ever been on holiday to the United States?
If so, where have you been? What have you seen?
Would you like to go on holiday to the United States?
Where would you go then?
In the audio you are going to listen to Tres.
He lives in the United States and answers some questions about going on holiday in his country.
Listen to the text and answer the five questions.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
You are going to listen to the audio again.
Try to answer the following questions, while listening to the audio.
Then discuss with a partner and listen. again to check.
What does he think is the best season to visit?
What does he like about the fall?
What does he describe as 'on fire'?
Which part of the U.S. has goed beaches?
Which states has he visited?
Read the text while listening to the audio again.
Todd: So Tres, lots of people might want to know when is the best time to visit the United States season-wise. What would you recommend to somebody that might go to America?
Tres: Definitely the best time is in the fall part of the year: end of August through end of November, beginning of December. The reason why is because the weather is beautiful. You have blue skies almost every day. There’s not too much rain, no tornadoes or hurricanes that come through, and the weather is just generally cool and pleasant. On top of that you have the amazing food that’s associated with the fall months and the holidays also take place then. For example, Halloween, we go door to door trick-or-treating, receive a lot of candy. There’s also Thanks Giving, where many families cook the traditional turkey. Some other families have chop-suey, what have you, and there’s also the tofu-turkey.
Todd: Tofu turkey.
Tres: Yeah, tofu-turkey.
Todd: Have you had tofu-turkey?
Tres: I’ve never had a tofu-turkey but I’ve only heard about it. I went to a little arts college where there were only a few meat-eaters.
Todd: Oh
Tres: I always heard about it.
Also in the fall it’s a great time to visit the out doors in the United States. You have fall foliage. Especially if you’re in the New England States, where the mountains are just “on fire” with the oranges and yellows.
Todd: Yeah, it’s nice. Nice time of year. OK, and any other season you think is a good time to visit? So the fall’s really good.
Tres: I think the fall’s great. It also depends on personal preference. If one really likes the summer atmosphere, then of course going to New York or the West Coast in the summer time is great. You can visit the beaches. If you like skiing, of course winter is great, if you go to any of the Rocky Mountain States. Colorado for example, you can really take advantage of the snow out there. Great powder.
Todd: Have you traveled much in the United States?
Tres: Ever since I was a child, I’d get in the car and travel with my parents. We’d drive from OKlahoma to New York, or down south to the Pacific Northwest. Almost every single state. Maybe five, six states that I haven’t visited.
Todd: OK sounds good. Thanks Tres.
Tres: Thank you.
Discuss with a partner:
Have you changed your mind?
Which season would you prefer to go to America
Where would you go?
From San Francisco to NY (1)
From San Francisco to New York
In the Netherlands everything is close. The distance between Groningen and Maastricht is 336 kilometres.
But what about the United States of America? Everything is much bigger there.
What about the distance between San Francisco and New York?
How many kilometres (or miles if you like) are there between these two cities? Are they close or far?
On page 2, you are going to listen to an audio about travelling from San Francisco to New York. First do this exercise!
Write difficult words in your notebook.
Do you remember which means of transport were in the exercise From San Francisco to NY? There were four...
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
Which of the four means of transport do you think is cheapest to travel
from San Francisco to New York?
Which of the four means of transport do you think is fastest to travel
from San Francisco to New York?
Now listen to the audio on - Flash and see if you were right.
Listen again and write down for every means of transport:
How long it takes to travel from San Francisco to New York.
How much it costs to go from San Francisco to New York.
Compare your answers with a partner.
Discuss with a partner:
Imagine you live in San Francisco and you go on holiday to New York for one week. You have saved $1000 for your holiday.
You need to pay for your travel (return trip), you need a place to stay, you need to eat and drink in New York and maybe you want to go shopping or visit musea.
Which means of transport would you choose? Why?
LA travel tips
Any idea what 'LA' stands for? Try to find out.
Ask the help of classmates if necessary.
Now, how much do you know about LA?
Answer the following questions to find out!
You are now going to watch a video with travel tips for LA.
There are five tips in the video.
You are going to watch and write down what each of the five tips is about.
The speaker speaks fluent American English. It does not matter that you do not understand every word. Try to summarise (=samenvatten) each tip in one line (you can try in English but you can also write it in Dutch).
Then compare your answers to those of a partner and watch again to check.
De onderstaande antwoorden moet je zelf nakijken; vergelijk jouw antwoorden met de goede
antwoorden, en geef aan in welke mate jouw antwoorden correct zijn.
To do all the exercises in the theme 'Holidays and travel' it is useful you know words and sentences to speak or write about it.
For every theme you can find words and sentences on
If you already have an account, go further on page 2.
If you do not have an account yet, read the information.
The first time you use WRTS you need an account:
Click on: 'Meld je nu meteen aan!'
Fill in your e-mail address.
Choose a password and fill it in.
Fill in your password again at 'Bevestiging'.
Click on 'Aanmelden'
Words (2)
If you've already registered at, sign in and start learning words and sentences! Go to: and log in.
Look at the lists and pick one.
For this theme there are five lists:
Holidays and travel A
Holidays and travel B
Holidays and travel C
Holidays and travel chuncks A
Holidays and travel chuncks B
Click on the word: 'Overnemen' behind the list you want to learn.
You now see the list, scroll down and click on 'Opslaan'.
Click on 'Overhoren'. Choose a way in which you'd like to practise.
Then click 'Begin overhoring'. Practise in different ways.
Good luck!
Words (3)
On this page you will find some links to useful other vocabulary exercises about holidays and travel.
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Oefeningen en toetsen
Holiday in the USA
From San Francisco to NY
LA travel tips
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