Holidays and travel - level 2 - lesson 1

Holidays and travel - level 2 - lesson 1



Dear pupil,

Welcome back! You are about to start working with the 'Ster Collectie' for English on your Chromebook. The first theme is called 'Holidays and travel'.

How are you going to practise?
You are going to practise your English writing, reading, listening and speaking skills. You will visit websites, play games, do exercises and listen to stories.

What are you going to do?
You are going to read, listen, speak and write about 'Holidays and travel'.
By practising a lot your English will improve!

Need help?
Use the toolbox if you need help (We will get to this later on). Here you will find (new) words and expressions. You will also find help for grammar and pronunciation.

Have fun!

Important information about English on Chromebooks

What is there to know about your Chromebook and English !

  1. Your Chromebook (CB) is always fully recharged. This is your own responsibility.
  2. Recharging your CB can be done at home, or in your locker at school. No recharged CB? Then you cannot participate in class. You will get other work to do in class and you must do the lesson at home.
  3. You take your own earphones to school and to every lesson.
  4. You only open your CB when the teacher tells you to.
  5. Your teacher uses the programme Insight, so your teacher can see what you are doing on your CB.
  6. You have downloaded your part Insight Student from the Google Store and you have activated the App. Don't worry if you haven't. Your teacher will help you.
  7. If you are at a site that is not allowed, your teacher can exclude you from the lesson. You have to catch up the lesson at home.
  8. When we do not use the CB, it is closed. Think of speaking assignments, or group work.
  9. We work by means of a study planner (Studiewijzer) in Magister.
    1. This study planner consists of lessons, of course you are allowed to work ahead at school, but first discuss this with your teacher. Please do not work ahead at home.
    2. You will get a Work plan from your teacher for each subject (in this case holidays and travel). How to use this work plan will be explained later.
    3. You also need a notebook to write new words in, but also to write down the answers of some exercises.
    4. Please bring a plastic file (snelhechter) from home. Every now and then you'll get separate sheets from your teacher. You can keep all the separate sheets in this file.
  10. Working with this programme is not a match. It is important that you know and understand everything.
  11. You can use WRTS to practise words and sentences. We will come back to this later.
  12. During the lesson we talk English only. Not only teacher-student, but also student-student. In this way you learn to speak English much faster.
  13. Sometimes the teacher will speak Dutch to explain a difficult grammatical subject.

Need to know

Before starting to work on this theme, check with a classmate how much you know about it!

Definition of holiday and travel
What is the definition of 'holiday' and what is the definition of 'travel'?



Discuss with a partner:
How are holidays and travel related?
You know the difference between holidays and travel now.
How much more do you know about the two?

In the following exercise fill the gaps to find out.


Exercise:What do you need to know?

Exercise:What do you need to know?

To do

At the end of this theme you:

  • will have listened to people talking about travels and travelling;
  • will have read websites, conversations and texts about holidays and travel;
  • will have written a postcard in English;
  • will have asked for and given directions in English;
  • will have learned vocabulary related to holidays and travel;
  • will have repeated the present and past simple and learned about reflexive verbs;
  • will have learned more about tourism in the UK and in other English speaking countries.
  • will have planned a holiday by means of English (online) resources.

But you don't have to be able to do this right away!
If you take the following steps you'll find out what you need to know!

Work plan

Work plan
There are many exercises in each theme.
It is important to know - for you and your teacher - which exercises you have done and which exercises you haven't done.
To help you, there is a work plan.
On this work plan you can tick the exercises you've done and fill in the score.

Your teacher will hand out a printed version of this work plan.

Every lesson you will fill in your scores and at the end of the lesson you return the work plan to your teacher.


Ready with this lesson?

The last 5 minutes of every lesson ends with this item. Remind your teacher when it is 5 minutes before!!

  • Have you filled in your workplan yet?
  • Write down in your notebook what went right and what was difficult. Like this:
    • Date of the lesson and then something like:
    • Right: I understand everything that was explained
    • Difficult: I don't know everything there is to know about the Chromebook
  • Did you learn new words? If so, write them in your notebook, to learn at home. Like this:
    • In the back of your notebook fold a page: left side = English; right side = Dutch
  • Continue with Duolingo if you have done everything you had to do in the lesson.


For now:

  • Do you understand everything your teacher has told you?
  • Do you know the site Duolingo? If not, go to and see for yourself. It's quite easy.
    The site helps you to learn English at your own speed. You can earn things like in a game.


If you work hard enough during class, there will not be too much homework for English.

Homework and test dates will be put in Magister

But ofcourse you will have to study and learn words and grammar at home.

For the next lesson:

  • have a look at Duolingo
  • make sure that you have registered at - You are going to use this to learn your words and sentences.
  • make sure you know about Google Drive - sharing objects and things like that. Ask your mentor if you don't know.

Hope you had fun today!!

  • Het arrangement Holidays and travel - level 2 - lesson 1 is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    2015-08-20 10:05:34

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Holidays and travel - HV2
    HAVO 2;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    kaj munk college - 2t - 1516
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    Het volledige arrangement is in de onderstaande formaten te downloaden.



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    Oefeningen en toetsen

    What do you need to know?

    What do you need to know?

    IMSCC package

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