This unit you will learn about the structure and function of the parts of plants. The course will be quite different then we are used to. We will flip the classroom. This means we will do most of the learning at home and that we will work with the topics we have learned about at school. you can see this webpage is an extension on your, your biology, textbook.
structure of a plant
During this chapter we will generate 3 marks.
- Your dossier.
This will be a mark for all the drawings you make during class.
- Your test mark
At the end of the chapter a summarizing test will be done.
- A poster.
At the end of this chapter you will perform a research and you will create a poster which shows your results.
Durring this chapter we will work according to the schedule provided below. Durring the lessons in class no homework will be given. In class there will be checked if you still keep up with the schedule. Make shure you work prepare lessons according to this schedule .
Before you continue do read 2.2 out of your textbook.
root hairs
Root hairs
The root hairs are very delicate hairs at the end of the roots, which you can see in the picture above. Durring class we will study these with a magnifing glass and microscope. Through these roothairs a plant absorbs all the water and nutrients it needs. They are made of only one specialized cell which streches itselfs out throughout the soil (picture below).
root hair in soil
Growth of a root
The roots only grow in length at the roots tips. The part where the roots grows is divided in to tree parts. The zone of division, zone of elongation and zone of maturation.
- In the zone of division new cells are created. These cells are small and squared.
- In the zone of elongation these small squared cells stretch themselves out, creating long rectangular cells.
- In the zone of maturation these elongated cells specialize in a certain tasks. It is in this zone where root hairs are created.
The end the root tip is protected by a root cap. When the root grows this part is pushed through the soil. (See picture bellow)
growth of a root
Now watch the video supplied below, and read the text which is added closely. Do you notice what happens each time there is insufficient water?
Video growth of a root
When you have studied the page closely you can continue with the exercise (you can start it by pressing start below the pictures), which consists of 3 questions. You can also work on exersize 6 in your workbook now.
Oefening: exercise 2.2
During the animation Dutch vocabulary is used. Try to link the Dutch vocabulary to the English vocabulary of your textbook
look through the prezi and study it carefully. After you have done this you can continue with the excersize
Prezi Stem
exersise 2.3
Study 2.3 of your textbook and the prezi which is added at the top of this page.
After that you can do excersise 9 and 11 from your workbook and the test on this page
Oefening: test 2.3 stem
There are two web links on this page the link Leaves shows the basics of the leaves and the link leaves in depth is more complicated. First make sure you understand the first link before you go on to the second. Also these links are in Dutch and you should now the morphology both in Dutch and in English so it is best if you use your book while watching the animations, so you can look at the English names simultaneously.
leaves in depth
In the margin to the right you see two leaves. Your objective is to use the determine webtool in the link below to determine which tree these leaves are of. Write the names of these trees in your workbook so your teacher can check in class. You are also allowed to pick two leaves outside and try to determine these. Note: you have to bring these leaves to class with you so your teacher can check.
determine trees by there leaves
Leaf 1
Leaf 2
The preparation for next lesson is watching the screencast. It is divided into 2 parts due to the length of the video. The first part takes 10 minutes And the second part takes 7 minutes.
When you still have questions after watching this video you can use the links below for extra information.
photosynthesis song
photosynthesis explained
During class you have often times heard that you will have to do some research about plants. We will do this in groups of 4 and produce 1 poster per group. In class we will set up the experiment, but the poster should be produced in your own time. You can use google drive to work together when you live far apart from each other so you can work simultaneous in the same file. If you don’t know how to use google drive then watch the link with the video below.
The posters will be shared on our biology what’s app group. Everyone will grade each other’s poster. The best poster will be printed and hung in the biology classroom.
When you have not thought of a subject jet you may pick one of the following subjects.
Subject one.
You have heard that plants produce oxygen, but should you believe anything you are told? In this project you can prove that this is true. Your teacher can provide you a method on how you can prove this.
Subject two.
You are told that plants produce oxygen when they are green, but a seed of a brown bean is not. What does a bean produce during germination? Your teacher can provide you a method on how you can determine this.
Subject three.
How does fertiliser, sunlight or any other variable influence plant growth.
how to use google drive