Music Maestro!

Music Maestro!

Music Maestro!

Aan de slag met muziek en Engels!

Om de opdracht zo goed mogelijk te laten verlopen volg je het menu aan de linkerkant van het scherm. Je gaat van boven naar beneden en niet door elkaar heen. Het is wel handig om even bij de 5e stap te kijken voordat je begint met de opdracht zodat je weet waar de juf of meester op gaat letten als hij/zij je opdracht nakijkt. Deze opdracht gaat verder in het Engels, dus zet je schrap en laat je leiden door een bekend artiest...


Have fun.


Step 1: Hello there!

Hi, my name is Robbie Williams and I'm a famous and very handsome singer from England. Perhaps you recognize me from my picture on your right. But that's not why I came here today.
Today I'm going to teach you something about music. Music is made for a purpose. Music can be for lovers who want to show how much they love each other. Music can be made when something sad has happend to you, like when your cat died or when you lost your phone.  But it can also be made for attention, like the tsunami in Japan. With the money raised with the song, they donated it to the charity 'The Red Cross' so they could help victims.
Well, think about a English song that is special to you. Which, made you happy or sad or in love. Yeah, Robbie knows everything! ;) Perhaps you have other memories to a song.  Sometimes when I hear a melody of a song, I can hear what it's about. Listen to the songs beneath and find out which is a happy song, a sad song or a love song.
Have fun!
Love, Robbie.

Step 2: A little more music.

Did you listen to the songs? Allright, the answers were: 
1. Happy song
2. Love song
3. Sad song

Did you get them right? Very good! 
Okay, moving on. On the previous step, you've thought about the different meanings of music and which song is special to you. When a artist starts writing a song, he/she has a theme in their head. He/she has come up with a subject and divide it in couplets and refrains. He/she also thought about a melody and made a design for the CD. 
So, what has this to do with you? Well, you're going to find out how your special song is divided and what the artist meant with it.
After that you're going to make your own song with your own lyrics. I want you to think like a real songwriter, get into that vibe of what it's like to be one. You dont have to make your own melody. You can just 'borrow' one from an existing song. 

Do you still want to do this? I thought that 30 years ago and I still want to be a singer and songwriter. But this is not about me... This is about you, are you ready for this?!




Step 3: What to do?

Welcome to step 3

What to do? In this step I’m going to explain to you what I want you to do. I’ve made  steps for you to make it easier.  Investigate your special song and eventually you will have your own song. Let’s begin.

What do you need?
-  A computer
-  Headphones
-  A Word document
-  The resources in step 4.

First thing to do:

You are going on a investigation. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it!
You need to know what your special song is about. Look it up on the internet and listen to it multiple times. Make a Word document to type your answers. Don’t copy it from Google or anything. Your teacher will notice it, he or she is  smarter than you think. ;)

You have to find out:
- The artist

  • Who is it?
  • How old is he/she?
  • Where does he/she live?

- The title of the song

  • When (in which year) is the song made?
  • Who wrote the song?
  • Does it has a number one notation?

- Which part of the song is a couplet and a refrain

  • Colour the refrains red and why do you think it’s the refrain?
  • Translate the refrain.
  • Colour the couplets yellow and translate it. 
  • How many times does the artist sings the refrain and how many couplets are there in the song?
  • Are there any other things in the song? Perhaps a guitar solo or a bridge.

- Meaning

  • What does the artist mean with the lyrics?
  • Is it a sad song or something else?

- You

  • Why did you pick this song?
  • How come it is so special to you?
  • Did you know what the song was about or is it different from what you thought? 
  • Do you have more songs which are important to you? Write the title and artist down.


Second thing to do:

Now you’re going to make a story in English of all the answers you’ve found on the internet. See it as a presentation of your artist and lyrics. You can type it in Word on a new page. And no, you’re not done when you just wrote down the answers, I want at least 25 lines. And make chapters so you don’t get confused. The title of a chapter DOESN'T count as a line. Good luck!


Third thing to do:

Allright, now you know what you’re special song is about and who sings it. You also know some things about the artist and you have translate the lyrics. You can separate the couplets from the refrains and know what makes a refrain, a refrain.
Right now, you are going to write your own song. Type it on a new page of your Word document. There’s a format for writing a song:

Intro - couplet - refrain - couplet - refrain - bridge - refrain - refrain – outro

You have to think about a theme, a subject. What would you like to sing about? Why would you like to sing about that? You can pick a melody of an existing song and search on Youtube. You just take the song you want to use and type behind the artist and title ‘karaoke’. You’ll get the karaoke version of the song and you can adjust your lyrics to the melody. You can also look at other lyrics for inspiration. Don't copy it, else it won't be YOUR song but just an other version of some else's song. For tips just look at step 4 for information and movie clips.


Fourth thing to do:

Type your song in a Word document and ask your teacher to print it out. Practice alone or with a friend. If you dare, you can perform it in class. If you don’t dare to perform in class. Hand in your assignment at your teacher and make an appointment with him or her so you can talk about your own song. If you're done with the assignment, you can also make a CD cover that fits with your song.


You can do it!

Step 4: To help you out...

To help you a little bit, I've searched for some sites to help you out. 

For writing your song you can use:

If you don't understand a word or sentence, just put it in google Translate:



I almost forgot, I also found some video's to help you make the song with the melody. They give good information and it really is fun to watch. I hope you make a good song! 

How to write a song: Step 1

How to write a song: Step 2

How to write a song: Step 3

How to write a song: Step 4

How to write a song: Step 5

Step 5: Grades.








Vragen beantwoord.


Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord in het Nederlands. De grammatica moet kloppen.

Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord in het Engels. De grammatica hoeft niet helemaal te kloppen.

Je hebt alle vragen beantwoord in het Engels. De grammatica hoeft niet helemaal te kloppen.

Presentatie van de artiest en jouw liedje.

Je hebt maar 20 van de 25 zinnen en ze zijn in het Nederlands. De grammatica moet kloppen.

Je hebt 25 zinnen in het Engels geschreven over jouw liedje. De grammatica hoeft niet helemaal te kloppen.

Je hebt 30 of meer zinnen geschreven in het Engels over jouw liedje. De grammatica hoeft niet helemaal te kloppen.

Gekopieerde teksten van internet. Er worden kant en klare teksten van internet gevonden. Er worden geen teksten van internet gevonden. Er worden geen teksten van internet gevonden.
Liedje maken. Het lied is gemaakt volgens de indeling maar mist 1 onderdeel. Het lied is gemaakt volgens de indeling en mist geen onderdelen. Het lied is gemaakt volgens de indeling en mist geen onderdelen. Er is een extra couplet toegevoegt aan het lied.
Afspraak maken of presenteren. De opdracht is ingeleverd en er is geen afspraak of presentatie gegeven. Er is een afspraak gemaakt met de leerkracht. Er is een afspraak gemaakt met de leerkracht.


Hierboven staan de beoordelingsaspecten voor jullie eindresultaat. 



Step 6: You´re done.

Pff, you’re done with this assignment. You now know how to write a song and what aspects you need to think about. You looked on the internet for information about the song that’s special to you and learned what is really is about. You know the reason of writing and all things about the artist. Do you still like the song you’ve chosen?

You have made a song according to some steps and found the information you needed. You know how to build a song from the melody to the lyrics. You also know the important things what makes a song good and you have made your own song! Not many people can say that!

I’m really proud of you for making a beautiful song! If I need someone to write me a song, can I call you? Well, I’m leaving now. Have a nice day!

Love, Robbie Williams 

Step 7: Just for teachers.


Music Maestro!


Maak een Engelstalig liedje.


De leerlingen leren hoe ze gericht (via stappenplan) tot een eindresultaat kunnen komen.
De leerlingen leren hoe ze met behulp van internet naar informatie kunnen zoeken.
De leerlingen kunnen informatie verwerken en hier uiteindelijk een eindproduct mee maken die aan de eisen voldoet.


Basisschool/Middelbare school


8/VMBO klas 1+2


Engels en muziek.


Een zelf gemaakt Engelstalig liedje volgens een bepaalde opbouw en een beschouwing van een zelf uitgekozen liedje wat voor de leerling speciaal is.

Gemaakt door   

Dewy Wolffensperger


  • Het arrangement Music Maestro! is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

    Dewy Wolffensperger Je moet eerst inloggen om feedback aan de auteur te kunnen geven.
    Laatst gewijzigd
    2014-08-19 21:28:50

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederlands licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Een Webquest over muziek en de betekenis ervan. Bovendien ga je zelf een liedje schrijven en daar een melodie aan geven.
    VMBO basisberoepsgerichte leerweg, 1; VMBO theoretische leerweg, 1; HAVO 1; VMBO gemengde leerweg, 1; PO groep 8; PO groep 7;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur; Muziek;
    1 uur en 0 minuten


    Bron Type
    How to write a song: Step 1
    How to write a song: Step 2
    How to write a song: Step 3
    How to write a song: Step 4
    How to write a song: Step 5

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    I-coach team Nova College. (2011).


    Team Wikiwijs. (z.d.).

    Sjabloon Webquest

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