Modules Chemistry and Biology SABA


Pea soup

You can get ciguatera poisoning from the waters around the Caribbean.
Have you ever had ciguatera poisoning?
How does the toxin enter the human body?
Why is ciguatera dangerous?
Toxins produced by living organisms also cause problems in the Netherlands.

This module focuses on the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on ecosystems. 
We also look at food chains in different ecosystems.
Good luck!

Module:  Pea Soup

You can also download this module as a word document: Pea Soup.doc

How did I get this?

This module focuses on the different genetic disorders that can be detected during or directly after birth.
You will investigate the causes and effects of one genetic disorder that can be detected using the heel prick test.

Good luck!

Module: How did I get this?

You can also download this module as a word document: How did I get this.doc

Too much of a good thing!

What are the similarities between red lionfish and fallow deer?
Both animals certainly cause problems.
How are they a nuisance? 

Should humans intervene in order to reduce the populations of lionfish and fallow deer?
Which control measures are available and are they effective?

You will formed your own opinion about the issue.

Good luck! 

Module: Too much of a good thing!

You can also download this module as a word document: Too much of a good thing.doc

New species

What proof is used by scientists to classify organisms into different species?
Which characteristics suggest that species are related?

How do scientists construct a phylogenetic tree?
These are the topics discussed in this module.
In this module you will study construct a phylogenetic tree lizards of the genus Anolis that are found on the Greater Antilles.

Good luck! 

Module: New species

You can also download this module as a word document: New species.doc



This module is about equilibria.
On the basis of chemistry experiments you will use reasoning to ascertain whether a chemical reaction is in equilibrium. You will also learn how the position of the equilibrium can be influenced.

  • How are acids and bases represented in the clip?
  • Give two examples of an acid and two of a base.
  • What happens when acids and bases are combined?
  • What is the difference between a strong acid and a weak one?
  • What is pH?
  • Give two examples of why the pH is important in the human body.
  • How is the pH kept constant in the body?

Module: Equilibrium

You can also download this module as a word document: Equilibrium.doc

Green Chemistry

In the past ten to twenty years there has been a new development in the chemical industry: Green Chemistry.

Green Chemistry is a fundamental concept for making chemicals as sustainably as possible. 
The central idea is that as few harmful materials as possible should be produced and used in chemical processes.

In this module you will make a recommendation. You will give advice on the best way for a nearby chemical plant to make a particular product.The product can be prepared using two production routes. Which way is ‘the greenest’?

Module: Green Chemistry

You can also download this module as a word document: Green Chemistry.doc

How can we eat healthily

Eating. We do it every day.
Some days a bit more healthily than others. 
What substances are actually in all that food that we consume?
And what does our body need those substances for?
What happens in our body when we consume too much or too little of those substances?
Are some low-fat margarines really better for the cardiovascular system? Are we doing our intestines a favour by eating a tub of yoghurt containing probiotics every day? And what about all those ‘light’ products that are on the market today? In short: how can we eat healthily?

Module: How can we eat healthily?

You can also download this module as a word document: How can we eat healthily.doc

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    Deze Engelstalige modules zijn ontwikkeld voor de leerlingen van 'the Caribbean' die de overstap willen maken naar een HBO in Nederland.

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    Team VO-content. (2016).

    Modules Scheikunde en Biologie SABA

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