Webquest - English Speaking Countries

Webquest - English Speaking Countries

English Speaking Countries

1. Introduction



English is spoken all over the world, not just in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. Did you know English is also an official language in countries like Barbados, Botswana, Canada, New Zealand, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, Pakistan, South Africa and many others? In this web quest you will find out more about these countries.



2. Task


For this task, you will work in groups of three or four. Each group will choose one English Speaking Country (see process). You will find out more information about this country and make a travelling brochure in Powerpoint to convince your fellow pupils to take a holiday there.

3. Process


TIP: If you are unsure of the meaning of a word, you can consult an online dictionary, such as Longman Online Dictionary or Google Translate.


Step 1

Each pair will work around one English Speaking Country. You will pick a country from the following list.

  • Australia
  • The Bahamas
  • Bermuda
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • Jamaica
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • The United Kingdom
  • The United States of America


Step 2

It’s time to explore the world wide web and get information about the country of your choice. While reading, take notes and save pictures that will come in handy when designing your brochure.

You will need the following information for your brochure:

  • Main attractions, must-see places, major cities;
  • A map to situate your country;
  • Languages (perhaps English isn’t the only language that is spoken in your country);
  • Currency (what kind of money do travellers need to take?);
  • Weather;
  • Food;
  • Accommodation (hotels, campsites, youth hostels, etc.)
  • Anything else that will convince people to visit the country.


 Step 3

Now that you’ve got all the information you need, you can start creating your brochure! Make a beautiful brochure that will encourage people to visit your country. You create this brochure in Powerpoint.

When you have finished, send your Powerpoint to your teacher.






4. Sources

The following websites give you a place to start looking for information. You can look at other websites as well.






    • Zorg ervoor dat je op tijd je document opslaat, zodat het niet verloren kan gaan.
    • Maak gebruik van de opmaakmogelijkheden, gebruik bijvoorbeeld voor een opsomming opsommingstekens en zet alles in een lijstje.
    • Om afbeeldingen of tekst van internet te kopiëren in Word kan je ook sneltoetsen gebruiken: druk de CTRL-toets samen met de C-toets in voor te kopiëren en voor te plakken doe je CTRL en V.


5. Evaluation



Criteria1 point2 points3 points
Attitude The pupil doesn’t work on the task. He/she browses irrelevant websites. He/she disturbs the rest of the class. The pupil works on the task, but occasionally gets distracted. The pupil looks at websites unrelated to the task (e.g. facebook). The pupil works on the task without disturbing other members of the class and only visits relevant websites.
Cooperation The pupil doesn’t work well with his/her partners. He/she argues with their partners or does not consult them. The pupil works with his/her partners, but has difficulties compromising. The pupil works well with his/her partners and compromises when needed.
Respect for materials The pupil does not respect the computer. He/she breaks it. The pupil doesn’t intentionally break anything, but sometimes handles materials carelessly. The pupil respects the materials and handles them carefully.



Criteria1 point2 points3 points
Contents The brochure is incomplete, a lot of information is missing. A lot of incorrect information is given. Some information is missing, the contents is almost complete. Some information given is incorrect. All the required information is included. All information given is correct.
Written language There are a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes in the brochure. There are large spelling or grammar mistakes in the brochure. There are some spelling or grammar mistakes in the brochure. There are small spelling or grammar mistakes in the brochure. There are no spelling or grammar mistakes in the brochure.
Lay-out The brochure presentation is very basic, without a clear structure. There are no pictures in the brochure. The brochure presentation has a structure, but this could be clearer. There are some pictures in the brochure. The brochure is neat and has a clear structure. There are pictures in the brochure.

6. Conclusion




How did you divide the tasks? 

Mention two things that went well and two things that didn't go well.

Mention two things you liked about doing this webquest.

Mention two things you didn't like about doing this webquest.


Take a look at the Powerpoint brochures that your classmates created. Which country/countries would you like to visit and why?



7. Teacher's Page

Level: first/second years theoretisch, havo, vwo

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