Trips naar UK

Trips naar UK


  • Onderwerp
    trips naar UK
  • Schooltype
  • Doelgroep
    Niveau 3 & 4
  • Vakgebieden
    Moderne vreemde talen
  • Aantal personen
    1 leerling
  • Totale tijd
    5 tot 10 klokuren

Recently you have been to London and you really enjoyed your stay there. You realize that there is still a lot to be seen and not just in London. You have been telling your friends and family such enthousiastic things about your trip that they are considering going to the United Kingdom for a holiday or a short trip. They want you to give suggestions for a nice holiday.All these people have different wishes and budgets. Of course you can't send all these people to the same destination. It's your job to organize a great,interesting and suitable holiday for all these people. Because you can't do all of this on your own, you ask your friends to help you find suitable holiday destinations.

1. Inleiding


Recently you have been to London and you really enjoyed your stay there. You realize that there is still a lot to be seen and not just in London. You have been telling your friends and family such enthousiastic things about your trip that they are considering going to the United Kingdom for a holiday or a short trip. They want you to give suggestions for a nice holiday.

The people who want your advice are quite diverge. Couples, people of your parents' age, your neighbours with their two children, but also your granddad Dick (67) and grandma Hillie (66). Even your brother and his friends are interested in going on holiday to England. You would also like to go to England again with your friends.

All these people have different wishes and budgets. Of course you can't send all these people to the same destination.

Your brother Bart (20) and his friends prefer a sporty holiday with enough physical challenge. Your granddad Dick en grandma Hillie would like to go to a seaside resort and would really like to see the boat of their favorite t.v.-serie The Onedin Line (in the seventies). Apparently the environment were this boat can be seen is very attractive.

Patrick (your dad) loves gardening and would really like to see several (castle) gardens. Michelle (your mum) doesn't mind accompanying him on these visits but she also wants to do a bit of shopping or having a cup of tea on a nice terrace. Most of all she would like to take her dog Jackie on holiday. She wonders if this is possible.

Some other members of your family really want to dig into the British culture. Uncle Evert is a history teacher and is very interested in museums, historical places and places with cultural heritage. His daughter Maryse is considering going to Oxford or Cambridge for a year. She wants to experience the student life and find out about the possibilities for foreign students.

Theo and Thea are your neighbours and they have two children, a son (Goof) of 12 years old and a daughter Fleur who is 14 years old. Theo and Thea want to travel around. Goof has a fascination for Robin Hood and King Arthur. Their eldest Fleur is totally into music of the sixties and seventies, she very much likes the Beatles. Theo and Theo also love music of the sixties and seventies and collect original items of these years.

Mark is your colleague at Albert Heijn. He wants to surprise his dad for his fiftieth birthday with very special present. He wants to take his dad on a trip to an English football match. Preferably a trip including a tour in a stadium and a match. He can't take too much time of his work.

You really want to go to Scotland with some friends : Does "Nessie" really exist?

It's your job to organize a great,interesting and suitable holiday for all these people. Because you can't do all of this on your own, you ask your friends to help you find suitable holiday destinations.


2. Taak


You choose a trip from the list mentioned at 'Werkwijze' . You have to consult your teacher. You look into the subject you have choosen, for example a castle trip. You will write down for whom this is a suitable destination.

There is a list with travel groups. For each group there is a different budget. Sometimes you can determine the budget yourself.

You will make plans for a completely planned trip. You will select accommodation, transport, tips for sightseeing, and everything else that is of interest or important. The information you have selected has to be presented in a PowerPoint to your parents at the meeting (March 14th). The information has to be attractive, informative, clarifying and suitable for the target group. The presented information will be collected in a travel guide.Final products:

* PowerPoint presentation (5 minutes)

* 2 pages (A4) written information in English with text, photos, travel information, day- or week programme. Not just very big pictures but also good informative and useful information. Attractive, clarifying information.

* overview of weekly "Hyves krabbels" in English

* photobook of your trip


3. Werkwijze

STEPS .....

Step 1

Make a choice out of the list with ideas for trips at the bottom of this page, for example castle tour. You wil consult your teacher. 

Step 2

Try to think for which kind of people this could be a suitable destination. Notify there might more groups for whom this is applicable. Make a note of this and motivate your choice. Write it and file it digital.

Step 3

Read the paper / file with the information on the travel groups. This paper gives you descriptions on several groups of people. Things like the age, interests, budget, their wishes, the desired means of transport or accommodation, duration of their holiday etc. Make a choice for which group you are going to organize a holiday or trip. You will also consult your teacher so everybody will work on a different assignment.

Start a word document and put your name and choice at the top of the document. Next acitivity is making a word web that has to do with your choice. This will also be noted on the document and shown to your teacher. File it .


Step 4

Give a budget, travel plan and maybe a suggestion for a daytrip or a weeks programme. Present tips about interesting place to go to or to see and tell something about it. Mention where abouts it is (for instance a museum) and also prices, opening hours, etc. Think about making reservations for a musical but also for a boat trip . Offer alternatives for instance : you can travel by boat but you can also fly to ..... 

You will work out a detailed trip or holiday. You will give information on the accommodation, transport and how much it will cost. You will mention possible extra facilities (for instance babysitter,  childrens programme).

You will present this information (in a Powerpoint) to your parents. You will also present it as pages of a travel guide with tips and suggestions for a nice holiday or trip to the The United Kingdom. You have to fit your texts, pictures,travel information, tips etd. on about 2 or 3 pages (A4)  Don't just use big pictures but also suitable information and suggestions.  The lay-out has to be attractive,  clarifying, informative and appealing and must be presented in such a manner that it can be processed in a travel guide. You will do this in PUBLISHER.

Step 5

Explain your choice. You probably had to make a choice out of several options.  Why did you or didn't you choose certain items. Write this in at least 75 words and file it.

Step 6

Make a short powerpoint presentation of about 5 minutes. You will present this for your parents at the parents meeting and possibly for others like teachers or fellow students. 

Step 7

The collected information of all students will be presented in an attractive, informative and appealing travel guide with tips and suggestions for a nice holiday or trip to the The United Kingdom.

Step 8

After your (imaginary) trip or holiday you will make a photo book of at least 4 pages with a minimum of 12 photos of your holiday. You will write short texts that match with the pictures about where you have been and what else you can write about them. (at least 4 lines for every photo, as well in English as in Dutch)

We are sure you will be able to find enough photos that are made at of tourists all over Great Brittain on the internet. Or maybe you have really been there yourself.  (funny pictures are also permitted, but you will have to tell something about it , make it up!). Your photo book should show clearly where you have been and what you have done and whether or not is was a nice holiday.

Step 9

Every week you will leave a message (krabbel) in English on the Hyves "Engels at ROCA12" and on Facebook in English about the activities you have done that week. You will write these messages like it's a message to an English friend. You will tell her or him what you are doing. Make it interesting/ fun / .... so don't simply list your activities. 

Your English teacher will check your contribution every week. Minimum of 20 lines.

 IDEAS for special trips with a specific theme.

* Historical & Heritage Tours 

* famous rock stars, singers and bands (places they lived, played, etc.)


* Castle tour ( a tour seeing as much castles as you can)


* sporty holiday (mountain climbing, canoeing, walking, etc. ) for instance Scotland, Wales, Isle of Man

* Robin Hood or King Arthur tour

* famous gardens

* Oxford & Cambridge

* Scotland ( Loch Ness, hills, castles, highland games, bagpipes , etc.)


* Lake district

* more about moors

* famous cities at the seaside

* criminal tour (Jack the Ripper, Sherlock Holmes)

* London is the place for me (shopping, musical, night life)

* the Royals


* famous tv and film spots (and bbc studios)

* football wedstrijd inclusief rondleiding stadion en/of stad.


* Island hopping (Jersey, Guernsey, isle of Man)

* Irish Pub & folk tour

* ..... (what you can think of yourself)


4. Bronnen

5. Beoordeling


* Presentation will be valued (toevoegen beoordeling)

* Information will be valued on :

- budget

- suitable for travel group

- cutting and pasting or your own text

- appealing

- English




Ruim voldoende


Inhoud product

- Kant en klaar reis geknipt en geplakt van bestaande site.

-  Niet gekeken naar passend voor doelgroep.

1 pt

Alles wel  vermeld, maar minimaal. Teksten vaak geplakt.




2 / 3 ptn

* Goed afgestemd op doelgroep .

* reisinfo : benodigde gegevens goed en duidelijk uitgezocht


3 / 4 ptn

De aangeboden gegevens zijn zeer goed op de doelgroep afgestemd. Het is zelfs bruikbaar als iemand dit wil doen. (bijv. boekingsites vermeld, alternatieven etc.)


5 ptn

Lay-out product

Weinig aansprekend, geen tot weinig gebruik van plaatjes. Niet overzichtelijk en onduidelijk

1 pt

Alles wel vermeld, maar weinig aansprekend.

Teksten vaak geplakt.



2 / 3 ptn

Het is overzichtelijk. Ruim voldoende informatieve teksten / plaatjes, etc. Teksten zelf bewerkt.


3 / 4 ptn

Het is een zeer duidelijke aansprekende lay-out. Goed over nagedacht.

Goed gebruik van logo’s, plaatjes, teksten passend.

4 ptn


Veel spelfouten en grammaticale fouten, echt storend

1 pt

Regelmatig spel en grammaticale fouten, soms storend.

2 / 3 ptn

Enkele spel- en grammaticale fouten, niet storend

3  / 4ptn

Passend taalgebruik voor de opdracht, geen tot weinig taalfouten (spelling / grammar)

5 ptn


Niet origineel


Weinig origineel

2 / 3 ptn

Originele elementen

3 / 4ptn

Creatief in elkaar gezet

4 ptn

Op tijd ingeleverd

Niet op tijd ingeleverd

0 pt


Op tijd

2 ptn

Op tijd

2 ptn

Op tijd

2 ptn

Totaal te behalen punten is 20.

* krabbels on Hyves: frequency, English and contents (does this correspond with assignment?)

* photo book;

- suitable photographs with matching interesting texts (Keep in mind this is a supposed to be your own photobook)


- appealing ,creative and suitable texts (in proper English)


6. Terugblik


Student will learn how to look for relevant information for the various destinations .

Student is able to choose suitable trips for various travelers.

Student will learn to work with a budget.

Student knows how to present this in an attractive way both orally (presentation) as physically (on paper)

Students knows how to write informally with an English friend.


7. Docentpagina

Teacher page

In this particular case our students had really been to London shortly before doing this assignment and had to prepare several things for that trip.

This project / web quest is a follow up on the first project and will ask more of their skills. For instance to know how they have to find suitable trips and information for different kinds of groups and they will have to work with a budget.

Also we want them to know more about the UK than just a few things you can do and see in London.

This assignment will increase their knowledge about "Great Britain".

The assignment is written for students doing a vocational training for personal assistent or in the travelling business.


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    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    Recently you have been to London and you really enjoyed your stay there. You realize that there is still a lot to be seen and not just in London. You have been telling your friends and family such enthousiastic things about your trip that they are considering going to the United Kingdom for a holiday or a short trip. They want you to give suggestions for a nice holiday.All these people have different wishes and budgets. Of course you can't send all these people to the same destination. It's your job to organize a great,interesting and suitable holiday for all these people. Because you can't do all of this on your own, you ask your friends to help you find suitable holiday destinations.
    MBO, Niveau 3: Vakopleiding; MBO, Niveau 4: Middenkaderopleiding; MBO;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur;
    0 uur en 50 minuten
    trips naar uk

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