Create a Sport

Create a Sport


  • Onderwerp
    English and P.E.
  • Schooltype
    VO (havo/vwo)
  • Doelgroep
    Klas 3 & 4
  • Vakgebieden
  • Aantal personen
    4 leerlingen
  • Totale tijd
    5 tot 10 klokuren

Welcome at the Create A Sport Webquest. This webquest is build for students in year 3 of HAVO/VWO. Hopefully you will thoroughly enjoy creating your own sport.


1. Inleiding

General Introduction
De komende tijd gaan jullie werken aan Webquest - Create A Sport. Onderdeel van deze webquest is de hieronder genoemde task, maar ook een wordlist. Hier krijgen jullie een overhoring over. Om de wordlist te bekijken druk dan hier.

Task Introduction
A television program is having a contest for high school students to develop a new sport with materials that you can find in your school's gym. You and your group enter this contest and are going to create a new sport. Your objective is to come up with a new sport that can actually be played - think of the rules, think of the attributes you need for the sport, etc. - The TV network station has asked for you to make a 3 to 6 minute instructional video of your new sport, in which you explain everything needed to play. So your challenge is to create a new sport and make an instructional video. The sport that wins will be played and broadcasted on the TV network!?

2. Taak

1. Make a collage about an already existing sport popular in Britain, the United States, Canada or Australia.

2. Research the possibilities for- and actually create your own sport with materials from the school's gym.

3. Create and present an instructional video explaining every aspect of your new sport.?

3. Werkwijze

In order to come to a final product you have to follow these steps. Start with part 1 step 1 and continue to the final step. During the steps you are going to keep a log. Write down who did what when.

Part 1
Step 1: Start in your own group of 4. Assign each member of your group one of these four tasks: "Materials-keeper", "Time-keeper", "Process-keeper", "Ambiance-keeper". Click here to view the task descriptions.

Step 2: Ask your teacher for the texts on sports. You will be given a few texts, written in different tenses (remember present simple, present continuous, etc.). You will read each text carefully and write down in which tense it is written and how you can see this.

Step 3: Do research with your group about existing sports from Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia. Make a list of 5 popular sports. For help look at the sources.

Step 4: Come to a decision with your group about which popular sport you will use for your collage. Click here to see what should be on your collage.
Every sport can only be used in one group. First come, first serve.

Step 5: Look in (English) magazines and/or look on (English) web pages for information you can use for your collage. Collect pictures and texts you can use for your collage and print them out. Click here for sources.

Step 6: Together with the rest of the class you are going to present your own collage. One person will stay at your group (you and your mates have to decide who that will be) and talk about the sport your group has chosen and the others are going to walk around and look at the other collages.

Part 2
Step 7: Work in the same group of Part 1.

Step 8: Ask your teacher for the grammar assignment of last period. You will receive the grammar assignment completed by one of your class mates. Your task is to correct the mistakes. First you need to find the mistakes and than you will state why it was not the correct answer.

Step 9: Find out which materials your gym has that can be used for your own sport.

Step 10: Create your own sport. Think of rules, materials, etc. The instructional video you are going to make can only be 3 to 6 minutes, so make sure you can explain every aspect of your sport within that time span. To see a list of criteria for your sport click here .

Step 11:
Make an instructional video of your own sport. Be sure to include anything you need for it. To see a list of criteria for your sport click here .

Step 12: Show your instructional video in class and hand in the written instructions for your sport.?

4. Bronnen

Search engines:



 Lists of popular sports per country:

       United Kingdom


       United States





       - ?

5. Beoordeling

Hieronder zie je de beoordelingsmodellen van collage en de instructional video/geschreven deel van je sport. Alles is in de vorm van een groepscijfer. Je kunt 20 punten voor de collage en 70 punten voor je eigen sport krijgen, 90 punten totaal dus. Je hebt 63 punten nodig voor een 6.

Collage evaluatie:

Evaluatie van de sport en 'instructional video'


6. Terugblik

Je gaat nu kort terugblikken op de afgelopen weken. Schrijf een korte reflectie (in het Nederlands) waarin je antwoord geeft op de vragen: Wat zijn de belangrijkste punten die je hebt geleerd? Hoe ging het samenwerken in een groep? Zou je de volgende keer weer op dezelfde manier te werk gaan? Wat vond je leuk of minder leuk aan deze opdracht?

7. Docentpagina

Hier vind u de uitleg hoe Leren in Vijf Dimensies van Robert Marzano is verwerkt.

Hier vind u de docentenpagina.

  • Het arrangement Create a Sport is gemaakt met Wikiwijs van Kennisnet. Wikiwijs is hét onderwijsplatform waar je leermiddelen zoekt, maakt en deelt.

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    Laatst gewijzigd
    2018-06-12 14:10:27

    Dit lesmateriaal is gepubliceerd onder de Creative Commons Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederlands licentie. Dit houdt in dat je onder de voorwaarde van naamsvermelding vrij bent om:

    • het werk te delen - te kopiëren, te verspreiden en door te geven via elk medium of bestandsformaat
    • het werk te bewerken - te remixen, te veranderen en afgeleide werken te maken
    • voor alle doeleinden, inclusief commerciële doeleinden.

    Meer informatie over de CC Naamsvermelding 3.0 Nederland licentie.

    Aanvullende informatie over dit lesmateriaal

    Van dit lesmateriaal is de volgende aanvullende informatie beschikbaar:

    A television program is having a contest for high school students to develop a new sport with materials that you can find in your school's gym. You and your group enter this contest and are going to create a new sport. Your objective is to come up with a new sport that can actually be played - think of the rules, think of the attributes you need for the sport, etc. - The TV network station has asked for you to make a 3 to 6 minute instructional video of your new sport, in which you explain everything needed to play. So your challenge is to create a new sport and make an instructional video. The sport that wins will be played and broadcasted on the TV network!?
    HAVO 4; HAVO; VWO; HAVO 3; VWO 3; VWO 4;
    Leerinhoud en doelen
    Engelse taal en cultuur;
    0 uur en 50 minuten
    create a sport

    Gebruikte Wikiwijs Arrangementen

    Team Wikiwijs. (z.d.).

    Sjabloon Webquest

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